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Custom Attrib created for Adjustment transaction not available for profile once used with RC attribSummary: Custom Attribute1 as 'List'is configured and associated with Format System Adjustments. After that we have created one more Custom Attribute2 as calculation wit…
Reporting the results of reconciliation profile questionsSummary We would like to report the results of questions that are attached to reconciliation profiles.Content We are wanting to report the answers users have submitted f…
Calculated Attribute for Quarter Activity does not show any valueSummary Calculated Attribute for Quarter Activity does not show any valueContent All - I am trying to bring activity between quarters with calculated attribute using 'sc…Hari Jetti 61 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Can we display current system date in the reconciliation via attribute or by any meansSummary: I want to display current date in the reconciliation via attribute. If not, is there any other way to do so. Content (required): Version (include the version yo…
Filter on Reconciliation Period - how does it work?Summary: I need to create a format rule such that it gets executed only for certain periods. So, i created a filter with a condition on the Reconciliation Period. Exampl…Maitreyee Sahasrabudhe-63280 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Maitreyee Sahasrabudhe-63280 Account Reconciliation
Copy Balance ExplanationsContent Hi everyone I am looking for a design suggestion - users have a requirement to copy balance explanations to new recons from prior recons only if the prior recon'…
Problem with Transaction MatchingSummary Reconciliation IdContent I have a problem when itried to upload a file with transactions in order to import transactions, if the file is uploaded the process ret…Jonathan Zarate-155691 187 views 18 comments 2 points Most recent by Cons1981 Account Reconciliation
Adding Attribute Columns to Premapped Data LoadsContent Hi Everyone :) Is there a way to add additional attribute (data source) columns to the premapped data load files? I tried just adding the ID of the attribute and…Tammy Carlile 20 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Transaction Matching between two Flat fileSummary Need to perform match operation between two flat fileContent Hi All, I have a simple query : I have two files, Can I create a transaction matching between two fi…Prakash Singh-145122 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by RahulBansal-Oracle Account Reconciliation
ARCS-TM Data Management Supported date format is dd-MMM-yy ERRORSummary using CDM a source date of mm/dd/yyyy is failing to load with error of Supported date format is dd-MMM-yy.Content Using CDM a source date of mm/dd/yyyy is failin…Michael Amshen-49407 131 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Amshen-49407 Account Reconciliation
Reviewer Ability to Add AttachmentsContent We are currently looking for a way to allow a reviewer to add an attachment to a reconciliation during their review process. Is there a capability to do this? Do…Casey Kempel 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
How to view Historical DataSummary How to view Historical DataContent After creating a new Column that reflects the net amount for each transactions. The column is only reflecting the net amount f…
Select multiple Unmatched transactionSummary Select multiple Unmatched transactionContent Apart from using Ctrol and Shift is there any other way to select multiple transactions? Is there an option to add a…
Legacy Data Conversion to ARCSSummary Legacy Data Conversion to ARCSContent Hi, We are trying to convert the historical data from legacy reconciliation system to ARCS. Can you suggest the mechanism o…
Auto Approve and Auto Submission Rules in Variance Analysis formatSummary Close out Reconciliations when the difference between Current period balance and Previous period balance falls within a particular rangeContent Hi All, We have s…Nilakshi Sarma-194684 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tim Gaumont-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Manually Enter Subledger DetailsContent Hi All, My client has Balance Comparison reconciliations that are grouped with a subledger balance that is entered manually. They would like to manually enter mu…
Passing Adjustment should not impact the Unexplained differenceSummary Passing Adjustment should not impact the Unexplained differenceContent Hi All, I have a requirement in the Reconciliation Compliance module. Recon has 1.Ending b…Prakash Singh-145122 38 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash Singh-145122 Account Reconciliation
Period Activity Added with Ending Balance in ARCSSummary Period Activity Added with Ending Balance in ARCSContent Hi All, I am pulling Period Activity and Ending Balance in ARCS profile (Account analysis). But Instead …
Transaction Matching OnlySummary Conversion to either Balance Comparison or Account Analyis with TMContent If I initially set up a Transaction Matching Only process now and later down the road d…
Comparing Ending Balance of Recon of Prior Period from Current Period Ending BalanceSummary Comparing Ending Balance of Recon of Prior Period from Current Period Ending BalanceContent Hi All, I have a query regarding reconciliation . I have created a pr…Prakash Singh-145122 30 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash Singh-145122 Account Reconciliation
How does the Auto Reconciliation Method work with Balance Comparison with Transaction Matching?Summary We are not getting the expected results from setting the 'Balance is Zero' Auto Reconciliation Method from our Balance Comparison with Transaction MatchingConten…
Subledger Transaction data can be used for both Transaction Matching and Balance Comparison(Recon CoSummary We have periodic Transaction level data extract for all subledgers(AP,AR,FA,Cost,Cash), can we use same extract for both Transaction Matching and reconciling the…Venkatraj Bhat 45 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Tim Gaumont-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Will No Activity Rule Applicable for Balance Comparison Profile?Summary In ARCS, not getting the option to select "No Activity" in the Auto Reconciliation Method while creating the Profiles.Content We can select the Auto Reconciliati…Subramanian Karunamoorthi 37 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Subramanian Karunamoorthi Account Reconciliation
ARCS Data ManagemetSummary need of more dimensionsContent Hello, We are currently working on implementing ARCS to a company here in mexico, the company provides reports from ERP which have…
Sum two ColumnsSummary Apply Sum to a calculated attributeContent It's Possible sum two Columns in a range of values in order to determinate an amount to be conciliated? The total of t…Jonathan Zarate-155691 85 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jonathan Zarate-155691 Account Reconciliation
PART 2: Data Management Custom Integrations; the Options are EndlessSummary In this second installment of our two-part series, we will discuss the steps for creating a connection from Oracle Financials to an ARCS application using the ne…
Unable to set up prior year as prior period in Variance Analysis type of reconciliationSummary ARCS Account Reconciliation varance AnalysisContent Hi Guys, We have a requirement to set up the variance period as the period of the prior year since client wan…Tanmoy Mukherjee-81501 58 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Hari Jetti Account Reconciliation