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Groovy Grid Iterator/cell.updated doesn´t work sometimesContent Hi all, In a few processes we use the Grid Iterator in Groovy to check if a cell was updated in order to just recalculate that specific point of view. in 99% of …
Maximun Threshold Values for FR (PBCS)Summary The report is not opening with multiple members and with Expand All Functionality.Content Hello, We have created one report and it is not opening when the client…
Different Security for BSO/ASO plan typeSummary How to set up different security for ASO & BSO plan typesContent I'm aware that in EPBCS the security cannot be set up at the Plan Type level. We have a situatio…User_2025-01-30-02-55-20-807 22 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-02-55-20-807 Planning
Single Application Vs Multiple ApplicationContent Hi I saw the following slide, where guidelines were given on the deployment of single application vs multiple application scenarios. (Please see the attachment) …Lakshani Hettiarachchi 43 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle Planning
Capturing Rejections In Data ManagementContent Hi , I have a requirement where i need to capture the rejections/Missing members during the Export from Data Management and send mail notifications for the same.…User_2025-02-07-09-27-55-736 32 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle Planning
Referencing a Member Range within a Groovy Script VariableContent Hello There! I'm trying to create a dynamic data push after running a data load within my BSO cube. The data load can load multiple periods ie from Jan - Mar or …User_2025-01-31-02-27-25-352 93 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-02-27-25-352 Planning
Using Dimension Feature with Smart List functionality has Security ImplicationsSummary Custom intra/inter segment charge process that references target "Charge To" by using Smart List featureContent We created a custom inter/intra segment charging …User_2025-01-31-02-27-25-352 52 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-02-27-25-352 Planning
Member name beginning with $Summary Member name beginning with $Content We have a few member names beginning with $ in Planning. The system allows creating the member name but throws an error when …
Encrypted Files in Data Management?Content Client requirements: "must ensure that file-exchange is tokenized/encrypted all the way to its consumption. As in, this data cannot be available in an unencrypte…
REST API Encrypt PasswordSummary Can the PBCS REST API use an encrypted password?Content I am writing scripts to use the REST API for PBCS administration. It is working well, including the basic…
Some Shared Account members coming through in brackets with parent name in data load rule extractSummary The shared account name and accounts parents name is coming through in brackets. This format is making it very difficult to map, and there does not appear to be …
EPBCS: Block creation issue in allocation LogicContent Hi All, I am having a block creation issue in allocation logic. I need to do the project allocation from No Projects to Level 0 of All Projects. I tried to use @…
Has anyone been able to load data to period BegBalance using EPBCS/PBCS Data Management?Content Hi, Has anyone had success loading data to period BegBalance using EPBCS Data Management? I am not able to select it in the POV or type it in. It won't allow me …
@Parent(@CURRMBR("PERIOD")) throws error Cannot calculate. Essbase Error(0)Content Hi All, I am getting this error Cannot calculate. Essbase Error(0): Essbase could not get a lock when I use this function @Parent(@CURRMBR("PERIOD")) in the calc…
How to create a formula row for Grand Total in Financial Reporting Web StudioContent Hello everyone, Need some help with a report build in FRWS. We have a report where we have on Pages the children of entity, in this way we get, let say a P&L for…
Trend or Driver Based FunctionalitySummary Using drivers or trends to forecast out an additional yearContent We are looking to extend our forecast another year and are looking for ways to help planners fo…
Insufficient User rights Save Member OperationContent Hi all, In one of our rules we update the UDA of members in the entity dimension. This rule needs to be executed by the planner users, however they are getting t…
Rule takes 30 min to runContent Hi I have attached a calculation script which takes 30 min to run in total. We need to reduce the time taken to run the rule. Please share any suggestions. Thank…
Adding a new dimension to EPBCSSummary When adding a new dimension, the dimension doesn't get createdContent Has anybody encountered this behavior? I tried to add a dimension to an application. I have…M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle 48 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle Planning
How can I ensure I get all the required details on Employee Demographics form on Strategic WorkforceSummary I have done all the template based and seamless integrations, but, the data in employee demographics screen is not populating. I have even pushed data to reporti…
What's New in 20.12?Summary Wrap-up for a Strange YearContent Well, this concludes a strange year (to say the least) but one with lots of new features. We've snuck several more for this mon…Mark Rinaldi-Oracle 194 views 5 comments 6 points Most recent by User_2025-02-08-03-53-41-891 Planning
HFM Process Control orchestration out of PBCSSummary We are looking for a possibility to administrate HFM process control management out of Oracle Planning Cloud (PBCS), both having the comparable entity hierarchy …
Export/ Import -> Cluster Icons, Card Icons, Tab IconsSummary Is there an option to Export/ Import Cluster Icons, Card Icons, Tab IconsContent Hello, PBCS provides icons to be used for clusters, cards and tabs (within a das…
Rest API to set member alias?Summary Can a member alias be updated via Groovy / Rest API?Content I have a request to allow users to change the alias of a member. I was pretty sure it was possible. I…User_2025-01-30-02-55-20-807 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-02-55-20-807 Planning
EPM – Application Design for EPM Planning Part I: App Deployment, Dimensions, & Forms, 17 December 2Content Submit your questions for the EPM – Application Design for EPM Planning Part I: App Deployment, Dimensions, & Forms session to have them answered during the live…
Remove Quarters from Period Dimension?Summary Is it possible to remove the quarters from the period dimension?Content Our planning app has YearTotal, Quarters, and Months. We would like to remove the quarter…
execute data map as admin but triggered by power userContent Is it possible to execute data map as admin but triggered by power user using Groovy rule?
Linear programming within EPBCSContent Hi all, For one of our clients we want to use linear programming methods to get optimal values for some planning problems (like solver in Excel). Are there ways …