Benefits Service Center
Discussion List
Can we edit the text of the hyperlink "See More Info"?Summary: Can we edit the text of the hyperlink "See more info" in the plans? This is the default display when I added a link in the plan configuration.
Can Termination Life Event be triggered on LAST_WORKING_DAY?Summary: We would like to trigger the occurred date for our termination life event based on "Last Working Day" on the Work Relationship page. Has this been done? Content…
Restrict Spouse to be designated as dependent if they work in the same organizationSummary: We have a requirement to restrict the spouse to be designated in the Benefits Plan as a dependent in employee's record, if the spouse is also an employee in the…
Link Benefits Confirmation Print Button to PDFHi, We want to link the print button given at the Benefits Confirmation Page to be able to show the PDF report of the elections submitted. PDF Report that we want the pr…
Reduced benefit premium for qualified EmployeesLooking for solid options for re-design on benefit plan & options. Currently two plans Medical A, Medical A Wellness. Each Medical plan has options EE only, EE+Spouse, E…
Can we modify the Benefits Confirmation and Summary template in HCM cloud?Can we modify the content of this template? When we click Print on My benefits page, there will be a pdf generated which is the Benefits Confirmation and Summary.
Add logo to the benefit confirmation and summary pageSummary: Hi, Could anyone confirm if we can add logo to the benefit confirmation and summary page and if the text can be edited. Me > Your Benefits> Print Content (pleas…
Close pending action items using HDL after the life event has been closedSummary: Ability to close pending actions once the life event has been closed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, We are having a…
Trigger Life Event when Contact is createdWe've a requirement where when an employee creates a new contact, then a life event should be automatically detected as of the creation date. Any suggestions on the Tabl…
Unable to find the formula type for Enrollment rule in benefitsSummary: There is a requirement to setup Fast Formula for one of the Enrollment rules. The formula has to be populated under Plan > Enrollment train stop > Schduled> Ope…
End to End Implementation document - US benefitsSummary: Hi Everyone! Is there any custom documentation to implement US benefits end to end ?. If yes, requesting you to share. Thanks in advance! Version (include the v…
Benefit ALert - Need to fetch the Plan Details in Ben_Election_Summary alertSummary: Hello Expert, We need to pull the Plan Details in Ben_Election_Summary Alert. While wirting $(PlanName), it printing Null. How to fetch the enrolled Plan detail…
Approval on adding new contact from Before You Enroll PageHi, We've a requirement to add approvals on the Before You Enroll Benefits Self Service Tile, whenever a new contact is being created the transaction should follow an ap…
Person Benefits Eligibility- INELG_RSN_CD- FPTSummary Benefits Eligibility Profile IssueContent Hi All, Person is eligible for benefits after running the assignment category change event. But still he was not gettin…
Adding new contacts during open enrollmentSummary Enrollment opportunities for new contacts during open enrollmentContent I am looking on how the following scenario was implemented by other customers: An employe…
Benefit enrollment not end dating on terminationSummary: We are facing an issue where the Benefit enrollments are not getting end dated for some employees but the Termination life event gets processed and closed. We t…
What change do I need to get the double deduction?Summary:Currently the system does not double deduct benefits for any new hires who have missed their first payment of the month their benefits are effective in. Also, sa…
End-dated Contact Record but Person Record for contact is still activeSummary: We have a file feed we send over to our carrier, but it was failing because a dependent was listed twice under one of the plans (with two different names but sa…
How to Void Open Enrollment After a Termination EventSummary: We had Open Enrollment in early June 2024 (Event Occurred Date of July 1st 2024). After the OE window, there were a number of Terminations that caused the Open …
Designate Oldest to Youngest Child < 18 yearsWe've requirement where we need to only allow the employee to cover their children from oldest to youngest child and they can cover upto a maximum of 3 children. Example…
Benefits Billing configuration -Payment Due day and Days overdueSummary: Hi, Does anyone know what these fields are used for Benefits Billing? what does it mean? Thanks, N Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Benefits displaying incorrect communicated rate.Summary: We have a requirement to display the monthly deductions for a Cyclescheme plan( it's a loan plan and ends exactly after 12 months) on the self-service pages. Al…
Is the benefits self service module fully Redwood?Summary: We are looking to implement the benefits self service module. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our benefit self service tile is cu…
The benefits elections HSA is not matching with element entry valueSummary: The employees benefits elections HSA value is not matching with Element entry in Person management. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Unable to auto trigger the life event based on length of service.My requirement is to trigger a life event when the employee crosses 5 years of experience. Upon clicking 'Self Assigned' , i have added the eligibility profile to the li…
Show EE+Family Option only when there is a Child OR SpouseWe've a requirement to show the EE+Family option only when the employee has either an eligible child OR an eligible spouse, we tried to achieve this via the Family Membe…
Evaluate Life Event Fast Formula Occurred dateSummary: I have requirement to change the Life event Occurred date in Enrolment Screen. I have attached the Evaluation Formula into the "Life Event" but when I terminate…
GET_CONTEXT HR_ASSIGNMENT_ID does not get value in Person Changes causes lifeSummary: I was trying to get the CONTEXT for HR_ASSIGNMENT_ID and Effective Date, I don't get any value in FF Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
How to add "People to cover" option in life insurance planSummary: The requirement is to configure the Optional Dependent Life Insurance plan. Employees can typically choose to purchase this coverage during open enrollment peri…
How to override Benefit enrollment through HDL or HSDLSummary: In Benefits summary Page, as Benefit Administrator we have an option to override an esixting enrollment & populate different attributes like Coverage end date s…