Benefits Service Center
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Unable to hide Beneficiary organization section under People to cover redwood page.Summary: Unable to hide Beneficiary organization section under People to cover redwood page. We are able to hide the fields within this section. But we are not able to h…
Closed Dependent Age Out LE gets reopened after evaluating any other LE ex. Salary ChangeWe are facing one issue related to evaluating Depedent Age out LE. Please follow below steps Add Dependent Age Out LE 2. Evaluate 3. Notice it is closed as on 1/30 under…
Benefits: How to void potential life events in mass?Summary: Hello, Is there a way to void or delete these potential life events in mass? We want these 2 potential life events to be deleted in mass as every employee has t…
Redwood Person Info page not having person type sectionSummary: I noticed that in the Benefits Administration > Person Info page, I can see the 'Person Type' section, but when I open the Redwood page from my client groups > …
Benefit administrator unable to see terminated employee enrollment detailsSummary: Hi all, I made sure that the roles mark View all people not just View all Workers, but our Benefit administrator (seeded role) cannot see the details of enrollm…
New Hire Benefit Life event did not trigger automaticallySummary: We have a new hire recently and the new hire life event did not trigger automatically. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Only one e…
Dependent Age Out only removing from MedicalSummary: Hello, We have an overage dependent age out process set up and running, however the affected dependent is only being end dated from medical coverage and not the…
New Redwood Benefits Summary Pages not viewable - 25ASummary: Hello! We are in the process of starting 25A testing in our lower environments. The profile options ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED and ORA_BEN_ADMINISTRATIVE_ENROLLME…
An application error occurred in Benefits Service Centrewhile trying to search employee through Benefits service centre, An application error occurred. See the incident log for more information.
i am not able to see benefit relationship for pending workers, how do they meet this criteria?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How do you make visible the Affordable Care Act tile in the Benefits Service Center page?Summary: How can you make visible the Affordable Care Act and Benefits Enrollment Dashboard APPS that we see in the DEMO? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Evaluate Life Event Participation - Error Report Export - BIPSummary: Hi All, I am able to export the error report from Evaluate Life Event Participation process. But is there a way I can fetch it via BIP? I am unable to locate an…
Employee rate based on dependent countSummary: I have a requirement to populate employee rate based on the dependent count. we can use Rate value calculation fastformula to achieve this. However, we have to …
Is there a way to lookup audit/history details (including deletion) of person contacts?Summary: We are seeing some odd data behaviour, although we can see the history in UI, would like to see if there have been any deleted records as well. Content (please …
The salary change life event should not get detected if there is no change in salary amountWe have a requirement wherein we want the salary change life event to not detect when there is no change in salary amount just a record is created for salary change but …
Benefit relationship page is not showing in Redwood UISummary: Benefit relationship page is not showing in Redwood UI We have all these roles added but still Benefit relationship page is not showing anything. Manage Benefit…
Error when Evaluating Life Event - Termination (PAY-1635003Summary: Hello, Encountered the error below when trying to Evaluate back dated Termination Life Event. Resignation is 10/1/2024 What might be possible reason for this? T…
When does Benefits Admin Page transition to RedwoodSummary: We are testing Redwood and turned on all Profile options but noticed that the Benefits Admin page is not in redwood. Should this be the case? Content (please en…
Employee was not able to enroll into the Benefits from Employee Self Service PageSummary: Hello, We are using Seeded Employee role, but the employee was not able to "Enroll" into the Benefits from Employee Self Service Page. We can see that Enrollmen…
Why do we use "Continuing Benefits Type" at life event levelAt the life event level we have a continuing benefits type field. Could someone please explain why do we use this field and its significance.
After adding a new court order in Redwood, there are no dependents to selectSummary: We have recently enabled and are testing the Redwood Benefit Court Order Page and have followed all the enablement steps and updated our security roles with the…
Restrict Spouse to be designated as dependent if they work in the same organizationSummary: We have a requirement to restrict the spouse to be designated in the Benefits Plan as a dependent in employee's record, if the spouse is also an employee in the…
Error Submitting while submitting ElectionsSummary: We have introduced PCP from 01/01/2025 Open enrollment for one plan. Entered PCP info during open enrollment. Now with new life event getting below error relate…
Unable to schedule process to insert Unrestricted Life Event for Retro TerminationI faced an issue in end dating the Unrestricted enrollments by inserting Unrestricted life event after termination for which we have created a custom lookup type - 'BEN_…
When accepting or denying a required Action Item, medical premium rates revert back to base rateMedical premium rates are based on employee & spouse (if applicable) biometrics. During Open Enrollment, if an employee enrolls in a supplemental life insurance amount a…
Archive End-of-Year ACA Information file number of records does not match with 1095C .pdfIt is observed that after running Archive End-of-Year ACA Information process, it has generated ACA file with unique 3318 records, however after running Run US 1095-C Em…SarikaC 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by SarikaC Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Issue with Benefits Fast Formula: Plan value calculation with dependents not being appliedSummary: For the client I am assisting, there is a need to calculate the plan value when dependents are indicated. In this case, there are several value variations for t…
Coverage End Date for Rehire within 30 days of TerminationSetup: Currently, we have setup termination life event which when processed ends all the coverages for the employee 1 day prior to the life event processed date except f…
Redwood-Benefits Service Center/AdminSummary: Was the Benefits Service Center updated in 25A so that it should be accessible through Benefit Administration > Enrollment? Content (please ensure you mask any …
Close pending action items after due dateSummary: Unable to submit denied date after the due date. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to provide a denied date on the pe…