Discussion List
Exporting data in OEP_FS (financials cube)Content Hi I want to know is there any other way to export data (all levels data..not just level 0) , apart from the "application->overview->exportdata" Please share the…
Viewing cell comments in Excel Worksheet in EPBCSSummary Is there a way to view the cell comments in EPBCS in a Smart View Excel Worksheet?Content Is there a way to view the cell comments in EPBCS in a Smart View Excel…
EPM upgradeSummary EPM to EPM Cloud/EPM 11.2Content Hello Experts, I would like to know your outlook on below requirement: What would be the best choice to upgrade EPM 11.…
How to use Groovy validate if a text type cell is not emptyContent I have simple requirement to check if there is value in any period for a particular Account, there should be some remarks in the Comment field as well. The simpl…
Data Management - Target Application Option - Summary Drill Behavior when more than 1000 descendantsContent I have set the Summary Drill Behavior when more than 1000 descendants option to Ignore, but Summary Drill does not show more than 1000 descendants. I would like …
Keyteach for PBCS Admin/Reporting Web Studio TrainingContent Has anyone used Keyteach for PBCS training? If so, what was your experience? Below are some links to the training we are looking into. Financial Reporting Web St…
Dynamically remove members from a form?Content Is there a way to get members to be dynamically excluded from a form? I have found that using alternate hierarchies does not work (Ilvl0(PL_Accounts) with an exc…
Groovy error: calc script too longContent I'm trying to run a Groovy script to execute a calculation but the calc script is too long: The Groovy script failed to compile with internal error: Compile Erro…
Financial Reporting Auto CalculationContent Hello, We are working with the Auto Calculation feature on Financial Reporting and we noted that "Total Calculation" adds all columns. But in a column we have va…
Smart List entry name updates not reflecting in calc manager?Content I suppose this is a minor annoyance but does anyone know what triggers smartlist entry name changes to be reflected in the smartlist selector in calc manager? If…
Add AttributeContent Hi Team, I want to add attribute to Account dimension. However I am not able to see adding attribute diemension option. It is greyed out. Let me know from where …
PBCS: Rolling Forecast with prior periodsContent Hi all I would like to know if it is possible to use Rolling Forecast comparing the 12 months prior to the selected point of view? or is there a better way to do…
Advise needed to compose Member Formula driver base expense accountSummary formula advise needed for a target parent level member multiplied by a level 0 working memberContent Hi I'm having difficulty composing a member formula for driv…
Planning Forms validation rules stopped working when switched to Redwood themeSummary Planning Forms simple validation rules stopped working when switched to Redwood themeContent I'm experiencing something I was not expecting when switching to the…
4 new video tutorials for ReportsSummary New reporting solutionContent We are pleased to announce the availability of the following 4 new video tutorials for Reports: Reporting in the new Cloud EPM Plat…
Calculation script not validating for the followingContent Hi I need to do the following change to my rules, but the rule is not validating. Any other way to do without Fixing every product? This is my original rule "518…
DB refresh fails after adding member using Simplified dimension editorSummary DB refresh fails using Simplified dimension editorContent Dear All, Any idea on EPBCS behavior as described below: -> Addition of member in Version dimension fai…
ERP / EPM – Closed Loop Project Planning and Execution with Oracle EPM Project Planning and Oracle EContent Submit your questions for the EPM – Closed Loop Project Planning and Execution with Oracle EPM Project Planning and Oracle ERP Project Management session to have…
OOTB features for EPBCS Financials to support Bottom up PlanningSummary Resources to understand Bottom up/Target planningContent Dear All, Is there any document/video tutorial etc. to understand how OOTB works for Bottom up/Target pl…
Addition of new member in Scenario dimension - EPBCS FinancialsSummary Please advice on new scenario member setup in Financial module of EPBCSContent Dear all, In a Financials module of EPBCS, requirement is to add new scenario memb…
Changing the global period mappingContent Hi Is it ok to change the global period mapping, for a temporary situation where we want to extract a previous month's actual to another particular month. For ex…
Updating sparse (cost center) dimension to Hierarchy Type = MultipleSummary Any implications if we update cost center dimension to Hierarchy Type = MultipleContent We would like to update our ePBCS environment cost center dimension to be…
Where are cell attachments located in Snapshot backup?Content Hello community, We have a lot of attachment in our EPBCS and we have a few questions and looking for an efficient way to locate them and make a backup of them. …
Export Dimensions that contain Carriage Returns/Tabs in Member FormulaContent Hi, Some of my member formulas contain tabs and/or carriage returns. When these dimensions are exported as CSVs or Tab Delimited it causes the columns to become …
Smart Push - query size errorSummary A data map is run when a form is saved but an error about the QUERYRESULTLIMIT is appearingContent Hi all, I am running a data map via a Smart Push on a data for…
Automating the data management process: File based data importContent Hi We are using file based import of data through data management. Files are sent to inbox folder through API. Then for the time being, we select manually the fi…
EPM – Application Design for EPM Planning (Part III): ASO, Datamaps, & Smart Push, 28 January 2021,Content Submit your questions for the EPM – Application Design for EPM Planning (Part III): ASO, Datamaps, & Smart Push session to have them answered during the live eve…
Determining End UsersContent Good evening all! I am new to the forum, as we (Towson University) are in the midst of PBCS implementation. As we are making our way through design, I have found…
Data Management Period OverrideContent Hi Im using file based upload for data management. and im sending data for several periods using the same data file. I have done data mapping for period and year…