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Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Extending Redwood Pages with VB Studio for Cloud HCM
Discussion List
Demographic info loading for infinite time for certain rolesSummary: Hi All, I am having a weird issue, in which Demographic Info under Personal details, keeps on loading for an eternity for users/people having the employee or li…
Moving Guided Journey text to the topSummary: Currently, we have enabled guided journey link in Demographic info section using VB studio, which is displayed at the bottom of the section. We want to display …
Add production environment to VBSummary: I am trying to add production environment but the status stays unnotarized Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…
Create New Project - No option now for application extension templateSummary: No option now for template application extension, it was there yesterday Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Navigator > Configurator…
How to disable/hide ‘Apply’ button from Opportunity Marketplace for employee in Redwood Recruit?I tried multiple options adding a variable on the job details page , but couldn't link it to the action button. Login in as employee > opportunity market place > interna…
Recurring VBS Publishing IssuesSummary: Hello, While working with VBS, I've been running into issues where I need to republish changes I've already deployed. For example, I published updates on Octobe…
Receiving an Internal Server Error Message - after 24D qtrly upgrade VBSSummary: When i go to publish changes made using express mode - I'm getting an error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When i go to publish …
requisition fields are missingSummary: We enabled redwood profile options for ORC. But we are seeing few fields are missing in redwood pages especially under detailed section. How do we pull them up …
How can I customize the appearance / background color of Redwood?Hi all, I would like to change the background color of the Redwood pages. Is this possible and how? Thanks Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24…
How do I know when multi instance VBS will be available for my environments?Summary: On 9/23/24 I received the following email message from Oracle: During the upcoming update cycle, we are planning to provision an instance of Visual Builder Stud…
How to put a fild into mandatory fieldI need to leave the mandatory address field, however I have already tried redwood without redwood and I have not been able to do it, I do not know if there is any guide …
Enable Component in Visual Builder StudioWe have a page in Helpdesk named as Case, at the time of creation of case, need to add Dynamic Table Component. While try to add the component, the left panel named as C…
Execute BI Publisher report for HCM App Extension in VBS without using OIC integrationRun BI Publisher report for HCM App Extension in VBS without using OIC integration. We have requirement to fetch person details from BI publisher report and display on P…
Redwood: TM Personalization in Visual Builder - Hide Numeric value displayed in Calculated Ratings.Summary: Wherever the calculate button is used, the calculated rating is displaying both the rating letter and the numeric value. Numeric value to be hidden. Example, K …
How to hide the numeric value in "Employee Calculated Rating" on a redwood page using VBS?We need to hide the numeric value in "Employee Calculated Rating" for the performance document on the Employee Self Evaluation Redwood page using Visual Builder Studio. …
Visual Builder Studio (Application Extension)Hello Team, We wonder if there is additional license required to create new application extension of visual builder studio. We need to create new page by VBS Application…
VBS not working post 24C updateGood day all, Is anyone experiencing an issue with VBS post receiving 24C update? I am unable to make any personalization's in VBS or publish any previously saved person…
Visual builder promote and change positionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Search is not working in Redwood CoreHR pagesSummary: Hi, We have enabled Redwood UI for CoreHR pages and also enabled the Oracle Search profile options and also ran the ESS Ingest program for person,job,location,o…
Bring PID next to name in Redwood UISummary: In CUI we would see the name and PID details on the UI (EX Manager and HRG), can we bring same details on Redwood UI Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Validation rules(Auto complete Rules) for Work-Email in "Hire an Employee" pageSummary: Hi Team, We were performing Validation rules(Auto complete Rules) for Work-Email in "Hire an Employee" page. As email address is part of Communication info sect…
Is there any way to change the size of the Redwood pagesSummary: The size of Redwood pages seemed to be fixed and it appears weird. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We enabled the Redwood Goal Ce…
Is there a quick and efficient way to create a DFF inventory in HCM?Summary: Hello friends. Is there a quick and efficient way to create a DFF inventory in HCM? We understand that the helper tool shows DFFs related to a TDS rule customiz…
Oracle Digital Assistant - When will Gen AI with LLM integration be available in the Government CageSummary: We would like to know when the Gen AI LLM capability will be available to us, as we are in the Government cage, but would like to understand when or if this fun…
How can we see what each runtime dependency relates to?Summary: How can we see what each runtime dependency relates to? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): currently in our dev 9 pod(on 24C) visual…
How the Redwood Support for auto complete rules will be available in 24B?Summary: It was mentioned that Redwood support for defaulting and auto complete rules would be available in 24B Can you please elaborate on that how it will work? Does t…
P2T query for VBSSummary: Looking for confirmation on re-deploying extension post P2T Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have one pod we use for Redwood de…
504 Gateway Timeout in Visual Builder StudioSummary: Hello - when I try to open Visual Builder Studio in my TEST environment, I am receiving an error and cannot login. I have used VBS for sometime and have not had…
How to restrict Organization Administrator membership in Visual builder studioIn the context of extending FA Cloud with VBS, any user with IT Security role in any environment can assign himself one of the following roles: Application Administrator…
Extension settings accessible to all usersThe "Settings" page for any extension seem to be available to every member of a given projet. Is that normal? Having access, to this page, give the option to change impo…