My Stuff
Could you tell me a bit more about that solution ? How this could be mixed with a Rest application ? Do I need to create some sort of sripting on server side and call it with the rest API ? Or can the script be ran directly on the mobile ? Also I didn't find where to look for defects. Is there a search engine to search for…
Hello, I don't think the previous comment answered my request, and I am still interesting in finding a solution. I need my company to sell a product represented by "Item 1" for the customer, but to use "Item 2" as a dropshiped item for the supplier. Do you think something like that is possible without custom scripts ?
Thank you for your answer. The error is not very clear, but the issue seemed to be that the address was incorrect. I could go further by updating the address to a valid one. Not sure because I tried many things. However, I have another issue in the intercompany sales order. Indeed my subsidiary 1 uses an Item1 while my…
Thank you for your answer. The application is intended to be on Android phone. SOAP is not really a solution then, since it will required a whole development not planned initially. Moreover, the idea here is not to create invoice, but item fulfillment for pick/pack and ship. Do you know what API I could use to create my…
Hello. Do you have any update ? I am stucked and cannot go further until I get this fulfillment done. Thanks a lot