BI Publisher
Discussion List
Enabling SMS alert and mobile push notification is LearnSummary: Customer has requested to enable SMS alerts and push notifications for various conditions such as course expiry, reminder to take action and enroll, learner ass…
Journeys - Application task type - Talent Profiles no longer worksSummary: Task type is Application and Application Task is Talent Profile. However, when clicked on Go to Application Task, page doesn't moves to Talent Profile Page Cont…
Fusion Learn : BI tables for default access mode in offeringSummary: I need to find what default access mode has been set for Self-Service Settings>View Mode using a BI query for offerings. Whether it is no access/details view or…
Learning courses linked to any of the communityHi Team, Anyone developed the report to link the courses under the topic community? If so, please share. Thanks,
How to pass/refer Date From Parameter to another Date Parameter in BIP Report?Summary: How to pass/refer Date From Parameter to another Date Parameter in BIP Report? In below example Enroll Start Date is 01-01-2025 and Enrollment End Date max rang…
Need a Bell notification when a course is assigned to the employee by their managerSummary Need to create a custom alert when the manager has assigned a course to his employeesContent Hi Experts, We have a requirement to enable a custom bell notificati…
How to retrieve the filters applied to an existing profile plan?Summary: Hi all, Is there a way to retrieve filters applied to an existing profile type? After analyzing the Oracle HCM tables, I couldn't find any attribute that would …
BI tables data differences - e.g. WLF_LI_COURSES_F vs WLF_LEARNING_ITEMS_FSummary: WLF_LI_COURSES_F, WLF_LI_CLASSES_F, WLF_LI_ACTIVITIES_F, WLF_LI_SPECIALIZATIONS_F Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, can someone…
Possibility to track via BI Publisher, the course start date and end date for each accessSummary: Possibility to track via BI Publisher, the course start date and end date for each access Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we …
Can we set up the course completion certificate, for specific courses .Summary: Can we set up the course completion certificate in a way where, the employee is awarded the certificate for specific courses . Content (please ensure you mask a…
Export Learning Certificate using APISummary: Hi, We have requirement to export the learning completion certificate from oracle and send it to a third party system via integration. Content (please ensure yo…
Can we integrate 2 LinkedIn accounts for same user with oracleSummary: Can we integrate 2 LinkedIn accounts for same user with oracle Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we integrate 2 LinkedIn accoun…
Meaning of Obsolete Status in WLF LEARN EVENT tableSummary: Meaning of Obsolete Status in WLF LEARN EVENT table Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! It has been observed that…
Implement Badging in Oracle Learning Cloud and Integrate with talent profileSummary: We are looking to implement badges in Oracle Learning Cloud Content (required): Hi All, Our client is looking for implementing Badging functionality in Oracle L…
Clarification on Manual Payment Workflow in Learning ModuleHi Team, I have a question regarding the learning module. I created a course and added manual payment. I then applied an override at the Offering level using "Edit Offer…
Alert Composer - ${AlertUtils.empManager(learnerLearningRecords.assignedToId).WorkEmail}Summary: Hi team We need to know if when we use this tag ${AlertUtils.empManager(learnerLearningRecords.assignedToId).WorkEmail} for the manager to receive the notificat…
Join Course and Offering assignment tableSummary: Hi, I'm trying to create a Datamodel (basically a query) to join Course Assignment and Offering Assignment. Both uses the same table WLF_ASSIGNMENT_RECORDS_F, j…
BIP Query to Retrieve Learning Course and Associated Learning Outcomes DetailsBIP Query to retrieve learning Course and Associated Learning Outcomes details: Course Name, Course Number, Mapped section name and skills
BIP Query to Retrieve Learning Course and Associated Prerequisites DetailsBIP Query to retrieve learning Course and Associated Prerequisites details: Course Name, Course Number, Prerequisites
BI query returning learner activity score returns blank after Redwood implementationSummary: We have implemented Redwood 24D release this month. A query that was initially returning scores of employees is now returning blank data Content (please ensure …
Impact of overriding OBSOLETE with ERROR status in WLF_LEARNING_EVENTSummary: Impact of overriding OBSOLETE with ERROR status in WLF_LEARNING_EVENT Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! We have…
Selection Methods in Learning InitiativesSummary: Need SQL Query to extract Selection Methods in Learning Initiatives When you edit an initiative, there's an option Selection Methods in the step 2
learning initiatives querySummary: When you edit an initiative, there's an option to use an Analysis in the step 2 Select Learners. Is there a way to pull all the courses, initiatives and the cor…
Oracle Learning Cloud Bulk Processingwe need to have details about the ESS Oracle Learning Cloud Bulk Processing, which has been running in production. Is it possible to get these details via query? Do you …
Can we hide or disable the Hourly/Minute frequency while schedule BIP Reports?Summary: Can we hide or disable the Hourly/Minute frequency while schedule BIP Reports? We have identified users that have used the scheduling option to have reports run…
How to get items list along with Inventory organization associationSummary: How to get items list along with Inventory organization association Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need list of items along w…
Past Attempt Details of LearnersIssue: We would like to view the learner's past attempts for specific courses through BIP. Description: We encountered an issue where a learner completes a course or off…Mohammed Waseem Akram S 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohammed Waseem Akram S Learning
Table to fetch evaluation selection field into BIP reportHi Team, I am trying to fetch activity evaluation details in BIP report , please let me know which table I should be looking into to get the Evaluation selection fiels. …
Need to capture individual feedback responses of multiple instructors in one offeringSummary Need to capture individual feedback responses of multiple instructors in one offering for the instructors dashboardContent Need a solution for a below usecase in…
How to get the specialization linked with courses?Hi All, I am working on getting all courses details report and trying to get one of the column in my report Part of Specialization but i am unable to get the link betwee…