Supplier Profile Management
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REST API Exception While Patching Tax Registration NumberDid anyone encountered below error while updating Tax Registration Number using REST API in Fusion ? REST API --------------------- fscmRestApi/resources/…
Supplier change request - is it possible to customise this area?Summary: Our information management team have raised an issue of a suppliers receiving an automated approval email if they have submitted a change request but only compl…Liam_Whitehead 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ankit Khandelwal-Oracle Supplier Management
User Account creation and Roles assignment in Supplier PortalSummary Want to restrict supplier user to select the RolesContent Hi, We are in the middle of testing the Supplier Portal solution. When we are testing. We noticed that,…Madhu Chalamalasetty 125 views 11 comments 1 point Most recent by Madhu Chalamalasetty Supplier Management
Is Oracle uses the same legitimate ISO based country list for the Supplier Country in Supplier ModelSummary: Is Oracle uses the same legitimate ISO based country list of Country names in Supplier Country Field LOV Values in Supplier Model. Content (please ensure you ma…Prabhu Chandrasekaran 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shaik Rasul-Oracle Supplier Management
How does Supplier register a Bank Account when their Bank and Branch are not available in the list?Summary: How does Supplier register a Bank Account when their Bank and Branch are not available in the list? Content (required): How does Supplier register a Bank Accoun…
Communication through Supplier portal via Microsoft teamsCan Supplier communicate through Supplier portal on ad hoc basis with specific members in the company via Microsoft teams integration? Does integration of Oracle fusion …
Is it possible to make bank account number required based on payment method in supplier profileSummary: In Suppliers - Profile - within Payments tab are Payment Methods and Bank Accounts, is it possible to make the bank account number/adding bank account number re…
Update supplier Profile along with Product and services, we want to update Questionnaire alsoSummary: When we do Supplier Profile change process, we want to update the Questionnaire that was entered at the time of Registration. Content (please ensure you mask an…
How to get the Reset password option for supplier portal user from the supplier profileSummary: We are looking for an option to get the 'Reset Password' option from the Supplier Contacts, so supplier administrators/managers can directly Reset and send pass…
Not able to delete Business Classifications in Supplier PortalSummary: Suppliers are not able to request a change to delete a Business Classification in Supplier Portal. Suppliers are only able to specify an Inactive date for a Bus…Francine Kipouras-Oracle 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Francine Kipouras-Oracle Supplier Management
Need REST API to mass update supplier profile (supplier level) DFFsSummary: We've enabled additional DFF's at supplier level (supplier profile) to support the capturing of additional references to support the changes implemented as part…
Why did the supplier site b2b connection page change?Summary: Attempting to add a punchout site to b2b messaging. However, it has changed the layout of the page recently. When did this happen? Was this a CWB? Was this apar…
How to import India withholding tax "PAN" details to the Supplier ProfileWe are trying to bulk upload the India withholding tax "PAN" details to the Supplier Profile using the "Import Suppliers" FBDI but not able to find the column to be used…SKR_ERP 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier bank length restrictionSummary: We need to put a restricton to the account number field during bank account creation . Navigation»Manage SUppliers>Search for supplier>Edit the supplier>Go to P…brahma 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vinutha-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Internal supplier profile change request in oracle fusion was rejectedSummary: What could be the reason for it and how to solve it?
How to enable payments on hold option at header levelSummary: How to enable payments on hold option at header level, we have requirement to place hold for all sites at once , currently this option is there at supplier site…fusion.integration 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Supplier Management
Edit Supplier Profile Change Request for a supplierSummary: How do we Edit a supplier profile change request submitted by a supplier. We have supplier which shows up as pending profile change but we only have Cancel /Vie…
SCM: Linking of existing bank account to supplier should be auto approvedSummary: If we try to link existing bank account to supplier site, it results in supplier profile change request getting created and approval triggers. We need that in a…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Joffrion Kemp-Oracle Supplier Management
Setting up of Supplier bank account as primary for a particular Site is not routing for approvalSummary: Trying to set a the bank account on a Supplier site as Primary. Edited the Supplier details, set the bank account as primary > Save and Close > Submit. Change i…
Bulk creation of records in the Supplier Transaction Tax sections.Content (required): Is it possible to upload records through FBDI in the Transaction Tax section at the supplier and address profile level? Path in profile: Find Supplie…
Tax Registration number is not there in Supplier Site level - Business justification pleaseSummary: Hi There We like to understand why the Tax Registration number is not there in Supplier Site level, please help providing the business justification as why Orac…Manoj Janardanan 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
BPM Approval for Payment hold for supplier at site levelSummary: Hi Everyone, Does anyone know how to create BPM approval for Payment hold for supplier at site level. Navigation: Supplier—> Search any supplier—> Sites—> Click…Divya Choudhary 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Edgar Nieto-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Do we have audit table which stores the history data of the supplier attachements.Summary:Requesting to get Audit Table for Attachments for Suppliers if any Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):We are Trying to find the table …Vinod Yerrabaddi 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ankit Khandelwal-Oracle Supplier Management
Bank Account, Tax Registration Details and Bank Account Inactive Date to be mandatorySummary: Hi Everyone, We are trying to make few fields mandatory in the Oracle Fusion: 1. Bank Account to be mandatory at the time of Supplier Registration. 2. Tax Regis…
Supplier Attachments migrationSummary: Supplier Attachments migration from Legacy system to Fusion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Implementation required to migrate su…Manoj Janardanan 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Supplier Management
Withdraw automatically the registration of suppliers as long as they don't respond within # of daysWithdraw automatically the registration of suppliers as long as they don't respond within 5 working days after asking for resubmission providing specific details
Is it possible to set up a default payment method on the supplier site other than "check"? How?If system cannot fetch the payment method from the supplier or from payment method defaulting rules, it defaults 'Check'. To default payment method based on primary flag…
Supplier Registration and Portal ReportsSummary: What are some useful reports we can have for Suppliers in Supplier Portal and Internally for Supplier Registration Process? Any examples with sample report stru…
Cannot inactivate a supplier site via Oracle template batch uploadSummary: Our Supplier Management team is attempting to inactivate supplier sites using the FBDI batch upload. Other data can be updated, but the inactive date which is s…