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Warehouse Management
Discussion List
web report gen2:Unable find the joining between order_header and ob_container data objectsI am working with pick list detail report where I am trying to fetch below columns. Sales Order Nbr, Pallet Number Number Of Truck / Container I am having duplicate data…
Handling UOM between WMS cloud and FusionSummary: I'm implementing WMS cloud for a customer that has an already existing (up and running) Oracle Fusion instance, the issue is that WMS only accepts to define the…
Is it possible to modify a button title?Summary: Hi, We'll build a web report and assing it at Company Report Type screen. It would be nice if we could use the "Bill of Lading" button at the Loads screen to tr…
Whats the route to enable the options of "Show SQL", "Execution caching" in Web Reports?Summary: We just want the route or intructions to enable the configiguration of conents in web reports, specifically for the screen of "Help for expresive view" in the c…
Outbound Order StatusSummary: We need to have actual order status while executing the order. For example: while executing tasks, Order status shows ‘In packing’, which might confuse whether …
Ability to short pick movement request using APIWe are looking ability to perform short movement request detail using API There is option to perform short using UI and via running cancel wave
Replenishment "Cubing"Summary: I just want to confirm my understanding of how replenishment waves work. Is it correct that the system does not limit/cube replens to a pallet size? Meaning tha…
How can the primary UOM of item be updated?Business wants to update the Primary UoM for entire item master. The problem is that most of the items have the existing inventory, What could be best recommended approa…
Can we create single cycle count task per Aisle in Oracle WMS? Instead of 1 task 1 locationSummary: The requirement for CC is to create a single task for the entire Aisle, but WMS creates by default 1 task per location. Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
how to transfer stock between locations in wms logfire.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
" RF Create LPN" Function want a prompt - the previous set qty for that item will be overidewhen performing " RF Create LPN" Function the user want ability to know, is there a prompt that can inform the user that the qty will be over ride the previous set qty f…
Waving IssueWe need to allocate an order that has an attribute a with no value. While performing the allocation, we want to select LPN inventory with the attribute a not equal to 'C…
how to change wms (log fire) screen name to english from spanishWe have test WMS log fire instance and few screens appear in Spanish although the English has been set as primary language.
Run Web Report Scheduled Job vs FTP Gen2 Scheduled ReportSummary: We send various files to FTP locations. It seems this can be setup in two ways: 1- Schedule report to run directly in Gen2 Scheduled Reports with Email Results …
RF Execute Task Process - Execute Task in Progress Prompt ModificationSummary: RF Execute Task Process - Execute Task in Progress Prompt Modification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): RF Execute Task Process - …
List all items and quantities on a single multisku IBLPNSummary: We are attempting to create LPN labels that will list the entirety of all the items that exist along with there corresponding quantities. I am only able to get …
Is there an API or method to retrieve staging record dataSummary: Is there an API to retrieve staging table data? For example, for item staging records can I see the failed statuses, and error string? Content (please ensure yo…
API Call Item Entity - call multiple items at onceSummary: Is there a way to call multiple items at once or can this only be done one item at a time? We want to use API call below to see if item exist or not in WMS. Thi…
API to get active inventory id based on from containerSummary: Is there any API where i can get Inventory ID of active inventory based on input of from container (IB LPN which we used while receiving) Content (please ensure…
Can we do directed Put away for 1 LPN include multiple item ?Summary: Can we do directed Put away for 1 LPN include multiple item ? We have requirement 1 LPN with multiple items for the PO each item has been mapped to different Lo…
How to disable the generation of SLS (Outbound Loads Export) file while performing Ship LoadSummary: How to disable the generation of SLS (Outbound Loads Export) file while performing Ship Load: How to disable the generation of SLS (Outbound Loads Export) outpu…
Provision to Perform backdated transactions in Oracle Cloud WMSSummary: Clients wants to log certain transactions in backdated time to ensure the billing data is generated from the predefined month only . Content (please ensure you …
Can PO Sequence number be decimal?If a PO line number contains a decimal value (e.g., 10.34), WMS cannot support it. I am storing this decimal value in a custom field (PO_DTL_CUST_FIELD1). However, the A…
Repack/Pack_Inventory REST API Fails For LPN With Allocation Type FULL LPN.For a FULL LPN scenario, is there any api how to split/combine OBLPN to transfer the contents to a completely new LPN via REST API? Please share the URL and one sample p…
How to limit the number of OBLPNs in a Load and auto-assign to a new load.Summary: How to limit the number of LPNs/Orders in a Load and auto-assign to a new load. We assign OBLPN to Loads based on order's unique "Route number". During the peak…
Add the ability to show Item's description (or other fields) in RF Location InquirySummary: It appears this question has been asked before but no resolution. Has this been reviewed and in the que for Devlopment Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
I am trying to Split IBLPN ,but response giving as invalid LPN statusSummary: I am trying to Split LPN from IB LPN with following details, but it's giving me the LPN Invalid Status, Please provide a possible solution ? Posy ……..wms/lgfapi…
Items conveyable flagSummary: In Items, can we default the system behaviour to set conveyable flag as yes if that value is sent blank? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
How do we use Consolidation location type in Oracle warehouse management CloudHow do we use Consolidation location type in Oracle warehouse management Cloud? I want to do Put to store in Oracle WMS Cloud. After doing cross dock , I have orders in …
Can we show in task with Assigned User and Deliver to location on the screenSummary: Can we show in task with Assigned User and Deliver to location on the screen? Will it be possible to show Task along with Assigned User and Deliver to location …