Discussion List
What is recommended approach - Financial Statement reports - with FRS tool in Oracle GL or with EPMSummary What is recommended approach - Financial Statement reports - with FRS tool in Oracle GL or with EPM toolContent Looking for some expert advice about the best app…
Data Form Designer: Looking for an Option to design forms displaying ancestors/parents at top insteSummary looking for the option to choose parents/ancestors to be displayed at top instead of at bottom when building a form and selecting a memberlistContent For many ye…
Need to Delete Empty Blocks via Groovy RuleSummary Restructure & Clear Cube Not WorkingContent Hello, If possible I need to delete empty blocks from a BSO cube using a rule. The ClearBlock All function is not doi…
Need a essbase function to get the sum total of the prior month figureContent Hi We have a requirement to get the summation of the total of all the child products in the prior month for the budgetary allowance account. we tried using the f…
Attributes Dimensions in the Financial Reports.Content Hello, Can anyone please let me know that how the attributes dimensions work in the financial reports? Is it work like a single member or multiple members? Thank…
PBCS to HybridContent Hi All, How can we enable hybrid for PBCS, can it be for test Pod initially? Also is there an impact to existing calculations? Thank you.
EPM Planning restore from version 20.10.70 to version 21.06.65Content Hello Experts, I am in need of restoring EPM Enterprise Cloud planning backup from version 20.10.70 to version 21.06.65. Could you please help me with your advis…
Dashboard 2.0 - URL to redirect to other web page/internal ppt/doc fileContent Hello Experts, I have a below requirements. 1. Dashboard to display Budget plan cycles to all the users. 2. URL to navigate to internal web page/ ppt/doc file fo…
Panning Cloud level 0 data exportSummary Changing the dimensions in POV to rows or columns within Data Export in the Planning CloudContent Hi, I'm doing level 0 data export from the Cloud planning appli…
Exclude shared members in Planning FormContent Hi, I'm designing a form that retrieves a list of accounts under a parent as rows. However, I want to exclude some of them. For this, I have created an alternate…
Smartlist description became DB ID when data was migrated from another environmentContent Hi, I was importing the snapshot from TEST to PROD for both artifacts and Essbase data. All look well except some Smartlist descrption, particularly those that r…
What is the true retention period for Audit data?Content From browser UI the most you can view\download is "Last 180 Days" but I noticed that REST and epmautomate may support downloading more using the "All" parameter.…
Rounding off to two decimal places: PrecisionContent Hi Is there any setting, or profile option to update all system calculations to round off to a certain decimal place without performing through rules?(As in with…
Essbase Version Downgrade & RestoreContent A few months ago we upgraded the Essbase version of our application, however, we did not enable hybrid mode. This was done due to some data loss issues which Ora…
PBCS- How to enable users to choose multiple dimension membersSummary My question: Is possibile adding multiple choice of members of the same dimension in filtering action of a POV Form?Content Hi, I'm editing a form in a customize…
EPM Cloud PODsContent Hello Experts, Is there any specific documentation available to understand the POD terminology in EPM cloud? Needs: 1. To run FCCS and Planning process 2. To hav…
Planning application setup | Open/Custom cube with Workforce moduleSummary Planning Application setup for application type - ModulesContent Hello Experts, Does Oracle recommend below application setup for new EPM cloud customers? Applic…
Problem with aggregating percentage values against custom created ScenarioContent Hello guys, We have an issue with newly added custom Scenario member (Actual vs SPLY %). This member is supposed to calculate the % of Difference of Actual scena…
Planning - Data Management Replace Data FunctionContent Hello, One of our clients have a DM Rule with Replace Data to clear the cube before importing the data. The thing is that the ClearData is taking almost 3 hours …
Export Dimensions filtering on HierarchiesSummary in Oracle PBCS, using only Export meta data jobs for dimensions and epmautomate utility, filter on export of dimension hierarchiesContent in Oracle PBCS, we are …
What's New in 21.06?Summary More cool ways to enhance your Oracle Cloud EPM experience!Content Wow, here we go with another monthly update! First, KScope is rapidly approaching, so be sure …
EPBCS Financials BS seeded Accounts Time Balance from none to skip missing!Summary EPBCS Financials BS seeded Accounts Time Balance from none to skip missing!Content Hi to all! In EPBCS Financials BS for seeded Accounts is it possible to change…
Redwood Theme support in SmartviewContent I have the Redwood theme enabled to allow for Dashboard support in Action Menus but noticed that Smartview doesn't display the Action Menu but web browser does. …
Time Balance Property AverageContent Hello all, We have accounts where we would like to have the average (of the period values) calculated in Quarter or YearTotal. If we select the Time Balance Prop…
Configure: Financials > Import Metadata - Template?Summary In "Configure" for Financials, "Import Entities" needs a load template that isn't providedContent Can someone point me in the direction of the "import metadata" …
How can I change the name of a target application after created?Content Hi. I created a target application, import format, and location (with all mappings) in our test environment and migrated to production. I can change the connecti…
Able to change lable for right click menusSummary Transfer Asset in Workforce looks confusing when Capital is enabled. So need some changeContent Hi When showcasing one step transfer to client using "Transfer As…
PBCS Data Integration AutomationContent Hi, we are planning to use EPM Agent and created Data Integration which directly connects to on-prem SQL server and loads to PBCS cube. Looks like we can run the…
Action Menu to a Dashboard not workingContent Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'd like to create an Action Menu that points to a Dashboard but can't get the menu to appear on the Form I have the Action Men…
Smartlist fun (in web)Summary Smartlist emojiContent More of a statement than a question and just a bit of fun - only works in the web sv renders as text - but have noticed if you type in the…