Learning Plans
Discussion List
Can we enable a registration close time when the waitlist enabledSummary: Can we enable a registration close time when the waitlist enabled They want to be able to close out enrollment 24 hours before the course starts and not let any…
Adding competency level instead of importance on a courseSummary: it is possible to add the Competency level to prerequisites on a course or specialization instead of Importance? if the answer is 'not possible', can someone ex…
Job Family - Learning ModuleSummary: Does the Learning Module have a unique "Job Family" area that is not the same as the "Position" Job Family area. As an example we want to create a specific "job…
How to create workflow for external learning?Summary: How to create a workflow for external learning? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to create a workflow for external learning? V…
how to create a workflow for "Record External Learning"Summary: how to create a workflow for "Record External Learning" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): how to create a workflow for "Record Exte…
Alerts are triggered for the courses which were already end datedSummary: Hi, We have end dated a course which is already assigned to the users. But still alerts are triggering for end dated courses. Is there any feasibility to stop t…
Retrospective enrolments - query enrolling employee on an offering after end dateSummary: Hi, would it be possible to ask for some advice. The company I work for moved to learning in Oracle Fusion at the beginning of December 23. Our learning departm…
How to get attendees report for virtual instructor led trainings and instructor led trainings?Summary: How to get attendees' reports for virtual instructor-led training and instructor-led training as an HR specialist? Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Can we hide Learning Request details?Summary: Can we hide Learning Request details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): This comes up when we go to Learners tab on a course and try…
Fusion Learn Module ImplementationSummary Need help to on conversion of SCORM Courses & AICC Contents as Learning Content to Oracle LearningContent Hi Experts, As we are new to this Learn module, We need…
Not getting the Print Certificate optionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We have recently enabled the redwood pages for employee self service and when we are tryi…
Not getting Print Certificate option under Actions for completed courseSummary: Not getting Print Certificate option under Actions for completed course Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am not getting the Prin…
Unbale to schedule the "Virtual Classroom External Provider Synchronization" process in OLC?Summary: Unbale to schedule the "Virtual Classroom External Provider Synchronization" process in OLC? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Unba…
In need of the HDL template to update the Course, Offering, Activity and update the Learning Record.Summary: Hi All, Kindly provide the HDL template for Updating the Course, Offering, Activity and learning record. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
How to content items by using content type is "Document"?Summary: How to content items by using the content type is "Document"? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to content items by using the c…
Modifying or adding options to the completion status dropdownSummary: Dear Expert, I would like to inquire about the possibility of modifying or adding options to the completion status dropdown for the following scenario: We condu…
How to capture duration on record external learning to generate different approvals?Hi all, How to capture duration on record external learning to generate different approvals based on start & completion date ? 1. for 30 days & less 2. for 30 days & mor…
Attached PDF not showing under Content?Summary: attached PDF not showing under Content? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Issue:- We have created multiple contents under "Catalog …
Is there a way if Learn Admin assigns the course/offering to employee then should go for Approval ?Summary: Is there a way, if Learn Admin or Learning Specialist assigns the course/offering to employee then it should go for a Approval ? Content (please ensure you mask…
Please explain Default Assignment Rules to me - Learning InitiativesSummary: Please explain the various options in the Default Assignment Rules tab when setting up learning initiatives. I am experiencing some issues and would love to jum…
Add courses to specialisation in stages with different due dateSummary: Is it possible to create a specialisation and add courses throughout the year in stages with different due dates. We want to set them out during the year as bel…
Need help on OLC TablesSummary Self-Service Discussions, Learning Item Default Attribute,Manage Alerts,Manage Learner DefaultsContent Hi We need help on the following attached screen shots tab…
Inquiry about Skills as Pre Requisite In CourseHello SME's Good Day, I would like to ask about Skills as Pre Requisite in course, we are currently configuring Pre Requisite in course and in testing we see that the Co…
Oracle Guided LearningSummary Oracle Guided LearningContent We have bought Oracle guided learning as part of the Oracle Cloud implementation. Need help in implementation of the guided learnin…
How to remove a completed course from user profilesHi All, I have client requirement to remove a completed course for one user. I was able to Undo Complete of Course, Withdraw that learner and delete the assignment for t…
FYI to managers for courses assigned by AdminSummary: Hi Experts, We need to send a FYI to the managers when the learn Admin has assigned a course to the employees. So that any course/workshop that has been assigne…
Learning programsSummary: Hello, We are currently implementing oracle cloud learning. Can you please advise how learning programs are linked to learning assignments ? How do we use it to…
Department list of values are not Populating in Learning Assignments PageSummary: Learning Specialist cannot see Department List of Values in Learning Assignments Page. None of the values are appearing. Content (please ensure you mask any con…
Able futures to restrict number hours of trainingHello everyone Is there a feature to limit the number of training hours for employees? A client needs users not exceed more d 50 hours of training in 1 year. Is it possi…
multiple instructors in the oracle learnSummary: Our client have requirements to add multiple instructors for same courses. They want to tag multiple instructors at course/offering level. Is this feasible Cont…