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Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab
The Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab is the place to share ideas and vote. Discuss enhancements with product strategy and product management, and get the opportunity to see your idea developed as a new feature and included in the Analytics product roadmap!
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1Oracle Fusion BIP Excel template should include output type as .XLSXwe have BIP report where we are using Excel template due nature of the requirement. Here we are facing an issue like with this template where output formats supports lim…
2Set security in data ModelSome users have access to the Data Model, and the customer needs to set security restrictions within the Data Model. For example, User X should only be able to see emplo…
3MIssing PVO's in the BICCWe are implementing BICC to extract the data from ERP - Oracle Fusion. Below PVO's are not exposed in the BICC. Can you please have a look. PVO Name FscmTopModelAM.FinCe…
1Property or Option to Exclude a Field in the Data ModelThe requirement is when we are exporting a .CSV report, we wanted to have an option to select/deselect fields to be included in the export file. We have a case that ther…
5Enable Trusting Add-ins by Digitally SigningThe BI Publisher Add-ins for Office applications cannot be set to trusted in a policy because they are not digitally signed by the publisher. As part of ongoing security…
2Guarantee Order of Columns from BICC ExtractOrganization Name The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Description Create a way to ensure the order of the columns from an extract using Business Intelligence Cloud Connector…
3Embed Images in mail body through burstingDescription: Allow Oracle BI Publisher users to include a customized email body with headers, footers, and images when using bursting, while also providing an option to …
2Feasibility to view Trading Partner ID and EDI location code in the Receivables Subject areaOrganization Name TITAN INTERNATIONAL Description Hi Team, The OTBI subject area "Receivables - Customer Real Time" had all the account, site and site purpose details. B…
1Subject Area Modification: Transaction Administration Real TimeSeeking additional fields from the Transaction Console/Manager to be added to the Transaction Administration Real Time subject area. Additional fields would include: "Na…
3Restrict BIP access (table access) for person, sensitive dataWhen creating or editing a data model it should be possible to restrict data access to certain tables that contain person sensitive data such as Ethnicity etc. The secur…
15GSI - Data Source Access across Oracle Pillars (HCM and FIN) - BI AdminOrganization Name Southern Description The Oracle Idea Lab is logged to highlight a gap in the BI Publisher security design. As of today, a user with the ability to crea…
1Option to Exclude Columns in the XML Extract of BI ReportOrganization Name Oracle Description In the old Reports Builder tool, there used to be an option "Include in XML". Setting this property would include or exclude the val…
4Report Date Format Issue for Excel when exported from UnifierExcel does not recognize the exported date format and manual adjustment is needed for the date to be recognized in a filter. Is it possible for us to change the date for…
12User Role Usage ReportOrganization Name GE Digital Description Ability to run a report that lists active users , the key privileges they have access to ( key privileges that drive subscriptio…
3Donut chart type not available in OTBIDescription When can we expect “donut” charts to be available in OTBI. As of now, there is only an option for pie charts. Donut charts are currently options in Data Visu…
2Implementation of Purpose-Based Separation of Process Controllers on BIP ServerIn the on-premises Oracle EBS, we could setup custom Concurrent Managers, specify a maximum number for each process, and define jobs to be assigned to specific processes…
1Digital Signature Alignment to Multiple Pages - ReportsDSC should get aligned on the right place even though the number of pages increases to 2 pages. Our goal is to display the digital signature at the end of a multi-page i…
15Enable multi selection parameters in ESS jobCurrently, in fusion Data model has an option to choose multiple values for a parameter however the ESS job doesnt have this option. As this is a very basic requirement,…
5BIP Charts need to be enhancedCharts have gridlines but in our requirement we need to prepare chart without gridlines.
2Provide provision in BIP report to create data model using REST APIProvide provision in BIP report to create data model using REST API, So report can be made from external source data also like from ATP DB etc.