Learning Plans
Discussion List
Traning is complete notification is false, How to correct itSummary:We are getting notification from the application regarding courses aren't completed yet. How do we stop this notification and possibly correct it to only sent wh…
Cannot Restrict Learning Program visibility and participants by AORSummary Although permissions have been updated to restrict by Organization hierarchy this is not happening?Content Wondering if anyone could reccomend anything to help w…
Seeded Reminder for Instructor: WLF-00004 also to be sent to LearnersWe have a requirement, where the seeded Alert to remind Instructors before 2 days of the activity date is working. We also need this alert to be sent to Learners. When t…
how to get the learners already assigned not to captured in the otbi reportSummary: When trying to assign the learners through the learning initiative using the OTBI report. the requirement is to not capture the same users to get assigned to th…
Can we create initiative on fixed date and assign same course on completion after 2 year of assignSummary: We want to ability to push at learning on a fixed date and then have it be due 2 years after that fixed date. For example 1 July 2024 it pushes learning out and…
Learning Plan Descriptive FlexfieldsSummary Descriptive Flexfield on learning plan are not availableContent Hello all, We are investigating whether the Learning Plan functionality could be a match for our …
How to add score in LMS from external project which was not in the LMSHow to add score from external project which was not in the LMS, but this project was based on to the course which we have created in LMS, so here the requirement is to …
Restrict Access to communitySummary: Is there a way to add an access group to a community, similar to a course etc. we only want certain departments to be able to see them in a catalog search, not …
Learning content provider for OLCSummary: Customer is looking to find content provider who can help to build learning content in SCORM or AICC format? What are recommended learning provider that oracle …
Are the List of Values for withdrawn or bypass and completed customizable?Summary: We would like to be able to add "waived" to the list of values (LOV's) either at the withdraw status or for bypass and completed. Is this possible? We have a us…
Skills Advisor for Learning ProcessesSummary: Skills Advisor for Learning Processes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! If anyone has the details about the req…
Setting up an approval Rule for withdrawals in learningHi all, We have the requirement to configure an approval rule which compares the start date of an activity to the withdrawal date of a learner. If the difference is grea…
manager cannot display pending workersSummary: Hello, I would like to know whether it is correct that the manager, in the Learning module, when assigning courses/offerings, cannot display pending workers. Th…
What does Program in the Learning Adminstrator section actually do?I have noted in the release notes that Planning is now not under controlled availability anymore so I've enabled it. I have found a very short pdf file on that subject b…
How to assign expiry dates to existing required learning assignments?Summary: Hello , We have a requirement where we are loading learning records for learners completed in past. We have certain courses which requires to be renewed periodi…
How to hide the My Learning Experience tabs using Visual Builder?Summary: Hi community! Our client ask us to hide the "Browse", "Search"and "Report" Tabs from the My Learning Experience page using Visual Builder. We tried several time…
Recommended Procedure for Enrolment of Employees into Mandatory Compliance courses with expirySummary: Scenario: We have compliance courses with predefined expiry rules where an employee is mandated to redo the course upon the expiry. Ex: Course ABC is defined wi…Ramchander Pothanolla 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andre Brown-Support-Oracle Learning
How to remove a learner while assigning a course through person criteriaSummary: We are trying to bulk assign an course to the employees of a department say HR, from that list of 10 employees in HUman resource how can I exclude or remove 1 o…
Learning how to renew a course for a learner who already completed it in the past ?Hello , In learning we would like to renew the enrolments of some courses for existing learners who have already completed those courses. Currently when we perform an en…
What role is needed to access Item Catalog under My Client Groups -> Profiles?Summary: Our Learning Manager previously had the Application Implementation Consultant role given during our Oracle implementation. We have removed this role from her pr…
Requirement: Client want to load the course for terminated employeesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello All, In our organization there are couple of terminated employees, client wants to load the…
Assigned Specialization move to completed status automaticallySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Expert, When our Learning admin assigns the specialization to the learners then majority of…
Not able to see in progress specialization as a managerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, As a manager I want to see direct reportees enrollment details, if they has specializatio…
All Learning History (Including Previous Years) of EmployeeHi All, I was hoping someone could help me out. how to look at the previous years’ training history for learners in Oracle Learning Cloud. A situation has come up where …
Requirement: One of our client wants to know can we add the person number in the notificationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, There is learning notification called Learning Item Incident, when a learner report to le…
Have to add a resource alert for notification to be triggered Required Learning is Past Due - Day 1Hi all, Kindly give your insights on it and how can this get triggered for a learner.
Process Learning Records process is going into warning when we run it.Summary: Content (required): We have an initiative which was not getting assigned to the newly hires hence we tried to run this process and it is going into warning stat…
Requirement: User has to save/close button within SCORM contentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, I got a question from my client where they want to know do we have any option where user …
Learner is not able to register the courseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, There is a course without any prereq but still a learner is not able to register the cour…