Benefits Service Center
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Unable to auto trigger the life event based on length of service.My requirement is to trigger a life event when the employee crosses 5 years of experience. Upon clicking 'Self Assigned' , i have added the eligibility profile to the li…
Show EE+Family Option only when there is a Child OR SpouseWe've a requirement to show the EE+Family option only when the employee has either an eligible child OR an eligible spouse, we tried to achieve this via the Family Membe…
Evaluate Life Event Fast Formula Occurred dateSummary: I have requirement to change the Life event Occurred date in Enrolment Screen. I have attached the Evaluation Formula into the "Life Event" but when I terminate…
GET_CONTEXT HR_ASSIGNMENT_ID does not get value in Person Changes causes lifeSummary: I was trying to get the CONTEXT for HR_ASSIGNMENT_ID and Effective Date, I don't get any value in FF Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
How to add "People to cover" option in life insurance planSummary: The requirement is to configure the Optional Dependent Life Insurance plan. Employees can typically choose to purchase this coverage during open enrollment peri…
How to override Benefit enrollment through HDL or HSDLSummary: In Benefits summary Page, as Benefit Administrator we have an option to override an esixting enrollment & populate different attributes like Coverage end date s…
Former EMP termed on 1/11/21. His new hire LE was still open. Tried Closing but received errorsSummary: Former Emp termed on 1/11/21. His new hire LE was still open. I tried to process this LE but the system wouldn't allow me to. I tried voiding and reprocessing t…
Restrict display of LOV when selecting Existing Organization from Beneficiary Organization from ESSSummary: Restrict display of LOV after selecting Existing Organization from Beneficiary Organization from ESS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Using ben_fn_get_char_value function to get plan and option enrolled for this period onlyHello experts, We have a customer requirement where we need to define a primary amount (Employee Contribution) and a secondary amount (Employer Contribution). Further de…
How to hide guardian details from new contact under before you enrollSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Under 'Before you enroll' there is a option where employee can add their contacts, once u …
Employee should be able to update benefit details only while joiningSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We want Employee to update the dependent details for benefits only on joining time, therea…Aishwarya_15 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Human Capital Management
Reinstatement scenario - Need a workaroundSummary: Hi, We have two assignments statuses - 'Pending LTD" and "LTD" and whenever there is any changes in assignment status the assignment status life event gets trig…
Manage intervening life event during open enrollmentSummary: Hi, I want to know how to manage an intervening life event during open enrolment. Example Open Enrolment window started :01- Jun to 15-Jun Assignment category h…
Benefit Program follows the fiscal year, while our payroll operates on the calendar yearSummary: Our Benefit Program follows the fiscal year, while our payroll operates on the calendar year. As our payroll operates on the calendar year, it's not working as …
Mass delete 'Open' life event in detected statusSummary: Hi, We have a situation wherein the client ran the open life event for all employees and now they want to delete the event in detected status. We ran the proces…
Restricting open enrollment based on union and non union programsSummary: We have two sets of employees union and non-uion and have respective programs for it. When we run the 'Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation' process, client w…
Activate the link to designate dependents.Does anyone know how to activate the link to "Designate Dependents" for employees in the Pending Actions, similar to what happens for HR? I would like it to be made avai…
Can default enrollment rule and enrollment rule under restrictions go hand in handSummary: I have a default FF which is defaulting the enrollments from new hire to rehire, but the requirement also is to not oprn any enrollment window. When I put the r…
Archive - Benefits Evaluation and ReportingSummary: For the Benefits Administration is there a way to Archive past jobs? Sometimes when we search, we get a "Too Many Matching Records" error. Even when we modify t…
New enrollment life event erroringSummary: An employee was hired on 5/28/24 and transferred to another location on 5/29/24. The system is showing that she was hired and terminated on the same day and is …
Evaluate Temporal Event Participation - Process takes time with selected active employeesSummary: Requirement: Want to run the 'Evaluate Temporal Event Participation' process only for Active employees ( Terminated employees should be ignored). Content (pleas…
Redwood Open EnrollmentSummary: We are looking to enable Redwood with our Open Enrollment cycle this year. We don't have many other Redwood pages enabled yet, are there any other Redwood pages…
Benefits Dependent Eligibility - Determination FormulaHi, We're creating a Dependent Eligibility profile for Male Children under 18 years of age. Since the system doesn't provide Gender Criteria in the dependent eligibility…
How to add Hover text for Field "What is the start date of this relationship?"Summary How to add Hover text for the field on ESS PageContent Hi Everyone, Requirement - Want to add the text box for the field "What is the start date of the relations…
Evaluating event issueSummary unable to evaluate the potential event for new hire employee.Content Hi All, I'm receiving the below error message when I'm trying to evaluate the potential even…
Not able to query benefit summary with benefit administror roleSummary: When I login as Benefit Administrator, I was not able see Benefits Summary page though the benefit relationship is automatically created. I added all the roles …
Benefit Alert: Open Enrollment Reminder AlertHello, On the Alert Composer page, there is an alert named 'Open Enrollment Reminder'. We have created a copy of it as per below screenshot. Then, we have modified the f…
I dont have permission to access the Benefit Relationship tabSummary: I would like to access the benefit relationship tab. I'm unable to do so at the moment and I need to terminate an employee that has two benefit relationships se…margherita bonfiglio 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Benefits
Does the system have the ability to calculate the rates based on the no of dependents selected?Summary: We had a requirement from our client to calculate the rates based on number of dependents. Foe example: Plan X had 3 options: Employee Only Employee plus one Em…
People to cover missing Address and Demographic detailsSummary: We have an employee enrolled in Benefits and her People to cover tab shows additional information on her dependents but not her spouse. Do we know why the spous…