Model Validation
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Getting "Unexpected error in business logic" when trying to run a ledger calculationSummary: Hi Team, I am trying to run a ledger calc for a POV, but I am getting below error. "Unexpected error in business logic" I tried clearing entire cube and deployi…Harish Kumar C 31 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Harish Kumar C Profitability and Cost Management
Export and Import to a file Rules, Rule Set and Model's in EPCMSummary: The objective is to automate the creation, alteration and deletion of Models, Rule Set's, and Rules (usual artifact to configure and allocation rule and grup of…Michel_MB_PwC_ADV 81 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Michel_MB_PwC_ADV Profitability and Cost Management
PCMCS bug when we change Period = YearTotal in rule / to Period = Jan in global contextSummary: In PCMCS, we use a model with the YearTotal period defined in each rule for our Budget, because YearTotal is not accepted in the Global Context. When the Budget…Frank_Fec 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
I get an error adding duplicated members from UISummary: I'd like to add duplicated members across different dimensions. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'd like to add duplicated member…Marco T 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Raama Rao-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
How to move data from PCM_CLC to PCM_REP cubeSummary: Content (required): Hi all As per documentation, we have just migrated from Standard PCM to EPCM and we wanted to take advantage of the REP cube. However, I can…Nkehli 246 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Raama Rao-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Where to find governor limit documentation?Summary: Where can I find the documentation of Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management governor limits? In the documentations, I found so far how to increase it. Bu…Mueller 61 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Error PCM to EPCM migrationHi All We are migrating our PCM to EPCM applicaiton. While doing so, during template validation we get the error for PoVs, because our PCM app has Entity in POV dimensio…Sucharitnarang 141 views 24 comments 0 points Most recent by Sucharitnarang Profitability and Cost Management
New Attribute Dimension created, deploy cube failedSummary: New Attribute Dimension created, deploy cube failed Content (required): Hi- I have created a new attribute dimension in PCMCS as F_Location and assigned it to b…Amit Agarwal-158816 41 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Aman Kothari-191377 Profitability and Cost Management
Adding dimension members through Data Management in PCMSummary Adding dimension members through Data Management in PCM is possible?Content Addition of dimension members through Data Management in PCM is possible? It was answ…User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 39 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 Profitability and Cost Management
How to validate data in case of high number of iteration RunSummary: Hello! In my case, around 150 allocation rules are there in 1 rule set which includes reciprocal allocation and normal allocation both (For allocating cost of o…Monish Kumar 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 Profitability and Cost Management
Remove existing dimensions from model.Content Hi all, Can we remove some dimensions from our model?yanni vossos 34 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Generate Data in Query with ThresholdSummary Generate Data in Query with ThresholdContent Hi - Is there a way we can generate Data through PCMCS Query with a threshold, say I would like to have only the Cos…Amit Agarwal-158816 43 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 Profitability and Cost Management
Financial reporting web studio reports in ExcelSummary Financial reporting web studio reports in ExcelContent Hi- Can we have PCMCS Financial reporting studio reports downloaded in Excel? I see only option to run as …Amit Agarwal-158816 43 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Amit Agarwal-158816 Profitability and Cost Management
Dimension Update failing when using Excel TemplateSummary Dimension Update failing when using Excel TemplateContent Hi- I have a requirement to add around 1700 new cost centres in PCMCS. I downloaded the dimension file …Amit Agarwal-158816 30 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Amit Agarwal-158816 Profitability and Cost Management
Clear Adjustment values using EPMautomate ClearPOV CommandSummary Clear Adjustment values using EPMautomate ClearPOV CommandContent Hi - I would like to use ClearPOV epmautomate command in my Markup Script which calculates adju…Amit Agarwal-158816 41 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Amit Agarwal-158816 Profitability and Cost Management
Migrating one set of data from one instance to anotherSummary Migrating one set of data from one instance to anotherContent Hi- In PCMCS, is is possible to migrate only one month data set from one environment to another. Le…Amit Agarwal-158816 18 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Nitin.Gupta Profitability and Cost Management
Data Management: Addition entry of FusionSummary Addition entries appearing of related to single GL code at Data Management WorkbenchContent Hello All, I am facing this weird issue while integrating GL Data fro…Khushbu Premlani 22 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by amaresh salagundi-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
One application four countriesSummary One application four countriesContent Hi to all, We have a requirement where on application (single POD) will host four different models, one for each country. C…yanni vossos 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aman Kothari-191377 Profitability and Cost Management
Data management : Merging Costing combinationsSummary Merging of Data combination coming from two different kind of DataContent Hi, I am trying to integrate Fusion Data into PCMCS, for that I have two rule created a…Khushbu Premlani 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Thejas Shetty-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
PCMCS DimensionSummary PCMCS Dimension Meaning and Impact of ChangesContent Hi Experts In PCMCS Data storage type having 3 values Lable Only , Never Share & Store Data In hierarchy typ…
PCMCS query generating blank fileSummary PCMCS query generating blank fileContent Hi Friends, I have created a query in PCMCS using global context to export data. However when I run the query, it shows …Amit Agarwal-158816 19 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by VVikas Profitability and Cost Management
Can't able to Deploy cube after creating applicationSummary Can't able to Deploy cube after creating application by adding 1 business dimension and 1 POV dimension.Content Can't able to Deploy cube after creating applicat…Aman Kothari-191377 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alecs Profitability and Cost Management
Update Dimension Causing the PCMCS Instance to go down and unresponsiveContent Hi Everyone, Please can i request some one to share the best practices to update dimension into PCMCS. Currently, we are executing Rest API scripts to update dim…Parmit Choudhury-Deloitte 26 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Alecs Profitability and Cost Management
Usage of Enable Application EPM Automate Command and REST APIContent Hi Experts, I came across epmautomate enableapp command and Enable File-Based Application REST API. epmautomate enableapp APPLICATION_NAME REST Resource POST /ep…Parmit Choudhury-Deloitte 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
PCMCS Error ADF_FACES-60097Summary Facing issues during Dimension ManagementContent Hi Friends, I am having some issues with Dimension Management in PCMCS. Initially after data load, I tried to ru…Amit Agarwal-158816 35 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Parmit Choudhury-Deloitte Profitability and Cost Management
PCMCS Rules Migration Failed from One Environment to anotherContent Hi Experts, I need some help with migration issue that we are facing. * We tried importing the rules from Dev1 to Dev4 today, but we noticed a very strange behav…Parmit Choudhury-Deloitte 35 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Parmit Choudhury-Deloitte Profitability and Cost Management
Models on PCMCSContent Hello Experts, I've been testing the use of models in PCMCS and reading several posts. Unfortunately, I didnt find it pretty useful, since I can not assign speci…