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Discussion List
weekly and monthly planninghi Team in a custom PBCS implementation, we are trying to do mix of both weekly and monthly planning. Is it feasible? Use case - few accounts and few products do weekly …
Report - Unable to communicate with the datasourceSummary: 2 ( / 5 on application) databases are not available for report Content (required): Hello, On Thurday September 1st, I have created a report in my test environne…
Is there any way to expand the current limitation in Reports for only sending emails up to 10 MB?Summary: In Reports, when executing a bursting definition there is a size restriction of only 10 MB. Is there any way this can be expanded? Content (please ensure you ma…
Error opening certain reports since update Feb 25Summary: Since the upgrade of Feb 25, some reports have the following error when opening it: ""Provide Feedback" and contact Oracle Support. Reference: a70b0cba-6c27-418…
Is there a way to automate updating data map member mappings?Summary: We have a cross pod data map with member mappings. There is no ability to do dynamic member maps so we need to manually update it every time a new member is add…
Is it possible to export a report in excel same as we export the financial report?Summary: I have migrated my FR report to Reports. Is it possible to extract that in excel like we can export the FR report in excel report format? Content (please ensure…
EPM Rulescript - DataCopy FunctionHello, I have a rulescript that copies a version to another version for our Budgeting Process which first sits in "Department Requested" tab and changes the status of th…
Does the snapshot retain Audit trail of Strategic Modeling ?Summary: Audit trail is lost for Strategic Modeling when restored from Snapshot Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a way to retain A…
How to use EPM pipeline copy to Object Storage and copy from Object Storage job typesSummary: Can not use EPM pipeline both copy to Object Storage and copy from Object Storage job types Does anyone sucessfully use these 2 pipeline job types?? Content (pl…
Can we update Query in Data Exchange dynamically?Hi , We have a direct integration with a database to pull data using a View. The database query is something like below. select account,period,platform,product,profit_ce…
How to use a REST API to retrieve a data management process statusSummary: I'd like to know how to use a REST API to retrieve a data management process status. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Following th…
SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ does not open the blockHello everyone, I wrote a business rule with SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ to open the block. But it showed strange behavior. I fix from FY25 to FY28, BUT it did not open the bloc…
Form Security for connected EPM instancesSummary: I have two EPM instances: A and B in this context. EPM A is the primary Planning instance and EPM B is a supplemental Planning instance where we perform budget …
Multicurrency Configuration in Workforce with Fixed USD ExpenditureUse Case: Multicurrency configuration in Oracle EPBCS with USD as the reporting currency and various input currencies, such as EUR. Most employee-related expenses, like …
ESSG_ERR_Operationfailed error after clicking on save in data formSummary: We are getting the ESSG_ERR_OPERATIONFAILED error after clicking on the save button of the form. There is no information available in error to know what is caus…
Getting Error while using [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("xyz")]]Summary: we are using [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("OEP_Scenario")]] and [[PlanningFunctions.getUserVarValue("OEP_Version")]] in business rule, we have user varia…
How to create Batch type task to execute scripts in task manager in epbcsSummary Can anybody help how to call batch scripts from task manager i see there is a task type of Batch ,but not sure how it will read the locations of scripts and exec…
Can Power User import planning data into EPBCS using excel fileDear all, We have a requirement that Power User should be able to mass import planning data into EPBCS from excel file. As a Service Administrator, we are familiar to do…
PBCS - how to burst multiple different reports to a single email as you could in FRIn the financial reports explore repository you could create a document holding several reports for batching. We currently batch about 10-15 reports into a single email …
Assign UDA Using GroovyHello everyone, I want to update the UDA of a member list based on the smartlist selection. Ideally, the calc would create the grid, read the value, and assign the UDAs.…
Issues running copyFromObjectStorage EPMAutomate commandI am currently trying to run the copyFromObjectStorage command to move a test file from Object Storage to EPBCS inbox. I am on the latest version of epmautomate. I am us…
The member [NONE] does not exist for the specified cube or you do not have access to itSummary: The member [NONE] does not exist for the specified cube. It is currency dimension. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I found this s…
ASO Clear data at Parent LevelSummary: In BSO we have a rule to clear some Account level 0 members data at Period parent member level [All Yrs], while the Period level 0 members [FY25], [FY26] etc… k…
Conditional Suppression in EPM ReportsSummary:Cannot get Conditional Suppression to work in EPM Report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have migrated a FRS Report to Reports. …
What is "Include BegBal as Time Period" in Scenario dimension properties?Hello everyone, I am using PBCS and have one question about "Include BegBal as Time Period" under Scenario dimension properties: Is there any document to explain this pr…
How to create a new budget control and upload integration in EPMSummary: Hi, My organization uses EPM as the Source of budget. This is existing since last year. Now We have created a new Budget Calendar for FY24-25 and assigned under…
All Approval units are visible for the user when using Approval GroupsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We’ve used Approval Groups in EPBCS to configure the workflow. Approval workflow is confi…
ASO Time Balance aggregation not as expectedSummary: In BSO cube, there is accounts aggregated value based on time balance = First, Skip Value = Missing by having Period dimension member [Jan] rollup to [Q1] and t…
Batch Scheduler FunctionalitySummary: Is batch Scheduler Changing? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): FR is going away in June 2025. Currently we use batch scheduler to r…
Feb Monthly Update taken away the waiting page when rule/ruleset is in progressSummary: Feb Monthly Update taken away the waiting page when rule/ruleset running Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): After the Feb monthly up…