For more information, please refer to this announcement explaining best practices for getting answers to questions.
Coverage End Date for Rehire within 30 days of Termination
Currently, we have setup termination life event which when processed ends all the coverages for the employee 1 day prior to the life event processed date except for Medical,Dental,Vision Plans and continues them until the end of month.
Our requirement is when an employee is terminated and rehired within the same month of their termination then, their continuing Medical, Dental, Vision coverage should end and the employee must start afresh. Consider the below example:
Scenario : An employee was terminated as of 10-Feb-2025, on processing the life event all coverages ended one day prior and only Medical,Dental,Vision continued with coverage end as of 28-Feb-2025. However, the employee was rehired on 26-Feb-2025, now we want the Medical, Dental, Vision coverage to end as of 25-Feb-2025 itself.