Idea Lab – Big Data
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12Using BI Publisher retrieve the data from "Audit Logs"Organization Name HCMDescription I can export The Oracle Platform Security Services Audit Report which has been shown in screen-shot A-01.png Tools -> Audit Reports for …
1Data Table revision date visiableDescription This is not an enhancement but rather something that just want removed with the latest upgrade our business just went through. When loading data table into O…
13incorporate 'Oracle Tablespaces in HDFS' in DBs 'Automatic Data Optimization (ADO)'Description add policy which migrates data to HDFS from the Oracle DBUse Case and Business Need see 'Oracle Tablespaces in HDFS' ==>…
10Accessing kerberos secured WebHDFS without SPnegoDescription Accessing kerberos secured WebHDFS without SPnegoUse Case and Business Need I have a working application for managing HDFS using WebHDFS. I need to be able t…
12Support Cloudera Navigator Key HSM on a BDADescription Many customers own an HSM to secure store and manage digital keys, since we offer a whole CDH solution on BDA it will be important to support the Cloudera mo…
11Create Special Interest Group for BDA CustomersDescription Create Special Interest Group for BDA CustomersUse Case and Business Need Due to the unique aspects of being a BDA customer (and could potentially apply to B…
14Have Impala configured by defaultDescription When creating a cluster on BDCS, BDCC or BDA also enable a solid Impala configurationUse Case and Business Need Today, Impala is not configured out of the bo…
12Ability to integrate ORAAH Spark Session with Zeppelin and SparkR Spark SessionsDescription Currently ORAAH Spark Sessions are exclusive and executed separately than other tools. An integration with other Spark Sessions could mean increased compatib…
9Big Data Cloud at Customer storage to be expanded in an elastic fashionDescription Expanding the BDCC storage in an elastic fashion would allow for larger seasonal workloads to use more storage, but shrink it when not neededUse Case and Bus…
18Add Python interfaces to the ORAAH Machine Learning algorithms for Big DataDescription Using both Python and R when it comes to interacting with the scalable ORAAH Machine Learning algorithms could open the interface to a larger audienceUse Cas…
17Use Oracle SQL engine to virtualize access to all dataDescription Leverage the Oracle SQL engine to query data across sources without requiring an Oracle DatabaseUse Case and Business Need I want to use the Oracle SQL engin…
16Optimized Spark configuration to enable Data Science at very high performanceDescription Changing the default configuration for Spark 2.x to drive higher performanceUse Case and Business Need As Spark changes occur and improvements are made, and …
14Consolidate data authorization across data management platformDescription Provide a single console for authorizing access to data - across data storesUse Case and Business Need It would be ideal to authorize access to data from a s…