Learning Plans
Discussion List
Training Path in OLCSummary: Hi Experts , Our client want to develop training path for its employees in OLC. The requirement is as follow Courses needs to be defined within the training pat…
How to disable sequencing option in LearnSummary: We have enabled sequencing in our environment but we want to revert back to the old non -sequencing so we have changed the profile option ORA_WLF_SEQUENCING_VER…
Issue with Custom Filter for LearnerSummary: Hi Experts , We have created a custom filter as shown below on Me ---> Learning ---> Advance Search One of the courses in our catalog is assigned learning appro…
Learning Content mass upload using REST APIContent Hi All, We are looking for mass uploading of approximately 2K contents (SCORM, Video and PDF) in Fusion Learn. It will be highly appreciable if you can guide us …
Alert notificationSummary: Hi Team, I have an requirement where customer want a notification if any learning alert notification failed. Can we achieve this requirement. Thank you Content …
Learner has multiple enrollments in CourseSummary: How can a Learner have multiple enrolments in a Course. One offering is' completed' and one is 'not started' Content (required): We have a course with multiple …
Is it possible to change font size of ESS, MSS pages in Oracle Learning Cloud?Summary: This question is raised to know if there are any chances of editing the font size of pages in Oracle Learning Cloud through Page Composer or Page Template Compo…
List of Standard notification in Oracle Learning CloudSummary: List of Standard notification in Oracle Learning Cloud Content (required): We like to understand what all the Standard notifications/Alerts be triggered from Fu…
Is there an HDL Loader to delete active assignments?Summary: Hello, I am interested in using an HDL loader to remove Not Started, In Progress, No Offering Selected and Not Passed courses in learning. Is there an HDL loade…
Learning Record Real Time: Retraining / Future Learning Records MissingSummary: I created a custom report for our trainers to see overdue, current and upcoming training. When I use the Learning Record Real Time subject area, I noticed train…
Custom resource alert to capture DELETED RecordSummary: As part of withdrawal process, employee/admin can select to exclude the learners record form transcript. We are looking to trigger notification to learner in ca…
Converting from Voluntary assignment Type to Required in LearningSummary: Looking for some ways to convert mass voluntary assignment types to required types in Learning. Content (required): Across all our businesses, there are a bunch…
Follow a specialization and after 2 years you need to follow a course: how toSummary: How do I need to configure to have automatically people enrolled in a course, 2 years after following a specialization Content : An employee need to follow a ba…Sabrina Lombaerts-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sabrina Lombaerts-Oracle Learning
Learning visibility to AbsencesContent Is there a way for the Learning administrators to have visibility to an employee's absence when assigning an instructor lead course/offering? Currently, the cour…
Two active required assignments on learner's planSummary: Hello, I am looking for some insight into if a learner can have one course assigned 2 different times and neither are yet to be completed. For example, I found …
Employees are not able to see the content that is added under course?Summary: Employees are not able to see the content that is added Content (required): We seem to have an issue with the global onboarding learning initiative. Employees a…
Trigger initiative to Users belong to certain Jobs and have a Team reporting to themDear Experts, I am trying to trigger a Learning Initiative to Learners who belong to certain jobs and have a Team reporting to them via Person Criteria. Is this possible…
Requirement: Client wants to load the learning itemsSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, I have received a requirement from my client that they want to load the course, offering, learning assignment, learning initiativ…
Learning Assignment Withdraw ApprovalContent Hi, We have the requirement as below for the 'Learning Assignment withdraw approval' Approval rule should trigger when learner try to withdraw from the learning …User_2025-02-11-11-34-25-447 51 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Maxime VIEILLY-Oracle Learning
Learning Initiative Behavior and Expected OutcomesSummary: Learning assignment records have been impacted with incorrect Assignments and Due Dates on July 28, 2022. Content (required): When the business discovered that,…
Retraining Applied When User Fails AssessmentSummary: When a learner doesn't pass an assessment, they are given a status of 'Not Passed' but it is marking the course complete and applying the course retraining rule…
What is the purpose of Administrator Dashboard in OLM?Summary: Presently, the administrator dashboard is limited to display videos from YouTube. Is there any other purpose to this dashboard, apart from videos and adding cus…
Specialization - Assigned as Required but Courses within are VoluntarySummary: Content (required): Hi there, So here we are. We are seriously exploring the option to have an Induction Learning Path as Specialization with several sections. …
Which privilege's need for ClassroomsSummary: Hi Team, Does any one know which privilege is needed for "Classrooms"? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snip…
Need to add the skills and qualification in the My Client Groups tabSummary: Hi Team We have received a requirement from client and they are interested to add the skills and qualification in the my client groups, if anyone can help us to…
22A&B NewFeature Session_Learning_For China CustomerSummary: This is replay and material of 22A&B NewFeature Session_For China Customer Content (required): Hi, All This is replay of HCM Cloud 22A&B NewFeature Session held…
Line manager not able to find direct report in OLCSummary: Line manager not able to find direct report in OLC Content (required): Line manager not able to find direct report learning record in OLC. When manager view tra…
OLC Integration with Career DevelopmentHello Experts! My organization is currently implementing some new functionality under "Career Development". We building out our Jobs and Model Profiles so that employees…
How to disactive Ratings & Comments on Learning ItemsSummary How to disactive Ratings & Comments on Learning ItemsContent Hello,I want to disactive the rating & comment part on Learning Items for all the learners, How can …
Needs to send a gentle reminder email every week to learners who have not completed the course?Summary: Needs to send a gentle reminder email every week to learners who have not completed the course? Content (required): Can we send a gentle reminder email every we…