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Transportation Management
Discussion List
Restrict to move order to existing shipment when shipment status is enroute completedSummary: Restrict to move order to existing shipment when shipment status is enroute completed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I need to b…
How to restrict a SERVPROV to visualize only its own documents in a Document menuSummary: I require to restrict to SERVPROVs are able to visualize all documents of all SERVPROVs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How I can…
Currency 2 decimal placesSummary: We are trying to standardize our currency amount to 2 decimal places. We have updated our custom property set as well as integration preferences but the XML is …
GTM Product ClassificaitonSummary: How to "test/trigger" a GTM Product Classificaiton of INVALID due to a Tarrif Shift received from Descartes. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
SSO between OTM and Custom ApplicationSummary: We built a Custom App using the Oracle PaaS. We configured users both for OTM and the PaaS, do we have options for having them only on the IAM of OTM? Content: …
Mail supressionWe can see lot of email addresses are getting suppressed by OTM. They are visible in Mail Failures Page. This is resulting in Carriers not receiving the Tender emails fr…
purging and archive criteriaWe would like to know the Purging criteria for different objects like Transmissions, Transactions etc in Our OTM instance. How do i know them and do we have access to ch…
Invoice/Bill rule creating multiple incorrect invoices on Action “Invoice Adjustment cost”Summary: Invoice/Bill rule creating multiple incorrect invoices on Action “Invoice Adjustment cost”. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In OT…
MIGRATION PROJECT - EXPORT SEND PACKAGE FILE not sendwe have already setting email on our env, we would to send it to our email…
create agent update attribute shipment based on order releasehi, i have a DSU like this on Shipment - Created update shipment set attribute17=(select omv.order_release_gid from order_movement omv where omv.shipment_gid = $gid) whe…
Accessorial code should become mandatory once Accessorial cost is addedSummary: Hi, we have a requirement of adding shipment cost if cost type is base then accessorial code is not required but once cost type becomes accessorial then accesso…
What is the criteria to Create Order Movements - "With Best Itinerary" actionWould like to understand the following - 1. On what criteria, OTM is choosing Best Itinerary when executing action "With Best Itinerary" on Order release. 2. What is the…
24A | Download Rates deprecated. How do we get this back?Summary: This is how it looked before: /OTM-ADF/WEB-INF/glog/fusion/ratemaintenance/downloadrates/BulkDownloadRatesFinderTaskFlow.xml#BulkDownloadRatesFinderTaskFlow Con…
OTM Automation Agent ist not workingSummary: I´ve created an agent but it is not working. Does anyone have an idea what I can do? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…
OTM Serprov.admin screen issueSummary: My user id is Servprov.admin by default. It automatically have access to Servprov user role where I have different menu. When I click on any screen (with SERVPR…
Task automation using redwood UIIn one of the Redwood UI Tutorial, Under Inventory, we can specify the requirement under Ask Oracle search and it provides suggestion to create objects like requisition.…
Clarification regarding Enhanced workbench Drag and DropSummary: Enhanced workbench Drag and Drop functionality Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In order to use Drag and Drop in the Enhanced work…
UOM Issue OTMSummary: Incorrect weight calculated on Shipment Ship unit when receiving transmission. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): One item is coming…
Rates based on Delivery hoursSummary:We have a new requirement where a carrier rate will vary based on that hours they are delivering - for example, deliver to custom by 5pm is Rate A and delivery A…
Can we get list of Out-of-the-box shipper integration available in OTM such as FedEx?Summary: Can we get list of Out-of-the-box shipper integration available in OTM such as FedEx? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am lookin…
schedule appointment results in Null Pointer ExceptionWe are getting Null pointer exception when performing Schedule Appointment Action on a shipment.This doesnt happen for all shipments but for some shipments intermittentl…
How to integrate Supplier As Carriers in OTM and do Invoicing for themHow to store Supplier As Carrier in OTM through integration and do invoicing for them
How to access OTM Cloud application from Outside OTMSummary: We are trying to access OTM 24A instance's workbench from a third party application. But while doing so we are getting the error as Refused to display 'https://…
Unable to get rates and transit time using Fedex APISummary: We have done the setup as mentioned in OTM Help document regarding setting up FedEx API. When we are running RIQ, then getting below error message in logs. Rati…
24A: How to disable the left navigation?Summary: 24A: How to disable the left navigation? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We did the following steps: It cannot be attached to a u…
Auto Assign Rule: How to get the rule to kick in correctly with multiple Order Reference values?Summary: The rule is supposed to kick in only when ALL of the Order Reference values from the Order Release match the Pre-qual criteria. The rule kicks in incorrectly ev…
Applying MFA by User Group in Oracle Fusion ERPSummary: We want to secure access through two-factor authentication but we need information about it. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Envi…
BN rule for populating location IDSummary: We have a requirement from customer to generate location ids for location created from OTM UI using following rule: First 6 digits of location description - cou…
fedex webserviceSummary: Need help in configuring the Fedex Webservices Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Need help in configuring the Fedex Webservices Ver…
shipment planning with late pickup date instead of early pickup dateI have a question and hope that somebody else experienced the same. We have some orders that are planning with Late Pickup date being a start time on the shipments. This…