Discussion List
HCM Document of Record view onlySummary: Hi, I have a requirement to grant access to HCM "Document of Record" only in read-only/View mode. That includes removing the "Add" button, editing existing reco…
Can we disable all uploads / downloads in Oracle HCM when accessing from outside the trusted networkWe have a requirement to allow our employees access to Oracle HCM from outside the company VPN, however disable the ability for them to upload/download. To grant limited…
SSO Certificate Renewal for Fusion ApplicationsOur current Azure certificate for Fusion Applications will be expiring in little over a week. Our Azure Admin team is questioning why we need to regenerate a new IDP met…
Is there a way to restrict the pending worker conversion before the joining dateThe conversion of pending worker before the joining date is causing a lots of issues in HCM extract. We are looking for a method if the pending worker conversion can be …Priyanka Thakur-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Priyanka Thakur-Oracle Human Capital Management
Remove National identifier access from Line Manager role in Global Transfer actionWe have a custom line manager role which has "Perform Worker Local and Global Transfers" privilege added separately. When doing global transfer Line Managers are able to…Rajdeep78 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jun Ye-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to create a Transaction Security Profile based on Business Unit?Summary: Is it possible to create a Transaction Security Profile based on Business Unit or will that be applied based on the Person Security assigned to the Data role? W…
Is there a way to determine if a user's assigned role has been delegated by someone else?Currently, we have only one delegated role. We want to know if there's a way to generate a list of users who have been assigned that delegated role by someone else, in o…acir19 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Trigger notifications without access to the systemHi Experts, We are looking for a solution to trigger workflow notification to few users but NOT allowing them to log into HCM. We are thinking of setting up their user a…
How to Audit who has accessed Compensation DataSummary: We would like to audit the read access to Compensation data. The Sensitive Data Access Audit provides who had Read access to the following attributes: National …Al Darabaris 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alberto Romani-Oracle Human Capital Management
Privileges that will allow users to Manage Configuration PackagesSummary: We are task to create a custom role that will allow users to Manage Implementation Project and Manage Configuration Packages via the Setup and Maintenance. We h…Chris Ko 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Oracle Cloud Fusion License Usage Metrics reportSummary: Oracle provides Service Usage Metrics Drill Through report with information for subscribed (per contract) and assigned (Authorized User Quantity) licenses with …
Getting 403 Forbidden Access to the resource is prohibitedSummary: I am trying to use the REST API to get the advanced control details. For that, I have used the following URL: fscmRestApi/resources/…VinothTamilselvan 52 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by VinothTamilselvan Applications Security
Configure Search Experience Using Search Views 25ASummary: What is this new 25A feature and how can it be tested? What is it suppose to do? I tried to create new search views but it appears to be isolated to order manag…
Detail required for View Trading Community Common Setup & View Trading Community Location PrivilegesSummary: The InfoSec team is requesting more detail than is available in the descriptions of the two below privileges. These privileges are needing to be added to roles …
Best approach to deactivate all users of a Fusion application or block their access?Please advise on the best approach to deactivate all users of a Fusion application or block their access. We wish to do this after a Non-Production environment is refres…
How to GET Location Base Access Control (LBAC) and IP Whitelisting details via RestApiSummary: How to GET Location Base Access Control (LBAC) and IP Whitelisting details via RestApi for Oracle Fusion SaaS. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Priv to see Personal Details within My Client Groups/EmploymentSummary: Can someone tell me the Priv/role required to see Personal Details within the My Client Details/Quick Links/Employment area. Thank you. Content (please ensure y…
Generate JWT token for Oracle REST API authorizationHello community, I am working on generating a JWT token to access APIs instead of using basicauthentication. I am following the steps outlined in this guide: I have comp…User_VQ154 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Catalin Constantin-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Block a User Category from using USER ID and PWD when login to HCM applicationSummary: Hi, We have two user categories right now - 1) Users who use the company sign-on to access the application thru SSO; 2) Users who currently use id / password (i…Kumar, Nitin 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Capabilities of Oracle CASB with Oracle Fusion AppSummary May I know the kind of analysis available in Oracle CASB when integrated with Oracle Fusion App?Content Hi All, We are trying to achieve user-level auditing to m…
Not able to search employee in Termination quick actionSummary: Hi, I am not able to search employee in Termination quick action not even the terminated employee. Please suggest which privilege or duty role is missing. Conte…Manu Choudhary 40 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shubhendra Srivastava Applications Security
Document Type Translation HDL load failedSummary: The translation record wasn't created because the base record doesn't exist error when trying to load the document type translation file. I have passed the corr…
Responsibility type not visible in Person Security ProfileThe responsibility type that is highlighted in the below lookup does not show up when I try to create a Person Security Profile. Below is the screenshot of the Responsib…
Business Unit Update for Multiple EmployeesSummary: I am currently attempting to update the Business Unit for multiple employees using HDL, and I’m encountering the following error: "You must enter a valid value …
Getting error while uploading PGP key in BI AdminstrationSummary: Getting below error while trying to upload the PGP key. Importing public key file xxxx_public.asc failed: reason = Key file could not be imported: exit value=2 …Meenakshi K 581 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vidhya Nadarajan-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to set Single Sign-On between Azure AD as Identity Provider/IDP and Fusion as Service Provider/SSummary: How to set Single Sign-On between Azure AD as Identity Provider/IDP and Fusion as Service Provider/SP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…Adrian Dogeanu-Support-Oracle 430 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Saif Rehman-Oracle Applications Security
Unable to access Eligibility profiles in GoalsSummary: When we try to access Eligibility profiles in Goals, it shows error message as you don't have necessary permission to access this information. We have added Man…Sumathi Sivaraj-Oracle 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neelakanta-Oracle Performance Management
Is there a option to generate PGP key with 2years Expiration?Summary: Hi All, JPM is requested us to generated a PGP with 2years of expiration(Note: By default the PGP key generated from security console has 2years). But JPM wants…Prashanth Senthilkumar 616 views 26 comments 2 points Most recent by Nikhil Bidwaikar Applications Security
Custom roles gives read only access to Family and Emergency Contacts outside data scopeSummary: We have created a Custom HR Business Partner Job Role (Copy of Human Resource Specialist Role). When user with this role opens the Family and Emergency Contacts…Prashant Kumar - 2103 481 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Matt Nease Applications Security
What Privilege is tied to the Compare in the Task Drawer in Person Management so it can be removedSummary: The requirement is to remove the "Compare" in the Task Drawer found in Person Management. What privilege needs to be removed from the role to remove this Task? …