My Stuff
Hi Shamaine, Yes, we turned on multi-currency. I tried the solution you suggested, but it doesn't create credit memo for the difference (USD $266). Do you know what next step we should do if we want to issue credit memo for the difference so that we can apply toward other invoices? Thanks.
Thank you, Mikko! Ronny
Thanks Olivier. It makes sense now. CData is just an ETL tools similar to Relational Junction, etc. Thanks.
Thanks, so looks like to get the sum amount for each vendor, you have to go to chart of account of 1099-MISC account in the example of the Netsuite Help?
I'm trying to update attached field in the sales order line, but I can't once the sales order is fulfilled. Is there any workaround? Thanks.
Anyone have a solution for this? Thanks in advance.
Hi Olivier, We tried that but looks like we have to do it one by one for each bill payments. We can't do it all of them at once and assigned a 'Concur Payment' check number. Thanks.
Hi JJ, Thanks for your reply, but we're using Expense Pay feature which automatically ACH the payment from our bank. If we do bill payment against the open vendor bill, it will use the check number and looks like we double pay.
This reference helped:
Yes, I already installed the ODBC driver and i am able to pull the data through Microsoft Access. However, when I tried to use it with my C# .NET apps, I get connection failed. What is the reference name should I add to my application? Also, do you have an example of the connection string? What class should I reference?…
In other words, how to search for Customer with custom field as the parameter/condition?
This is the way I get the customer records for now, however, it seems very expensive since I have to get all the customers then loop each one of them to check the MasterID: CustomerSearchBasic custSearchBasic = new CustomerSearchBasic(); custSearchBasic.subsidiary = new SearchMultiSelectField();…
Hi Walter, Could you please post a code snippet on searching a record given the custom field as the criteria? Thanks in advance.
I was able to see it in the form but I wasn't able to pull the data into saved search. However, I figured it out and looks like Netsuite store line item description in memo field.
Hi Michoel, We're using Relational Junction to pull the data. But we have to script what tables/columns we would like to extract. Where should I run this command to get the list of the tables: select * from oa_tables;