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HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Discussion List
HDL Load null pointer exceptionSummary: Content (required): Hi, we have an automated feed that brings our new hires over to HCM and last night 24 of the colleagues errored while uploading to HDL. The …
Has anyone noticed more issues with HDL after 22A?Summary: Not so much a question, but moreso a discussion Content (required): Ever since we got our 22A patch, we have been receiving a lot of issues with HDL that all co…
HDL Example Files: Work StructuresSummary Links to HCM Data Loader example dat files that maintain Global HR work structures Content Example Dat Files * Location * Job Family * Grade * Job * Grade Ladder…
HDL to Delete External IdentifiersSummary: HDL to Delete External Identifiers Content (required): Hi All, Greetings! can someone please share the worker.dat HDL file with the correct format for deletion …
Template: BI Publisher Report - United States: Reporting Location for Work-at-Home EmployeesSummary: BI Publisher report to extract Reporting Locations for Work-at-Home Employees and the their Fusion surrogate IDs. Content: This simple report can be used to ext…
Template: BI Publisher Report: Canada - Involuntary Deduction Value DefinitionsSummary: BI Publisher report to extract Canada Involuntary Deduction value definitions Content: This report extracts the supported value definitions for the specified Ca…
Template: BI Publisher Report: United States - State Taxes Value DefinitionsSummary: BI Publisher report to extract the value definitions applicable to each US state for State Taxes on the Tax Withholding card. Content: This report extracts the …
Template: BI Publisher Report: Canada - Provincial Medical Accounts for OverridesSummary: BI Publisher report to extract Provincial Medical Account details by Payroll Statutory Unit Content: This report can be used to extract Provincial Medical Accou…
Template: BI Publisher Report: Payroll Statutory Units by LegislationSummary: BI Publisher report to extract Payroll Statutory Units (PSU) and the their Fusion surrogate IDs. Content: This simple report can be used to extract the internal…
Errors when loading rehiresSummary: We get the following errors when loading rehires as well as temp to hires. Is anyone familiar with these errors and how to resolve them? "You have provided a da…
Template: BI Publisher Report: United States - State, County and City Geography CodesSummary: Extract Vertex geography codes used to identify US states, counties and cities. Content: This report extracts the vertex codes for the US states, counties and c…
Template: BI Publisher Report: Third Party PayeesSummary: BI Publisher report to extract Third Party Payee names and Party IDs by legislative data group. Content: This report extracts the third party names and IDs by c…
Template: BI Publisher Report: United States - Involuntary Deduction Value DefinitionsSummary: BI Publisher report to extract US Involuntary Deduction value definitions Content: This report extracts the supported value definitions for the specified US inv…
Template: BI Publisher Report: Tax Reporting Units by LegislationSummary: BI Publisher report to extract Tax Reporting Units (TRU) and the their Fusion surrogate IDs. Content: HDL resources are now found in the HCM Resource Center
Performance Ratings Loader with the Enhanced Talent ProfileSummary Loader for Performance RatingsContent Hi All, We are coming up to the time of year where we are needing to load our performance ratings into the Talent Module fr…User_2025-02-04-08-51-08-912 64 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-08-51-08-912
HCM Data Loader Dashboard for OTBISummary HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader OTBI reports for 21C and beyondContent Download the HCM Data Loader Dashboard for OTBI from the HCM Report Sharin…
HDL Data Set Errors BI Publisher ReportSummary A temporary BI Publisher report to extract the details of failed lines in your data set.Content In release 20B, HCM Data Loader was enhanced to protect data sets…
Bulk Update using HDLSummary Need to perform bulk updates to job_title, job_grade and assignment_category on employment screen using HDLContent Hello Everyone, We have a requirement to perfo…
Getting HDL Error - The worker's primary assignment must be active.Summary Getting HDL Eror when trying load historical terminated record for a person who is not present in system Content Hi HDL experts, I am facing one issue in HDL Wor…
Update Default Expense account on Assignment historySummary How to massively update the Default expense account from the Hire date of the employee?Content We are live in HCM Cloud since 2016 and we have started implementi…
HDL Dat File: Grade LadderSummary HCM Data Loader Dat File for maintaining Grade Ladders Content Description The attached dat files provide examples of loading a Grade Ladder. Source keys are use…
How to load compensation review manager using HDLSummary HDL Loading - Review ManagerContent Hi All, Can anyone provide me a sample on how to load compensation review manager data through HDL process?
HDL Dat File: Worker (New Hire)Summary Example HDL Data Loader Dat File for New Hires Content Description The attached Worker.dat file provides examples of loading new hires using the source key to pr…
HDL to update Regional Controllers Under Manager Details in person Management ScreenContent Hi All, we are trying to update Regional Controllers Under Manager Details(Person Management Screen).Regional Controllers had their global assignment change done…
HDL Data File: Canada Tax CreditSummary Example CalculationCard.dat files for loading Tax Credit information for CanadaContent Attached are the following example files for loading Tax Credit informatio…
Loading Localization Data using HCM Data LoaderSummary Links to HCM Data Loader example dat files and supporting BI Publisher reports Content HCM Data Loader Dat File Examples Canada * Tax Credit United Kingdom * Sta…
Supporting BI Publisher Reports for Loading US Payroll DataSummary Extract the data needed to upload US Calculation Cards and Balance InitializationContent Complex Payroll objects, such as Calculation Card, Balance Initializatio…
Supporting BI Publisher Reports for Loading Localization Payroll DataSummary HDL resources are now found in the HCM Resource Center: * BI Publisher Report: Third Party Payees for Involuntary Deduction Cards * BI Publisher Report: Tax Repo…
HDL Data File: US 403(b) / 457(b) calculation cardSummaryLoading US 403(b) / 457(b) cards ContentYou can find help topics for loading these cards in the HCM Data Loading Business Objects guide: Overview of Benefits and …
HDL Dat File: UK Court Orders and Student LoansSummary Loading UK Court Orders and Student Loans with HCM Data LoaderContent UK Court Orders and Student Loans details are uploaded with HDL using the global Calculatio…