Discussion List
How to fetch the Member Role in the Learning Community?Summary: Hi All, How to fetch the Member Role in the Learning Community using BIP? Content (required): Which table stores the Member Role in the Learning Community? Vers…
Is there anyway to add Time of the session in the ILT Training Title.Summary: Is there any way to add Time of the session in the ILT Training Title. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I feel like this is a GAP …
Where is the Overdue Status in OBTI Analysis?Summary: Making my own version of a Compliance Report that was in a webinar teaching and I cannot find the Overdue Status Content (required): Best criteria for showing a…
Why do Instructor Led Trainings show a different Offering day than expected?Summary: When reviewing the Offering choices for different Instructor Led Trainings within a Course, the days displayed are showing a 1 day difference then the expected …Brett -Oracle Support-Oracle 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jamie Rancourt-Oracle Learning
For mandatory trainings, Is there any option to the Line Manager to reschedule the training?Is there any option for Line manager to reschedule the training in case of unavailability or postponing the same?
Missing headers and buttons are changed to green for General Accounting module and supplier screenSummary: Enabled Redwood UI for learning by setting all learning profiles and global profile for HCM - ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED. After enabling Redwood UI for learning,H…
Learning Assessment does not record completion even though user gets passed messageFor learning assessments we find that our learners can get a message that the assessment is passed, but the score and pass are not recorded in learning. This can happen …
Learning Record HDL Load with Exempted StatusHi All, For Learning Records data migration using HDL, we have more than 120 rows of data with the status as Exempted. Currently the lookup values available for Status a…
HDL is not working as expected - LearningRecordHello, We are attempting to add ten employees to offering "T17279". Some of them are uploading with a "Not Started" status (which is what my client wants), while others …
Change button/filter text in Redwood pages (Visual Builder)Summary: Are changing the text of buttons and filters possible through the Visual Builder tool? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to…
How does the Keyword search work in Redwood learning experience page?Summary: When Searched a course by entering full title, the result doesn't return any value. However, when searched without any keyword or 1st word of the full course ti…
Workforce Learning - Learning Records Real Time not able to fecth minimum capacitySummary: With Subject Area: Workforce Learning - Learning Records Real Time, we are able to get the maximum capacity of the offering "Offering Assigned Learning Item Inf…
Can we remove active staff from our instructor list?Summary: Is it possible to remove staff from the instructors list? We have a number of employees who no longer deliver training for us, but are still active employees. I…
Not able to apply activity date as a filterSummary: Hi, We are trying to pick the record as activity start date as tomorrow ${activityDate} = sysdate+1, this is the expression that we have build and after running…
Add Learner using 'Person Number List'Content Hi All, In OLC we have got this new functionality to add Learner using Person Number List. Please help in understanding how this functionality works. Regards Sou…
Alerts not being sentSummary: Content (required): Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on the below Learning Alerts we have created. We have created Learning Alerts for 'Exited Wa…
Error when trying to schedule an AlertContent Hi all, since the update to 20B we receive this error message, once we try to schedule an Alert in the Alerts Composer: ESS-02003 User XY does not have sufficien…
What is the best practice to cancel an Instructor-Led offering / class?Summary: Because Oracle lacks the simple ability to just cancel an Instructor-Led class, we are struggling to find a process that accomplishes this. Most importantly, we…
Questionnaire not showing when trying to add it as an Assessment in the Content librarySummary: Hi everyone, We have created the questions, the questionnaire template and the questionnaire, but when we try to add it as an Assessment (Learning >Catalog Reso…
Does Oracle Learning Cloud Redwood for Manager, Learners use GEnerative AI for recommendationsSummary: Does Oracle Learning Cloud Redwood for Manager, Learners use GEnerative AI for recommendations, or any other function Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
learningHi to all, If I enter as a manager and I create a community in My team>Learning>Actions>Create learning community, then I can't see the Community I created before in "My…
No matches when searching for a self-service communityHello everyone, I've created a self-service community but I'm not able to view it in "I Manage" section. Do you know how can I fix this issue? Thank you Alessandra
Report on who edited an assignment and the commentsSummary: I need to have a report that shows who modified/edited an assignment and the Notes, Comments, Justifications (anywhere, that someone need to put in the reason w…
How to disable learner self-publish videos?Summary: How can we remove the ability for learners to self-publish videos? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are in the process of enabl…
SCORM 2004 3rd Edition - Mastery Scores and Completion IssuesSummary: SCORM 2004 3rd Edition - Mastery Scores and Completion Issues Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We were recently informed through a…
Approval Rule for Non Catalog Learning showing errorSummary: Approval Rule for Non Catalog Learning showing error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement from our client to sen…
Is there a way to have Smart Tips pop out in a box?Summary: Below is a Smart tip but you have to hit the Red ? to make the box pop-up. Is there a way to automatically make the box pop out? Also can we edit colors on this…
How to view pre-requisitesSummary: How can the learner view the associated prerequisites from the offerings page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As a learner, I've…
Line Manager unable to withdraw a Learning that he recommended to his Direct ReportHi Team, We noticed one issue while testing the New Redwood pages. Line managers were able to recommend a learning item to a team member from the Team> Learning page. Bu…
Can you delete Exempted learning records off from the UI?Summary: We have Site HR teams across our company. Unfortunately, when ad-hoc assigning courses, they changed the drop-down menu to the one where you can exempt learners…