My Stuff
Thank you all for the inputs. I have resolved this issue.
Please refer the below screenshot. I haven't find the tax code, even after changing the form.
I used MB, Canada Nexus for override and in the accounting tab, all I can see is gross profit and currency details. Before, overriding the nexus, tax item and tax rate are with California tax. Now, these two fields are not showing up on SO#.
Hello @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle When I change the Shipping address by override Nexus, the tax field under taxable items is no longer available. Do you have any idea about this? Thank you!
Thank you @Angela Bayliss Gradually, we are phasing out transactions with the old subsidiary and plan to deactivate it by the end of the current month. I have completed all necessary steps except for merging customers and vendors. To ensure inventory availability across all subsidiaries, I have enabled the inclusion of…
This process resolved the issue. Thank you!
Thank you @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle . I was able to change the shipping address by adding overriding the nexus as parameter in URL.
The subsidiary location is USA and the shipping address is MB, Canada. I can see the MB, Canada on the Nexus tab of subsidiary page.