Learning Plans
Discussion List
Course or Offering Assignee detailsSummary Where Can I find the course assingee detialsContent Team, Is there way we can know who assigned the course or offering to employees? We are building a report and…
Plan profile - New assignment does not create a new learning record at course levelSummary: Content (required): Hello, I have added a new assignment through the Plan profile feature. It now appears in my Plan with status "Planning". From my understandi…
Notification is not triggering when assign the new course to a learnerSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have assigned a course to the learner but learner didn't received any notification that they received any course. Please sugge…
How can an Instructor get the summary after completing the classroom training for evaluationSummary: How can an Instructor get the summary after completing the classroom training for evaluation Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if …
Not able to delete a learner when he/she completed an ILTSummary: Content (required): Hi All, There a learner who has completed an ILT session but now we are trying to delete the learner from this ILT, but there is nothing to …
Learning assignment withdrawal ruleSummary Trying to enhance learning assignment approval rule but it is not working as expected Content Hi There, need some help in configuring one of the approval rule. W…
Assigned the offering to new learner and the status changed to not started to In progressSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have assigned an offering to the learner, the it should show not started, but for some learners it is showing not started and …
Context Segment field is not shown during Create or Update a Course Or OfferingSummary: DFF Context Sensitive Segment (Context Segment) field is not displayed during Create or Update a Course or Offering. Able to see only Global Segments in Course/…
"Null" token value in alert composerSummary: Content (required): Hello, We are experiencing a problem within the Alert Composer configuration. In particular, we note that when a field (token) is not valued…
How can a facilitator add comments & attachments to a course in Classroom TrainingSummary: We have created a ILT training and added instructor. Before or After completing the course. How can a facilitator (Instructor or Training Supplier) add comments…
Mass withdraw of waitlisted learners from ILT offeringSummary: We have experienced waitlisted learners dont get withdrawn automatically when offering end date passed.We need to withdraw them manually one by one and it takes…
Total Required Activities shown in Specialization is incorrectSummary: Hello I have created a Specialization with 2 sections: 1) Health Section - Contains 6 Activities 2) Safety Section - Contains 8 Activities This is how it should…
SSO and OLCSummary: We are implementing SSO between Oracle Fusion and our corporate Azure/AD. Users without AD access will not access Oracle Fusion. Are there Oracle tools or third…
How can I provide feedback and ideas regarding the oracle learning management system?Summary: We just started using the oracle LMS and it is in need of improvement. Content (required): Reports don't work, too clicky, managers can't delegate to their educ…
Issue with waived pre-req not clearing the offering pre-reqSummary: Content (required): Hi Team, We have created a course, and there is an offering. When we waived prerequisite on the course level then still we are getting the p…
Want to build a custom notificationSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have received a requirement to build a custom notification using Alert Composer, when a learning assignment assign to the lear…
Metrics/Indicators on plan recordsSummary: Content (required): Hello, In the "Plan records" section we don't have the indicators for costs, learners, etc. Whether as Learning Specialist or Learning Speci…
How to create or use the org chart in the add person criteria (Learner) for enrolling in course?Summary: I am trying to add learner using the org chart criteria but I am unable to search for organization which is created as organization trees in workforce structure…
Change the Due Date to number of days when a learning course is overdueSummary: We need to have the number of days to be displayed in the Alert notification, in case if a learning course is overdue. We do not want a due date to be displayed…
Not able to update the Mastery Score in SCORM contentSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have uploaded a SCORM content and also attached with an offering, and in an offering we have attached an assessment there are …
Learning Course Additional Attributes not displayed on Learner Self ServiceSummary: Descriptive Flexfields for Learning Course not showing in Learner Self Service Content (required): We have have a requirement from the customer where they want …
Learning InitiativeSummary: Hi Experts , Our client has currently a lot of learning initiative going on in the as-is system . How can we import those running initiative in our OLC . There …Saurabh Pratap Singh 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Austin P. Oracle OLC-Oracle Learning
Re assigning the courseSummary We would to withdraw all the assignee's and re assign the courseContent Team, We have assigned course to all the employees and send an email notification with de…
Training Path in OLCSummary: Hi Experts , Our client want to develop training path for its employees in OLC. The requirement is as follow Courses needs to be defined within the training pat…
How to disable sequencing option in LearnSummary: We have enabled sequencing in our environment but we want to revert back to the old non -sequencing so we have changed the profile option ORA_WLF_SEQUENCING_VER…
Issue with Custom Filter for LearnerSummary: Hi Experts , We have created a custom filter as shown below on Me ---> Learning ---> Advance Search One of the courses in our catalog is assigned learning appro…
Learning Content mass upload using REST APIContent Hi All, We are looking for mass uploading of approximately 2K contents (SCORM, Video and PDF) in Fusion Learn. It will be highly appreciable if you can guide us …
Alert notificationSummary: Hi Team, I have an requirement where customer want a notification if any learning alert notification failed. Can we achieve this requirement. Thank you Content …
Learner has multiple enrollments in CourseSummary: How can a Learner have multiple enrolments in a Course. One offering is' completed' and one is 'not started' Content (required): We have a course with multiple …
Is it possible to change font size of ESS, MSS pages in Oracle Learning Cloud?Summary: This question is raised to know if there are any chances of editing the font size of pages in Oracle Learning Cloud through Page Composer or Page Template Compo…