My Stuff
NOt sure how much built-in field resetting there is in the API, but if there's nothing nice and easy like that, you can loop through all the input fields in the document and reset them with plain ol' javascript rather than suitescript APIs in the worst case :) There's always a way - so the question becomes, in software…
Also check configuration, Field default/sourcing, and User Event Scripts.
We're having similar problems. We haven't figured them out yet, unfortunately.
I think you can add Criteria to your Sync so it filters Closed cases out, much like a Saved Search.
I would like to know this too
If you navigate to a different NetSuite domain than the one you're currently logged into (which is the situation it sounds like you're describing), then you don't have an active login session on that target netsuite site, so you have to log in again. Logging into a different netsuite domain (for example if you are logged…
I don't know the best way to do this, but one option you might consider is to generate the HTML for the emails yourself, which will allow you full control over the content and presentation. There should be a simpler way, though, so I hope you can find that instead.
Your formula skills far outmatch mine. however, my first thing I would check is the call.status comparison. I ran nlapiLookupField() on one of our 'phonecall' records. When I used it to get the Value, it came back with "COMPLETE". When I used it to get the Text, it came back with "Completed". try changing 'Completed' to…
You can use CASE/WHEN statements, but I don't think you can use filters. AND you also can't use aggregation/summary functions that are normally available in Oracle SQL.
As far as I know, you can't use the NetSuite saved search filters inside a Formula. Formulas instead use Oracle SQL-style commands. I always end up looking those up when I'm doing Formulae. Anyone else know if there's a way to use the saved search-style filters in a Formula? I haven't ever tried that, myself.
The problem seems to be that there are many activity notes per Lead/Prospect search result, right? Since there's only one row in the results display for each result, then it only has room for one Activity Note. I'm making a big assumption here but I think that's what the trouble is. Do you need this to export or print out,…
Wish I could say - but I have no knowledge of Matrix Items yet.
That's correct. Or you can go data1 || data2 || data3 I prefer this shorthand syntax. I use it in my NetSuite formulas now.
Ah. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
How do you determine when purchases have been made? It may seem strange to you, but I've been doing NetSuite for almost a year and haven't touched Transactions or Sales Orders yet. I see entries in Fulfillments and Invoices subtab, as well as System Notes subtab that could be useful here. Saved Searches can access System…
Of course, if they really want to, anybody can print anything that winds up on their screen, but removing the button does take away the idea that you want them to print it.
Hm.. yeah it's definitely a mystery. it's {phone}, but under which data structure/parent record type/ etc. ?
It sounds like you can get to it via a formula that accesses it as a Joined field. Lemme try and see real quick. Oh wait I see - you want the phone number on the Support case record itself, not a customer phone number, etc.
Maybe it's because you're using Maximum. Maximum takes the field from the row where that field is at its maximum, but I am not sure if it actually selects that row for all the other fields in the formula. I'll have to look into it and see, but that's what I'd look into first - see if That aggregation is what you really…
Here's a workaround: If you can't get DECODE to do what you want, then you can usually get the same effect with the longer, more unwieldy CASE construct. I know for a fact that both CONCAT and || work within CASE statements.
I'm new to Oracle SQL and its kin, but my guess is that DECODE can only take expressions as input, but not function returns (which to my mind ought to evaluate the same way - oh well). Without having tried it myself, may I suggest you try the concatenation operator instead of the CONCAT function? The concatenation operator…
Oh okay, cool.
I would be nice if we could use the same operators as Saved Searches, in our Formulae, wouldn't it?
sounds like a job for Saved Searches
Does it do that for this particular case or just on everything? Remember that to get a formula, you have to scroll past the fields you normally select for criteria, and somewhere after those in the same list will be options for Formulas on fields.
On cursory check I don't know if this is the case but the code block that checks for done==1 does not end the loop. I don't know how many items there are, but if you want it to exit the loop on done==1, you could put done!=1 in the for loop's conditional.
I agree - where the built-in options fail, you can always apply a Formula (uses classic SQL functions)
Not sure on your most recent problem yet, I just wanted to clarify something: internalid is a string field. It contains numbers but they're stored as strings. That's why the other poster suggested you try internalidnumber instead if you want to do numeric comparisons rather than string comparisons.
No problem. So you got it working?
The first suggestion is something I've done before and it works fine. The second, well, that'd be an experiment