Report Packages
Discussion List
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 25.03What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 25.03 Please refer to the March 2025 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM Clou…
Comparing Reviews CyclesSummary Comparing Reviews CyclesContent Hi, i was looking through the Oracle documentation about comparing reviews cycles in a report packages, and I found examples in r…
Is it possible to make edits during the review phaseSummary: For report packages where you've defined an author and review phase. Can the author make edits alongside the comments that are being made in the review instance…
Urgent issue with Powerpoint report packageHi there, We are currently facing an urgent issue where all the doclets in our powerpoint report package are failing to refresh when trying to roll over our variables si…
Issue with resizing content in word report package after embeddingSummary: Hi There, I am trying to embed a grid into a word doclet and after its embedded I am not able to move, resize or delete. It appears as the selection is locked. …
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 25.02What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 25.02 Please refer to the February 2025 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM C…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 74 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Inserting videos in PowerPoint doclets?Summary: Does anyone have experience inserting videos in a PowerPoint doclet, or it is even possible through Smart View? I'm able to insert the video through normal Powe…
Ability to Create row and Column templates in Narrative ReportingDuring the Hyperion On-Prem days, the FR Studio client allowed users to create row/column templates to streamline the creation of multiple reports using the same rows or…
Best Practices & Security Setup for Managing Master Templates for multiple entitiesAs I understand it, we are building 7 master templates which would be copied over by different entity owners to create their own reporting packages. Considering the vari…
Need different font color for different Bar in Waterfall chartSummary: Need different font color for different Bar in Waterfall chart Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As shown in screenshot, starting b…
Using the same Report Package for different companiesContent Hi, I'm trying to find out whether it's possible to use one Report Package to generate reports for multiple companies. These companies share the same template wi…
Group Assignment for Report Package SignersSummary: In Narrative Reporting, assigning a "Group" as the "Signer" for a Report Package should be possible. Currently, we have at least 100 report packages in our exis…
Checking in doclets for other usersSummary: We have a use case where a client is wanting the ability to check-in a doclet if a user has it checked-out and forgot to check-in the doclet before they went OO…
Driving multiple doclets with a single grid and multiple variablesSummary: We are thinking of using a single report file driven by a POV with multiple values using static variables. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Narrative Report with MRWe are working on new implementation of narrative project with the help of MR report which will be embedded in word doclets, need clarity on below points: 1. Auto note n…Utkarsh Choudhary 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 24.10What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 24.10 Please refer to the October 2024 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM Cl…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 156 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
why Reference variable in the report package is not referencing the values based on any dimensions.Summary: Reference variable in the report package is not sourcing the values based on any dimension in an excel file but it is sourcing values only from a particular cel…
Excel HsGetValue Central Document Linked to Multiple Report PackagesSummary: I am looking to put together 23 different report packages that stem from a centralized Excel document containing HsGetValues and different graphs and charts. Th…
can we upload password protected excel sheets as a doclet in EPRCSSummary: We are in the proess of giving a customized NRCS Demo for the one of our client in one of our Oracle Cloud Demo instances. when we try to upload the Password Pr…Ashok Kumar Mekala 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tom LeFebvre-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Create review instanceSummary: Power User unable to create a Review Instance. Report Administrator role has also been assigned. Also, Power User is not able to Start the Review cycle as well.…
Oracle Best Practice of Creating Management Reports Remote Library (Planning) or NRSummary: Hello experts, we are in the process of building Budget Book with around 50+ Management Reports, need oracle's recommendations on the below 2 scenarios. Create …
Controlling the Doclets availability to the selective UsersSummary: Controlling the Doclets availability to the selective Users in the Report Package. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are creatin…
Align report within Planning and Narrative ReportingI have one instance of Planning and another instance of Narrative Reporting. I am generating reports in Narrative Reporting from reports copied from Planning to be able …
language alias selection for a reference doclet when used in report package?Summary: A single report can be ran manually against any language alias available in your Chart of accounts, but do you really have to double your reports when used as r…
Doclet preview is different than Report Package(Word) PreviewSummary: Doclet preview is different than Report Package(Word) Preview. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have made a style sample for he…
How to we design to get Bookmarks for a Word Report Package or PDF Report PackageSummary: How do we design to get Bookmarks for a Word Report Package or PDF Report Package to get Table of Contents as Bookmarks in PDF report output Content (please ens…
Can Export NR library folder include history such as commentary?Summary: We are trying to look at the option of bringing a report package into another environment to consolidate our applications. The source report package carries doc…
Narrative Reporting Font in Embedded Doclet Revert in Document after Refreshing ContentHey everyone, I've run into what I believe to be a bug. I made a tabular report in Management Reporting that was first in Arial but has since been changed to Times New R…
Logo and Footer formatting loss after new releaseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all It seems that since the new April upgrade, we are seeing that the Style template formattin…
Does Narrative Reporting have the ability to blackline (track changes)?Summary: Does Narrative Reporting have the ability to store versions of a given report and track changes / highlight differences between the two version (ex. same report…