My Stuff
I've been told standard and advanced promos won't be removed until at least 2022, but that it's not firm yet. Probably depends on how much push back they get from site builder companies...
Robert, Thanks for the response. I was misspelling Kilimanjaro! Now I see more results, but they all seem to be about the SCA release. Can you point me to the release notes or documentation for the Kilimanjaro site builder extension?
A couple more documentation requests: 1. A search for 'kilamanjaro' in netsuite help and the developer site returns zero results. The bundle itself has no link to documentation. Where is the documentation for the many versions of site builder extensions? 2. the NS help has been reorganized to put all site builder related…
This looks like it covers a lot of areas, I'm always happy to see more comprehensive documentation. I wish there were more discussion in the articles rather than just 'do this' and 'put in this code exactly'...The vast majority of the time when I'm working on SCA or site builder extensions, if there's an error, it doesn't…
This is another area of NetSuite that is badly documented and barely works. I made a scheduled script that will populate a custom field on the customer record with a HTML table that has their cart contents. here's how: [LIST=1] [*]Do a customer search to find customers where the cart contents length is greater than zero…
This is an old thread, but maybe someone else will find this useful down the road. I was able to clear the quantity pricing from items - even those without a quantity pricing schedule assigned - by simply doing a CSV import. choose update for the type, and link the internal ID field. On the right, select ' quantity pricing…
You can create a customer search then use the criteria 'items purchased' then specify all of the items that you want to match. You'd have to manually add items to the criteira if more white items become available, but otherwise it's a pretty simple solution. Since it's for an email marketing campaign, you'll need to create…
You could change to a formula (text), and try this formula: CASE WHEN {activity.type} is 'Appointment' then {} ELSE 0 END If the formula returns the wrong data type (compared to the formula type), you just get the useless 'invalid expression' in the results.
Add a formula (numeric) to the criteria. Use this formula: LENGTH({pagetitle}) and then set it to less than 10. You can also add the formula to the results to see the length for each.
There's a solution called 'shadow item template' that I think is still available as a bundle. There's no way to access the item template using built-in NS technology. The only way is to create a custom field and use a script to copy the item template name into that custom field when the item is edited. Then, you can use…
Try this: LTRIM(':' , {custcol_item_for_je} ) The brackets indicate optional fields, and shouldn't be included when you use the formula. Also, literals should be in a single quote.
User notes and messages are both tables that are linked from the customer record. You could create a customer saved search, then in the results column, scroll down to the 'Messages...' line. Anything with the ellipses (...) after it is a linked table. You can pull in the fields you want from those tables into the customer…
It sounds like it's filtering out customers who haven't purchased... maybe add an else clause?
Build the form with a suitelet, and use html, the heading looks like: <a href="#Anchorname">linked text</a> (Target point) <a name="Anchorname">a named anchor</a> The first example is how the link would look in the TOC, the 2nd is the actual heading down later in the document.
If your images have a consistent naming structure, you could use a formula for the field without having a separate field ... like concat('<img src="', {itemid}) - then add another concat. You might be able to use {storedisplaythumbnail} as well, I'd have to play around with it a bit to see what…
What about setting up a custom entity field that's sourced from a saved search? You can make an activity search that returns the name of the most recent call, then choose that search to populate the custom field under the validation tab. You might have to leave 'store value' unchecked as well.
Sounds like the checkbox field needs to be on the other custom record.
Site Builder hasn't been updated or changed in 10+ years, and while that seems like a very long time there is actually a good side. SB sites can be converted to responsive by using SSP applications for checkout & my account as Dominic mentioned, and a combination of CSS hacks & template changes. It is not intuitive and…
I don't recommend people do the CDN workaround for HTTPS site builder themselves... there are so many little details and hacks that I've developed by rolling it out for 15+ site builder sites, and many issues can be hard to spot at first and might affect your search engine rankings. For example: 1. You need page rules set…
Just remember that doing it that way won't help with search engines... they don't generally run javascript so they will see all the pages as having the same content.
GTM is just a proxy that sends regular GUA tracking stuff... you can configure the universal analytics module to record transactions without building out a GTM specific module.
You could run a scheduled script every day (or hour) to calculate the available quantity and populate a custom field, which could then get pulled into the template through a tag. No problem with search engines parsing the info. Most of on-page SEO is the content on a particular page, so site builder sites can have lots of…
Hello, It looks like you're using the reference checkout on your site. getcurrentattribute tags won't work there, and code in the order confirmation field in set up web site is ignored. You will need to redirect the final confirmation page to a new one and load the code there in order for GTS to validate, because they…
I just tried this out in my test drive account, and the lead record looks fine - with the proper names in the first and last name fields. I'm on reference checkout 2.05. I then tried changing the setting under set up web site to create all customers as companies, then was able to reproduce the problem... the contact record…
Just use the top level domain - There's no need to be more specific.
Just copy the file templates\login_register\macros\register_form_field_macro.txt to the custom folder, the modify it to hide or remove the company field.
Hello, Can you share what code you're using to call the custom field? I assume it's something like <%=getCurrentAttribute('item','custom_field_id')%>. That code should output something, even if it's not formatted correctly (as long as you have the right id). What is the tag outputting on the detail page?
Basically, no. Most records have a system notes tab you can use to track changes. Places like set up web site don't have it, and afaik don't have any kind of audit trail functionality.
I've built a dozen tracking modules, it would be great if that could work, but it won't. Google requires a separate page load, and you can't have an ajax confirmation page that works. I even asked Google support and they confirmed it. I've deployed GTS several times for reference checkout, but all of them required a hack…
That's interesting... I tried out the New mont blanc reference bundles, and the confirmation page still loads through AJAX, and not a separate page load, so they will need to make some significant architectural changes in order to have their Google trusted store implementation validate. I know my solution works in the real…