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Amount override - wrong FCCS_Mvmts_FX_to_CTA calculation => BS unbalancedSummary When the amount override is used, the amount allocate to the CTA account is doubledContent Hello, I'm having an issue with the amount override and I don't know i…Marco Bobbiesi 70 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hamid Ali Financial Consolidation and Close
Possible to enter exchange rates that are not inverted?Content Does anyone know if there is a possibility to enter exchange rates to FCCS in format EUR 1 = SEK 10.6315 when application main currency is EUR? Officially publis…
How to set "Historical Rate Override" against a SubConsolidation EntitySummary How to set "Historical Rate Override" against a SubConsolidation EntityContent Hi all I want want to know if it is possible to set How to set "Historical Rate Ov…
Retained earnings for First year in FCCSSummary Retained earnings for First year in FCCSContent Hi Guys, How to handle retained earnings for the very First year for each entities in FCCS ? what POV and what Ex…Harnesh Wadhwana 43 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Paul Wilcock-161122 Financial Consolidation and Close
FCCS Translation Overrides Rule MigrationSummary How can I migrate the FCCS Translation Overrides Rule from TEST instance to PROD instanceContent Any way to migrate the FCCS Translation Overrides Rule from TEST…Joseph Ip - Oracle-Oracle 36 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Joseph Ip - Oracle-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
FCCS Consolidation and TranslationSummary One click to consolidate and translateContent In FCCS there are separate rules to Consolidate and Translate which are ran separately. Since the client has USD as…Eduardo Abaricia-137364 78 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Elena Medrano Financial Consolidation and Close
FCC Intercompany Base Values Zeroed Out for Jan17Summary After attempting to resolve another issues, by Consolidating and Translating for 2017 - 2019, we found intercompany base data is missing.Content In efforts to re…Caitlin Wood 36 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_7U0E8 Financial Consolidation and Close
FCCS issues with consolidation/aggregationSummary Suddenly FCCS started to no longer aggregate/consolidate amounts from some base level entities into their parentsContent Hi all, i just started getting an issue …Markus Wipp 84 views 21 comments 1 point Most recent by Tushant Pandey-151106 Financial Consolidation and Close
Consolidation errorSummary After refresh database I get consolidation error Invalid LoginContent Hi, Today I created new accounts and then ran refresh database process. Before I added to s…
CTA amount validationSummary How to validate the CTA amount?Content Hi all, Can someone please share the methodology of CTA amount validation, tried but I could not get it and also referred …
Translation OverrideSummary Translation override for balance sheet account not working as expectedContent I've set up and deployed a translation override for a balance sheet account. I want…
Holding and group in different currencies - equity/investment translation overridesSummary Holding and group in different currencies - equity/investment translation overridesContent Does FCCS allow implementation of entity structure with Holding and Gr…Magdalena Rønneberg 34 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Magdalena Rønneberg Financial Consolidation and Close
Data Export to FileSummary Data Export to File option in Data Management for FCCSContent Hi All, As per the June release there is an additional 'Data Export to File' option in Data Managem…User_R8P92 72 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by SureshM-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Translation issues: What can I do about this?Summary Issues with translating some of my accountsContent Hi all, I'm currently facing some issues regarding a translation to USD_Reporting and EUR_Reporting. I have so…Markus Wipp 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Markus Wipp Financial Consolidation and Close
Metadata Validation error after 19.05 updatesSummary All the base account "exchange rate type" property became invalid after the 19.05 updateContent We have configured all the balance sheet and Pl accounts with tim…Pruthvirajsingh Saoji 37 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Keith Glide Financial Consolidation and Close
FCCS_FX_Total_NonCashSummary FCCS_FX_Total_NonCash being used in Cash change structureContent Hi all, Seeking some information on this member in the movement dmension, which is used in Cash …Claudia Meloni-77265 184 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Claudia Meloni-77265 Financial Consolidation and Close
Loading Amount Overrides via Data ManagementSummary Is it possible to load Amount Override Data via Data Management?Content Hi all, as the title says, I'm curious whether it is possible to somehow load the Amount …Markus Wipp 54 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Markus Wipp Financial Consolidation and Close
Ability to load local currency and USD numbers for Historical DataSummary We are trying to load both local and USD currency data to my FCCS application specifically for historical data.Content Hi All, Hi All, We are trying to load both…User_BW2QV 52 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by James Liaskos Financial Consolidation and Close
CTA TranslationSummary CTA Translation is incorrectContent We have following case where entity of Child C and sub Parent B is different but same for Parent A and sub Parent B Parent A …Amit Kulkarni-56059 96 views 33 comments 0 points Most recent by HFMColUser Financial Consolidation and Close
Opening balance translation for shared entitiesSummary Opening balance translation for shared entitiesContent Hi all I had a question in case any of you have come across this. So my entity dimension has a USD Subcons…HFMColUser 41 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by CA.Dipen Shah Financial Consolidation and Close
Entity Specific Exchange Rates in FCCSContent Hi Team We are trying to configure entity specific rates(Closing and Average) in FCCS using override translation rules. This is currently working only for revenu…Alok Jha-86908 69 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by CA.Dipen Shah Financial Consolidation and Close
USD OverridesSummary How to enter the data for USD OverridesContent Hello, We have USD Overrides in our application and I am having a bit of a time to understand where to load the US…Stephen Coleman-48124 48 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by CA.Dipen Shah Financial Consolidation and Close
Retained Earnings - USD OverrideSummary Change [current] RE to USD Override AmountContent Hello, We have a certain number of entities that must have a consistent (in USD) amount, I changed the Exchange…Stephen Coleman-48124 52 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by James Liaskos Financial Consolidation and Close