Discussion List
Virtual Classroom URL link in Notification to learners using Alert ComposerSummary To display Virtual Classroom URL to learners using Alert ComposerContent Hello All, Just want to know if there is a way to display Virtual Classroom URL to learn…
Scheduling delegate active list to ILT course to instructorSummary: We host several ILT courses. Is there a way the delegate list for each course date can be scheduled to be automatically emailed to the instructor so we dont hav…
Course trailer blocking enrollment button when viewing on mobile.Hello, We are expecting learners to access the learning catalogue on a range of devices. We've enabled a trainer for a range of courses this appears nicely for the compu…
Learning courses - completion limitHi everyone, we are setting up the courses of the learning module, our client has requested to insert a completion limit of 24 hours for the self-assigned courses. Is it…
Completion status due to maximum expected effort reachedSummary: Hello, Could you please tell me if when we set a Maximum Expected Effort at course level and it is reached at activity level, does the offering status go to com…
How can I add a catagory to Courses so learners can search by catagory in Redwood?Summary: We are trying to test Redwood and there is no place for us to add catagories in "Content", "Course", Offering" "Activity". Where is this suppose to be done? Wou…
Can we add a deep link to an outside training site ?Summary: We would like to add a tile below that would deeplink to the DCF Training site - is this possible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
How to purge learning completion being retained at the content level (not course/offering)?Summary: When assignments are deleted or reassigned at Offering level, completion status is still retained at Content (Activity) level. When users access the Offering, i…
Bulk upload of SCORM contents via Rest API with Recorded Attempts "Unlimited"Hello, Is there any way to massively upload SCORM contents via Rest API setting the value of "Recorded Attempts" field as "Unlimited" instead of "Single"? Thanks Giada
Alert Composer - DFF in the Alert filter criteriaSummary Alert Composer - DFF in the Alert filter criteriaContent Hello All, I am trying use the DFF as a filter criteria in Alert composer, but I understood that we cann…Sahana Lokanatha-Oracle 283 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Abdul Rauf Mohammad-Oracle Learning
Successfully Integrated Skillsoft with OracleSummary Step by step description on how to integrateContent Hi All, I was able to successfully complete this integration and am documenting the steps involved - * Liaise…
What is the purpose of the Recorded Attempt Review drop down in SCORM settings?Summary What is the purpose of the Recorded Attempt Review drop down in SCORM settings?Content Hi All What is the purpose of the Recorded Attempt Review drop down in the…
How to get the employee report in Oracle Learning Cloud For Content Type VideoHi Everyone @Anders Northeved-Oracle We have uploaded the Video Content type in the course as a task, Video which has 45 minutes of content. However, the user can finish…
'Find Offering' option is not always availableSummary: 'Find Offering' option is not always available. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have found the system behavior is not consisten…
CertificatesSummary: I am trying to use certificates for different available courses on LMS. Can we add external (adobe)certificates to learnings, or can we only use the Oracle temp…
incomplete specialisation by due dateSummary: Is there a status option for specialisation or courses with due dates which the learner doesn't complete in time - ie. failed, incomplete, due date expired?
Can expiration date be removed from completed assignments?Summary: I used the expiration date when creating mass assignments for an annual refresher training, and now all the completed assignments are shown as expired. Is there…
Closed community is not visible to non membersSummary: I have created a Topic Community and privacy is set to closed. Now as a learner I am trying to look for this community. Me>Learning>Search. But I am not able to…
I've set my Prompt, how to I make it so Managers can see them to run their own report?Summary: I'm building custom reports for managers, but when the click on the report they can not pick the criteria they need to narrow the search. What am I missing? Or …
Class RostersSummary: Is the only way to get a class roster, to go into the Offering and create an excel spreadsheet? Or is there another spot where it looks like an actual roster wi…
Is it possible to do an integration with Navex External Provider with Oracle Learning Cloud?Summary: Client wants to setup an integration between Oracle Learning and Navex learning provider. Is it possible to integrate with Navex. Implementing learning document…
Linkedin Learning integration impacts on Access GroupsSummary: Hello, we have enabled the Linkedin Learning integration but several courses will be managed using access groups. Hence, I would like to understand what will be…
Reconcile Learning Assignments has stopped workingSummary: The Reconcile Learning Activities has stopped working for all courses. Is there a way to get it working again? Content (required): When we make a change to a ti…
Help with renewal coursesSummary: I am setting up a course to have a three year expiry, the course will have an self-paced offering (e-learning module) attached to it. Can anyone help me underst…
Users not able to re-attempt e-learningSummary: We found out our e-learning was set to single attempts and so reset them to unlimited attempts to match our scorm pack but learners cannot re-try the learning. …
Redwood UI: How to restrict LinkedIn Courses in "Featured" and "Browse" pages for certain location?Summary: How to restrict LinkedIn Courses in "Featured" and "Browse" pages for certain location? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): LinkedIn …
Is there a configuration for Multistate Certification?Summary: We are trying to determine if there is a flag we can enable that says a certification is multistate? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
How to make voluntary learning show in Learning dashboardSummary: Is there a way to make the Voluntary and Recommended Learning number appear just like the "Required Learning"? Please see screenshot. Learners are thinking they…
Report feature - notification s to Learn AdminSummary When learner reports an issue with course/offering using More Actions> Report feature, no notification triggeredContent Hi, When learner reports an issue with co…
How do Default Assignment Rules work if not originally set up on the course?Summary: We have a course that was not originally set up with Default Assignment Rules enabled that now needs to have the option to be retaken. We have thousands of volu…