Discussion List
HFR - Is there a way to track changes made to HFR artifacts?Content Hi, We deleted a report in Hyperion Financial Reporting (HFR) but could not find any record related to that task in EPBCS Audit even though we have the Audit fea…
Workforce cube design helpContent Hi Experts, We are buiding a EPBCS workforce cube for 10k employees across 6k jobs. In addition to these members in Employees and Jobs we have 3 custom dimension…
What's New in 20.06?Summary Many things but especially a long-awaited enhancement...Content I hope this post finds you well and that you are allowed to leave the house! Well, here we are ag…
EPBS YearTotal for Balance Sheet accounts not pulling throughContent In EPBCS (version 20.06.69), if i load figures to individual months (eg. Jun) on balance sheet accounts, these month numbers are not automatically rolling up to …
Planning - POV locked on forms and dashboardsSummary POV cannot be changed by userContent Good day, my user account as a service administrator cannot change the POV on forms and dashboards. Other service administra…
Groovy Grid BuildersSummary Groovy Grid Builders doesn't push to invalid intersectionsContent Hi ALL Need your help getting some insight on this topic - I am trying to replace my Data Manag…
Power user unble to see the detailed process in data managementSummary If I login use Power User account, the process details display 'No data to display' in data management.Content Hi guys, If I using a Power User account login , t…
Possible to export Job Console status detail?Content Has anyone figured out a way to export Job Console data that inlcudes the Job Status detail? I've been able to use the REST API to export the job status code via…
Ruleset is not deploying while individual rule is getting deployed successfully - RTP relatedContent Hi Team, I want to make a ruleset for 6 Business rules belonging to financials cube - OEP_FS. When I individually deploy the rules, they are getting deployed suc…
Anyway to not display and ancestors for Page dimension members on a form?Content I'm guessing the answer is not but worth a shot. If I hard code a few base level members on my page dimension on a form is there a way to display them without al…
Best practices method to reduce fragmentation & increase block densitySummary Best practices method to reduce fragmentation & increase block densityContent Here in my application i tried few things to reduce fragmentation & increase block …
Is there a way to automate Data Map Synchronization?Content Hi, We have some automated processes that update metadata in Planning, Load data to BSO and push it to Reporting ASO using Data Maps. But whenever metadata updat…
Unable to copy data from set of combination to another set of combinationContent FIX( "Annual Salary", "Entity_01", {Org_Name}, @LEVMBRS("Entity",0), @CHILDREN("Total_Job"), @CHILDREN("Total_Employees"), @UDA(C3,"Newhires_Staff") ) DATACOPY "…
Workforce - custom calculation - Benefits & TaxesSummary After clicking on synchronize defaults rule, for benefits it calculates as per definition in configuration, I need zero basedContent Hi Team, In configuration ->…
Custome dimensions - EPBCSContent Hi, We have an EPBCS application enabled for finanacials and workforce. We are also using two additional BSO cubes. In all we have 21 dimensions including standa…
Rolling forecast - Workforce & Capex - Configuration & output on forms not properContent Hi Team, I came across strange issue. In Financials I have enabled rolling forecast. I could even view it under "Planning & Forecast Preparation". But when I got…
Form - Invalid combinations of dataSummary Form - Invalid combinations of dataContent Hi Team, Can we prepare a separate form where we could see only those data which are invalid (i.e. as per valid inters…
Synchronize Default rule running long in Workforce Module of EPBCSSummary Synchronize Defaults run for 2.5 to 3 hours in WorkforceContent Hello Experts, We have configured Benefits/Earnings/Taxes using the Out of the Box framework avai…
Data Management - Data Export to File optionSummary Data Management - Data Export to File optionContent Hey all, I am facing an issue and I want to share with you and hopefully you could give me an solution. So I …
Parent Child Hierarchy is not showing in HFRContent I took idescendants of prompt of cost centre in the row but while previewing it showing child first and then parents member. I want to show parent first and then…
rule performanceSummary Rule terminates without executingContent I have 3 dimensions built as a flat hierarchy, When I run a rule for forecast which includes all the dimension it isnt e…Venkatraman Krishnan-138765 38 views 15 comments 1 point Most recent by Venkatraman Krishnan-138765 Planning
Can we use substitution variable for ASO cube Business Rules in a Formula component?Content I tried using sub var in formula component in Rules iin planning application for ASO cube but it's not working.Any response will be much appreciated.Regards,Nrup…
Multi-Year Data Export to FileSummary Data Export to File is incorrect if run over multiple yearsContent Hi all, I've noticed that running a 'Data Export to File' in data management over mutliple yea…
Groovy SupportSummary I am building a rule in groovy. below is the script which is failing to give me output. Waiting for an supporting handContent The script logic is to pick one com…Venkatraman Krishnan-138765 71 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkatraman Krishnan-138765 Planning
Percentage values in Input FormsSummary Percentage values not displayed in a form as expectedContent Hello everybody, Any idea why I cannot see data inputed in a form as a percentage, even though it ha…
Strategic Modeling Live: Defined. Discussed. Demonstrated.Summary We are hosting a Live Workshop on Strategic Modelling where we are showing how you can take a current forecast, use it as a base scenario in Strategic Modelling …
Calculate inflation (merit like rate) for new hiring requisitions in WfpContent Hi All, As you already know, currently workforce planning is calculating the merit only on the "Existing employees" as per the member formula defined in OWP_Meri…
10 features in Oracle Enterprise Planning to turn on during these challenging timesSummary I created a post with 10 features that will be useful for you to use across our Planning ModulesContent Here is the post https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-featur…
Dashboard Chart not appearing when opened in Smart ViewContent I have created a Dashboard Bar Chart in PBCS. When I open the same DB in Smart View, it is opening as a form and not a chart. Any reasons why? Any response will …