Collaboration Messaging Framework
Discussion List
How to invoke Purchase Order Email Body layout during Communicate Purchasing Document Process runsSummary: How to invoke Purchase Order Email Body layout during Communicate Purchasing Document Process runs, if you have custom layout. I am unable to upload PurchaseOrd…
<Request deploymentMode="production"> tag required on cXML PO transformed file in OBNSummary: Supplier is Requesting that there needs to be a tag required on cXML PO transformed file in OBN for then to process the cXML file into their PRODUCTION instanc…Arun.N 32 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
Supplier Punchout using CMK & OBNSummary: We are trying to configure CMK using OBN. Content (required): We are trying to configure CMK using OBN. Below are steps which we have done : Configured Task - M…
OBN Punchout (POR-2010056) Authentication fails with the credentials provided. The error code is 700Summary: Earlier, We have set up direct supplier punch outs using cXML without any issues. Now, we're trying to setup a punch out with one biggest supplier using Oracle …
OBN Manage ConnectionHi We notice in our lower environment after upgraded to 24D, field "Oracle Cloud User name" and "Oracle Cloud User Password" fields are missing in manage connection. Thi…
CMK Outbound Message Reprocessing not workingSummary: Business requirement was to reprocess the error CMK messages automatically. it was done as per the document In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Mana…
Amending External Message Definition for Punchout cxmlHello, How do I amend Punchout Login Request cXML generated from Oracle to supplier punchout site? Currently, we are sending the bill-to and ship-to addresses in the Pur…Pragya Chaturvedi 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Pragya Chaturvedi Self Service Procurement
Sold to legal entity name which is on the PO to be sent through cxml file to supplier.Summary: We created a punchout requisition for Digikey supplier. Created a PO for the same requisition. Since this is a punchout requisition, PO will be sent to the cust…
Configuring Supplier with multiple sites to handing incoming invoicesSummary: Incoming supplier invoices fail to route when a supplier has multiple sites. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): My company (buyer si…Scott Leong 55 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jyoti_Garg Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How do we update the OBN connection in the cloned PROD environment for testing purposes?After cloning the production environment, we want to use the cloned environment for testing Punchout transactions in OBN. Production environment - for production transac…
How to change sign on amounts fields in the credit memo received from OBN?We are receiving credit memo from suppliers via OBN. All other suppliers send negative invoice amount on credit memo and standard XSL is checking sign of invoice amount …
cXML Punchout - How to send location data on the Punchout Setup Request (POSR)?Summary: Need to send location data on the Punchout Setup Request (POSR) Content (required): Amazon are asking us to send location data on the Punchout Setup Request (PO…
PUNCHOUT ImplementationSummary: We are currently on Oracle fusion cloud 23A. We are implementing PUNCHOUT. OBN Buyer Account registration and Enabling message thru CMK (Collaboration Messaging…
How to configure Market place and link internal items with supplierHi team, Greetings !! We have a requirement that while returning from the punchout site , it should create a Punchout requisition with Items.How to link our internal ite…
Can you customize the cXML template so that the attention to detail doesnt populate requester name?Summary: Can you customize the cXML template so that the attention to detail does not populate requester name? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Punchout requisition attachment flow from 3rd party to oracleSummary: Hi, We have punch-out category based requisition for our current client. However there is a new requirement that the attachment from punchout supplier page (3rd…
How to configure Market place and link internal items with supplierHi team, Greetings !! We have a requirement that while returning from the punchout site , it should create a Punchout requisition with Items.How to link our internal ite…
Samples of cXML PO, POSR & POOMSummary: Requirement is to implement Punchout functionality with Vendor and they are requesting for samples of cXML PO, POSR & POOM. Where can we get these samples? I fo…
Issues Creating Connection to OBN for PO Outbound and Invoice InboundSummary: Hello, We are setting up our B2B communications with using OBN for the first time. From my understanding, we need to create a service provider connection with O…
How to configure Direct cXML Punchout for PO transmissionSummary: Need to know where we need to configure transmission details for direct cXML Punchout PO transmission to supplier if we don't use OBN network. Or OBN is mandato…
OSN will be block if a user update to 24c or it will be available but with our support?Summary: Currently, one of our customers is on version 23D, and in the self-service procurement, he would like to use social to keep his users updated about order status…Sebastian Mayorga-Oracle 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by pavanyakkala1 Self Service Procurement
Supplier PortalSummary: Any one in the public sector using the Supplier Portal element of Oracle Content (required): We are testing the supplier portal to see if we can use it effectiv…
Can't add a new Punchout Supplier, trading Partner ID can´t be found in spite of having OBN idSummary: We are currently using many punchout suppliers, but we need to create a new one. Collaboration messaging is already setup for all the suppliers: · Manage Extern…AlbertoSobalvarro 66 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihai_Vasile Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
23C Feature - RETRANSMIT UNSUCCESSFUL B2B MESSAGING-ENABLED PURCHASE ORDERSSummary: Hi, Is there any training video for the above new feature? If yes - pls share the link. Content (required): 23C Feature - RETRANSMIT UNSUCCESSFUL B2B MESSAGING-…
ERP Cloud - Do we need to update OBN SSL certificate. ?Summary: We are using OBN for Oracle Cloud self service procurement ( PO outbound & Invoice inbound) ,received the below mail from OBN for SSL certificate expiry, as a c…
Punch Out vendor Certificate expiry - Fusion configurationSummary: We have few Punch out vendor configured in Oracle Cloud 23B version ,One of vendor sent email alert for certificate renewal ,we are not sure B2B certification a…
Hi,I have a query related to reassign requisition tab presented in the Purchase requisition TabSummary: We have a custom role for this from where we can access Purchase Requisition but we want to remove the reassign tab from there. I have checked the role as well …
Process master items and agreement lines using punchoutSummary: The functionality of Process master items and agreement lines using punchout Content (required): I understand that If I enable the option - Process master items…Jayaharan Krishnamurthy 116 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anjana Das-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Is it possible to capture PO´s automatically by the supplies?Summary: Capture of OC´s in an automated way by the suppliers. There any API that can be used? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
How to setup a Punchout AggregatorSummary: We have set up a Punchout aggregator (Equal Level) – we punch out to their site where they have multiple Suppliers set up – we go onto the specific Supplier (Gr…Bill McLarty55-Oracle 66 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement