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Discussion List
Chatbots for Oracle Learning CloudSummary Chatbots for Oracle Learning CloudContent Our Business is looking for incorporating Chatbots in Oracle Learning Cloud just like Oracle Recruiting Cloud. Where in…
Registering for Courses and Offerings in LearningSummary Duplicate options found while registering to an offeringContent We have created a course "Course 1" and using that course, an offering of type Instructor Led "IL…
waiting listContent According to Oracle documentation, the waiting list functionality will be available later this year. Do we already know when? In the meantime, are there any work…
Agent to run - People List Analysis ReportSummary Looking to see how I can use the Agent to create a Nightly Analysis ReportContent Hi, I am looking to create a number of analysis to run on a scheduled basis. I …
Using Fusion Learning In Oracle HCM Cloud Mobile ApplicationSummary Unable to find Learning pages or tasks in the mobile applicationContent Hello Everyone, As Oracle has introduced learning into Fusion Application, we would like …
Bulk Upload Material to LearningSummary Looking for a way to bulk upload content to LearningContent Hello, Is there a way to bulk upload content to Learning to be used in offerings/activities? Say for …
Managing Third Party Vendor Content in Oracle Learning CloudSummary We are interested in learning how others manage third party content, like Skillsoft in the new Oracle Learning CloudContent Hello, We are working on developing o…
Importing Data to learningSummary Importing Data to learningContent I need to import course information without loading them. I just need the system to save me the history of courses done on anot…User_2025-01-29-01-04-18-537 101 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-01-04-18-537
Support of Flash, SWF, FLV contentSummary Support of Flash, SWF, FLV contentContent Hi My Customer has lot of e-learning content which Flash content, or SWF files or FLV files. Are they supported by Fusi…
Skillsoft Communication with Learning CloudSummary Skillsoft Content is failing to communicate with Learning CloudContent Our Skillsoft content is failing to communicate with Learning. We successfully upload the …
Evaluation Reporting for Learning CloudSummary Subject Area to report on EvaluationsContent Is there subject area data available to report evaluation responses related to Oracle Learning Cloud?
Recurrence on Course- Oracle Learning CloudSummary Recurrence on Course- Oracle Learning CloudContent Is there a way to set recurrence at the course level rather than the Learning Assignment Level? AT present, we…
Hide tree iew on activity for some activities.Summary Hide Activity Page Tab based on activityContent We do not want the tree view visible for specific offerings/activities. I want to use an EL Expression to make th…
Manage group prioritiesContent Hi, can someone explain the behaviour of the manage group priorities functionality where you define the access groups? Does this define if employee X is part of …
Reminder and Over Due Notification MailsSummary Reminder and Over Due Notification MailsContent Hi When a learner is enrolled for a required learning offering is there a functionality to get reminder emails be…
Fusion Learning - Data MigrationContent Hello We are in R12. Trying to load Course details using Course Learning Item HDL. the fields do not match what oracle has provided in Loading_Learning_Data_usin…
Federated Search - Learning APIsSummary Federated Search - Learning APIsContent We are looking to determine if the current API capabilities can support being a resource for a federated search. We are o…User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949 49 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949
DFF Data no longer displays in Course Search UISummary DFF Data no longer displays in Course Search UIContent The Flexfield data is no longer displaying when conducting a course search. The data is available in the c…User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949 50 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949
Does OLC support change/update of ILT activity date?Summary Does OLC support change/update of ILT activity date?Content Hi, is there anyone else experiencing issues with updating an ILT activity date? Suppose the date of …
Captivate 9 Courses not loadingSummary All of our Captivate 9 courses are not loadingContent Anyone else having problems with the Captivate 9 courses loading? All of ours in the Learn Center will not …User_2025-01-23-20-54-37-110 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-20-54-37-110
Learn to Learning | Let's Start with Courses vs Learning ActivitiesSummary Hoping this can help the community - Maxime? Can you look over my shoulder?Content Learn Containership/Completion Criteria - Structured Content Courses in Learn …User_2025-01-22-20-28-16-701 148 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-20-28-16-701
ILT - ApprovalContent Hi Team, Learning admin creates the ILT offering and adds the Learners to the offering. This ILT is visible in the Required Learning and the employee has the opt…
Disable tutorials, videos and communities published by learnersContent Hi, how can I disable all functionality related to users self publishing tutorials, videos and communities? I removed the permission to manage tutorial but the u…
Target learning item to line managers using initiative/assignmentSummary Target initiative to line managersContent Hi, We have a requirement to target learning items to (new) line managers. I don't see any criteria enabling me to iden…User_2025-01-30-04-38-11-794 59 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-19-46-41-795
Approval Workflow for learnings from Development GoalSummary Approval Workflow for learnings from Development GoalContent Hi All, When I add learning assignment in development goal and submits, I don't know where it is goi…
How to update Learning Activities in bulkSummary Learning Specialist wants to mark learning activities as completed in bulkContent Dear All, Learning Specialists wants to update learning activities automaticall…
SCORM Publishing settings - Best PracticesSummary SCORM Publishing settings - Best PracticesContent Does anyone have any best practices for the publishing settings for Articulate Quizmaker? We are running into p…User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949 111 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-01-11-58-950
Report on durationSummary Report on durationContent Hi, what are the options in OTBI in terms of reporting on duration? Tried to create a report but currently don't understand the purpose…User_2025-01-30-04-38-11-794 87 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-30-04-38-11-794
Create Analysis to assign training to all users without assignmentSummary Create Analysis to assign training to all users without assignmentContent Hi All, We need to be able to create Analysis for OLC to assign required learning to em…User_2025-01-22-19-46-41-795 142 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-19-46-41-795
Author TutorialSummary Author TutorialContent Hi Team, When a tutorial is created by an employee, is there any FYI notifications available which would be sent to Line Manager or Learn …