Discussion List
SmartView Ad-Hoc Grid does not appear when clicking ad-hoc analysis on a cubeSummary: Ad-hoc grid does not generate when clicking ad-hoc analysis on a cube, when trying existing files the user cannot move around the file at all. Content (required…
Admin Extension in Smart View does not recognize aliasesSummary: Admin Extension in Smart View does not recognize aliases Content (required): When editing a dimension using Admin Extension in Smart View, we were able to paste…
Flex form vs ad hoc analysis (grid)Summary: Hi All, I'm trying to figure out the added value of flex forms. I fail to see what can be achieved more with a flex form in comparison to a regular ad hoc analy…
Smartview Not Loading - No Trusted Publisher CertificateSummary: We're having multiple issues with SmartView not loading and it appears it's because Oracle isn't registered as a Trusted Publisher Content (required): We're hav…
Not sure if this is possible - alternative rollups with dependencies on other dimensionsSummary: We have our main Account hierarchy for our P&L accounts, and drilling from NPAT through each roll up and down to the lowest level is no problem. However, we hav…
Smartview retrieval issue for members has no accessSummary: Generally smartview display #NoAccess for the members where user don't have access to. But in EBCS cloud, the members are disappearing after refresh. Content (r…
Unknown members on a Smart View ad-hoc grid in Standard modeContent Hi Everyone, I've come across an issue where the client wants to create and ad-hoc grid and paste hundreds of rows with members from a different sheet and input …
HsSetValue Submit Multiple WorksheetsSummary: Is there a way to have HsSetValue cells submitted for multiple worksheets at once? Content (required): User have a many worksheet workbooks, similar format for …
PBCS: metedata upload - can we activate case sensitive for member's ID?Summary: Content (required): Hi all We have a customer who has 1000s of customers and he differentiate some of them with only an "upper case"and "lowercase". for example…
Custom Attributes are not visible SmartView when attached to a data formSummary Custom Attributes are not visible SmartView when attached to a data formContent Custom Attributes are not visible SmartView when attached to a data form
Smart View save/Save as Documents not savingSummary: The latest update contains a new area under the Smart View ribbon called Library, where you should be able to save Documents in EPM under Reports -> Documents. …
How to work with numeric member names in Smart ViewSummary: How to work with numeric member names in Smart View Content (required):** This post was created as part of a How-To Service Request (SR) The Source ERP GL/HCM/P…
Does Predictive Planning Smartview Extension work with Office 365?Summary: I've tried to install the 64 bit version of Oracle Predictive Planning SV extension and install, but during install I get an error of "No valid version of Excel…
When SmartView 22.100 getting released?Summary: we have a coupleof issues pending 22.100 release for resolution. any idea when will this be published? Content (required): Version (include the version you are …
Reporting with Microsoft Power BI in PBCSSummary Questions regarding reporting with Microsoft Power BI for PBCS environmentsContent Are PBCS customers able to use Microsoft Power BI to perform reporting in thei…
Smart view - Business rulesSummary: Content (required): Hi all, I'm not able to find documentation answering this question: when having an input form open in Smart View, does a user have to manual…
How to get the Smart Push functionality to work in Dashboards when they are being utilized via SmartSummary When submitting data for an EPBCS Dashboard in Excel via the Smart View (Build 172) add-in, the Smart Push for the underlying simple forms being sav…
Copy data between versions in EssbaseWhat's the best way to copy data from one version to another in an Essbase cube? Preferably using web-based or SmartView front end, without writing scripts, no matter ho…
Adjusting max rows in Smart View (EPBCS)Summary: Content (required): Hi All, Is it possible to adjust the default max of rows to upload in Smart View for EPM cloud application (EPBCS in this case). I know this…
Found Duplicate Aliases Error Message today in ProductionHi, we are experiencing the following error message today when zooming in through a hierarchy in Smartview against our PBCS application:- "Found duplicate aliases or mem…
How do I use HypExecuteCalcScriptEx properly?I had a macro that replicated user's actions: it changed parameters in the form, updated some values, and submitted the form. Essentially, doing something like that: sts…
Should Grid Spread Work when Accessing Forms through SmartView?Summary: I have created a form using IDescendants(Full Year) and I have checked the "Enable Grid Spread" box. When accessing the form through the PBCS application, I can…
Use of Dashboard in PPT/Excel (Smart view)Summary: Is there any way to export the dashboards created in Planning to excel-SV/PPT? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): C…
SmartView VBA Functions to execute datamapsHello, I'm using HypExecuteCalcScriptEx function to execute some business rules using a macro, I was wondering if there is any exiting function similar to this to execut…
EPM Drill Through Resulting in SmartView "Cannot Connect to Provider" ErrorSummary: Drill through to the data stage (i.e. new sheet or web browser) has been working without a hitch, However now receiving the SmartView "Cannot Connect to Provide…
Adding a custom dimension to Planning does not show in the Planning Admin extensionSummary: When I add a custom dimension, either through DM or manually, the added dimension does not show in the Planning Admin Extension in Smartview under dimensions. I…
How to install EPM Books in Smart ViewSummary: I'm unable to install the EPM Books feature in Smart View Content (required): When I try to download the smart view updates, it recognizes the EPM Books feature…