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Where's the middleName property?Summary: I noticed a middleName native property in the Profile response in the getOrder API. But I couldn't find it in the getProfile API response. It doesn't make sense…
Has anyone implemented push notification in cx-commerce?Has anyone implemented push notification in cx-commerce?
How is Credit Card Billing Address managed and can be accessed for the Credit CardSummary: How to access billing address associated with the Credit Card and make sure custom properties on the Billing Address are maintained? Content (required): When a …
Sort items by best seller first in OOTB PLP pageSummary: The client has a requirement where they want to show best Seller products on top of the PLP page. We want to know if this could be possible and what configurati…
I wanted to know if it is possible to create an API for registering new accounts in the cloud store?Goodnight!? I wanted to know if it is possible to create an API that can register new users in ecomerce in the cloud?
Would you like to better understand how I can enable OSS in our store?Good afternoon! Would you like to better understand how I can enable OSS in our store? Because the options and steps listed in this documentation are not present in our …
create a method that prevents customers from certain regions from adding items to their cart?Good afternoon! I would like to understand how I can create a method that prevents customers from certain regions from adding items to the cart, in order to prevent them…
How can we create an Item Discount Promotion with a quantity specificationSummary: We need to create an Item Discount Promotion with a quantity specification, how can we do it? Content (required): Hello, we need some info on how to create an i…
OSF Password on ProfileSummary: When creating a OSF user, we would like to set an initial password. Has anyone accomplished this? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): La…
Price Slider in Product Collection PageSummary To incorporate Price slider in filtersContent Hi Team, We have a requirement to incorporate Price Slider in Guided Navigation Widget in the Product Collection Pa…
How to prevent the discount from being applied to a complementary productSummary: Discount applied to complementary product (false discount flag) Content (required): We are developing a new complementary product item (add-ons). Sale of extend…
HotJar IntegrationPreviously there was a knowledge document that detailed how to implement HotJar in commerce. Can that be posted here? Thanks!
Commerce Cloud Customer Success and Service Update Webinar November 15thOracle Go - Commerce Cloud Customer Success Update Event Details When: Nov 15, 2022, 1:00 PM - Nov 15, 2022, 2:00 PM Note: The time displayed defaults to the time zone o…
What's New in Oracle Commerce 22C Revision 4 (22.3.4)Release Notes and What’s New in Oracle Commerce 22C Revision 4 (22.3.4) The Release Notes for Oracle Commerce 22C revision 4 are attached.
How to display a page (website offline, we'll be back soon)Summary: How to display a page (website offline, we'll be back soon) Content (required): How to display a page (website offline, we'll be back soon) Version (include the…
OSF: How to Display Promotional Bar on Header Row on Some Pages?Summary: How to display a promotional bar on the header row on some pages, but not on some other pages? Content (required): Since the OOTB adaptive region in the header …CharlieL -Support-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by CharlieL -Support-Oracle Commerce
Supplemental Technical Resource Guide for Oracle Commerce Cloud - July 2020Content The Oracle CX Commerce product team supplements our official documentation and Oracle University curriculum with technical content and materials that we believe …
Sort by recommended for youContent Hi All, We have a requirement to sort products based on Recommended for you. Attaching screenshot for clarity. Is there any OOTB feature through which this can b…
Agent UISummary How to see changes made locally on agent console in agent UIContent Hi, I am new to Commerce Cloud I have certain doubts regarding Agent UI. How can the Agent UI…
New Feature Friday - Preview by Date and TimeContent You can now apply a date and time filter in Preview and view pages as they will be on the designated future date and time. Learn more in this 3:57 minute video N…
Multi Select Facet in OCCContent Hello, Is there any standard method to create a multi select list just like we have a single select list while creating Sku properties. Maybe any api that create…
How to Implement Back in Stock NotificationsSummary Updated version with the new Item Back in Stock WebhookContent Back in Stock Notifications allow merchants to use a custom widget to add a “Notify Me” link on a …
Monitoring tool for Oracle CX CommerceContent Hi, We have integrated Dynatrace into our e-commerce but this is not well integrated, since we can't include the dynatrace as first script and we don't have acce…
New Feature Friday - Wish List Support in Open Storefront Framework (OSF)Content Commerce customers using Open Storefront Framework (OSF) now have access to out-of-the-box wish list widgets to create and manage multiple wish lists, add, edit,…MaryAnn Mulvaney-Oracle 44 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by MaryAnn Mulvaney-Oracle Commerce
Order Cancel using Agent endpointsSummary Quantity becoming 0 when the order is cancelledContent Hi , We have developed a cancel order flow using 2 endpoints /orders/initiateCancelOrder and /orders/submi…
Sales – What's New in Oracle Commerce 21B, 13 May 2021, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the Sales – What's New in Oracle Commerce 21B session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new…Jeri Kelley - Commerce Product Strategy-Oracle 34 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Ila Saxena Commerce
Sales – What's New in Oracle CX Commerce 21A, 21 January 2021, 10 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the Sales – What's New in Oracle CX Commerce 21A session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a …
Adding a additional sort option in product collection pageSummary How to add additional sort option based on a sku property in Product Listing JsContent Hi, We have a sort by dropdown with standard sort option Price Low to high…
Is there any configuration to be done for sorting ProductsSummary Additional configuration to be done for sorting?Content Url :ccadmin/v1/products?sort=listPrice:desc Response : { "errorCode": "50012", "message": "Sorting all p…
CUSTOMER EVENT: Using Oracle Content Management with Oracle CommerceSummary Hear from AirBorn on how they are using Oracle Content Management with Commerce, CPQ, and ServiceContent Fit-for-purpose enterprise Customer Management System’s …