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Do you mean the user signature or approver signature. Also to cross confirm, are you looking for user name or actual digital signature.
HI Vairamuthu M, Is your login timezone set as same as NetSuite account timezone?
Hi @Priya Chary All users accessing NetSuite Analytics Warehouse by SSO need to be added first to the SSO network or SAML. Setup the NSAW role with SSO
Hi @Kedalene System information doesnt capture the item name change. This can be viewed at line level by scrolling extreme right and HISTORY link.
Hi @Kedalene Can you share the whole screenshot if its actually account change. Sometime even if the Bill is moved from Pending approval to approved state you will see the GL impact change. Also, can you confirm if the old and new account change were Expense type or AP type.
Login via admin role and edit the role with desired error and check below screenshot. Check if the form is enabled for the role.
Yes under transaction forms, if this doesnt work check if the form is preferred for role as well.
Hi User_VA1OM, Can you check the role if standard or custom form is checked under role preference. Ideally there should be 1 default form either at form level or role level.
Hi @kedalene, Do you mean changes on transaction pertaining to transaction posted before 19th Aug. Will you not be closing period till July to avoid any GL impact changes. Can you share the detailed scenario.
Hi User_FQ0VR, If the role has SSO enabled, then you cannot login via NS URL. There is a separate URL which will be generated for login via company portal.
Hi User_FQ0VR, Are these role appearing as hyperlink. If not can you check with admin if these roles are not inactivated or does not have Single Sign On permission enabled.
Can you confirm you have Line items on top right on Item Tab showing count.
Hi @Ellen 4apps I dont think this is a standard limit for number of lines. Can you check if there is any script deployed. I tried in my dummy account and was able to see more than 25 lines.
Hi @Armando Should be simple for your technical team.
Your table data should be on custom record which will be on Item fulfillment,
Hi Javier P., You can maintain a custom record on item fulfillment and allow users to input data. This data can be pulled on PDF.
Hi Armando, Yes, you can automate this functionality on JE using Script. The approach should be to maintain checkbox on Chart of Accounts which needs department/class mandatory and validate the account on save of Journal entry. You can also deploy a line level client script to throw a mandatory script notification.
These are tagged as Memorized transaction. Can you check the memorized transaction list and confirm if thats creating it
Hi dle_35705, Under the permission, change the level for SAML Single Sign ON from NONE to FULL to enable SSO on Employee center.
Hi, can you share the script deployment page screenshot.
Hi, It will be difficult to comment for me without evaluating the script functionality. Can you undeploy it and check if it impact any of your functionality.
Hi User_G3YH3, Since the SO status and reference SO is a custom field. You can update the Status using sourcing and filtering. Create SO status field as List record type with dropdown values as Transaction status. Under sourcing and filtering tab, select the SOURCE LIST value as reference SO custom field and in SOURCE FROM…
Hi User_64PY4, You are getting script error from an installed bundled with Script name as peakflo_tran_ue. Can you review the script and check if its deployed as required based on your requirement.
Hi Kedalene, Are you using drop ship feature for PO SO. If not, how are you connecting NetSuite PO and SO with each other? We can think of solutions based on approach how you are linking both the transaction.
Hi @Vernita Are you running the report via custom role. If yes, can you confirm if the BANK ACCOUNT is tagged under SET PREFERENCE.
Hi Vernita, Can you see if below steps work for you : Create a header level checkbox on expense category. MARK it as checked for category you want to show on vendor bill. Create a custom line level field on Vendor Bill which can filter expense category with checkbox in STEP 1 as checked. Write a before submit script to…
Hi @Vernita , We will be using custom transaction only for approval. Once approved, script should run to automatically create customer refund transaction which inturn will be available for Bank batch. PS : greying out will be option but GL impacts wont be blocked and transaction will be available on AR reports.
Hi Vernita, This is natively not supported in NetSuite. I can recommend below 2 options Restrict the access of creation to desired approval role only. This limits minimal errors. Create a custom transaction similar to refund and set it for approval. Once approved, create a script to automatically create and link the refund.
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