Qualification Area
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Not able to add Internal Survey kind of Qualification area into Manage Rule Set for Supplier Qual.Summary: The client requirement is to trigger the Supplier Qualification area initiative after the Internal registration of Supplier by the internal users. The initiativ…
Can we use supplier qualification for internal surveys where the employees will respond?Summary: Our client has a requirement to share an internal qualification or a survey that will be sent internally to the purchasing and contracting team to know their ex…Swatikamboj1 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Swatikamboj1 Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier qualification questionnaire PDF ReportI would like to know how the admin user can view/display the supplier qualification or assessment questionnaire as PDF. Note: From the supplier portal the supplier can v…Ibrahim_Hamouh 38 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Justin Toth Supplier Qualification Management
PDF of Questionnaire responses in notification emailSummary Is it possible to include completed questionnaire as attachment in email notificationContent Hi, We have recently implemented SQM. When someone completes a quest…User_2025-02-04-19-45-49-438 49 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Justin Toth Supplier Qualification Management
The errors on incomplete work no link to get to the problem.Summary: In that Next generation Supplier Registration Request. While doing the questionnaire getting error on incomplete work for the questionnaire provides the number …
How Automatic requalification works on new responseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Chintan_Thakkar99 3 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Chintan_Thakkar99 Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Registration Process - How to apply questionnaire to Internal RegistrationSummary How to assign Questionnaire to Internal Supplier Registration processContent When executing External Registration application applies Qualification Area based on…John Lay 387 views 13 comments 3 points Most recent by Justin Toth Supplier Qualification Management
attaching suppliers to a draft initiative using REST APISummary: I am trying to attach suppliers to draft initiatives. When I am trying to process multiple number of records in a file and invoke REST API call individually for…User_ECAEX 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alex D-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Send Evaluation Notification to All Team MembersIn 24C we have the following new functionality: Do i need negotiation module to define the Team Members? How can i defined these team member so they can get the notifica…
Restrict creation of Qualifications after an Initiative is Reviewed and AcceptedSummary: Hi Team, There is a business requirement where for few instances where one time ad-hoc surveys (Initiative) are created to gather supplier responses, which busi…Nitika_Naveen 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ravi Kumar-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
You do not have permission to add a new attachmentSummary: You do not have permission to add a new attachment. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We are using fusion SCM application. …Mohammad Akbari-Oracle 83 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohammad Akbari-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Can Supplier respond to the questionnaire in a PDF format?Summary: While responding to the questions in a Qualification, can Supplier respond to the questions in a PDF format? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…Kushan Kumar 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jayita-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Can Supplier recall a Question to edit the response after the response has been already submitted?Summary: Can Supplier recall a Question from the Supplier Portal to edit the response after the response has been already submitted? Content (please ensure you mask any …Kushan Kumar 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jayita-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Creating a Question mapped to Supplier Profile DFF attributeContent A supplier profile DFF attribute captures additional information of supplier. The Supplier Qualification question can be mapped to the supplier profile DFF attri…Mehnaz Rahman 491 views 4 comments 4 points Most recent by User_MOROF Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Onboarding QuestionnaireSummary: Hello, I am trying to figure out why when a supplier is registered sometimes some suppliers will get a questionnaire called "Supplier Onboarding" We do not have…Justin Toth 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ibad Shemle Supplier Qualification Management
How to restrict qualification evaluator to specific qualification areaSummary: How to restrict qualification evaluator to specific qualification area Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Requirement: Init…SR_1234 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Contact Page Unresponsive In Next Generation Supplier Self Service RegistrationSummary: I’m experiencing an issue with the Next Generation Supplier Self-Service Registration. After entering data on the contact page, when I attempt to proceed to the…Nikka Galvero 27 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nikka Galvero Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Qualification ReportsSummary: What are some useful reports we can have in Suppliers Qualification Management? Any examples with sample report structure much appreciated. Content (please ensu…JANKUR 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Santhosh Cholleti-Support-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Client would like to evaluate the Supplier Performance post Purchase Order material receiptSummary: Hi Team, Client wants to send the evaluation questionnaire to their user after receiving the material from the supplier User will Create and Launch Initiative w…Support 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pramod Kumar Meher Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Qualification status to be ActiveSummary: Couple Qualification Areas prepared with few questions in each Qualification Area (All the questions are set to " No Scoring" , all questions are used to collec…Manoj Janardanan 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Manoj Janardanan Supplier Qualification Management
Unable to do action : Return to responderSummary: Create a "Registration" rule set to trigger the qualification area. Supplier registers themselves and answers all the questions, submits the registration reques…
Supplier response not updating payment method attributeSummary: Supplier response not updating payment methods attribute Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Created supplier question mapping to sup…Srinivas Reddy 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Use branching question scores in qualification area score calculationSummary: Hi All, I have a question to be added in qualification area. Are you a cloud based supplier? Yes No If answer is Yes, a further question branches out. Is your s…Anshul Rana 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Ability to add different Internal Responders based on Qualification areas in Internal SurveySummary:Basically we have different metrics like Cost, Quality, Delivery Performance and Compliance and each is created as a separate Qualification Area. And we have dif…VIKRAM GANGAL-156454 163 views 5 comments 5 points Most recent by User_DSUJN Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Qualification WorkflowSummary: Hello, I am looking to see if there is a flowchart or structure diagram on the below SQM functions. (Mange Qualifications, Manage Assessments, etc.) to understa…Justin Toth 67 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Justin Toth Supplier Qualification Management
Unable to requalify qualification after it is expiredSummary Unable to requalify qualification after it is expiredContent Hi Team, I have enabled requalify when expired but after qualification expired new qualification is …Pradvin Heggar Prabhakar-147626 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srinivas Reddy Supplier Qualification Management
Is there any option available to Automatic finalization of Qualification or remove Finalization stepSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! Is there any option available to remove the step of Finalization of the Outcome for a qualification, as we want it to be fully automatic, …
questionnaire font issue in supplier registration screenSummary: Hi We are facing issue wherein the font size of the questionnaire section in the external supplier registration page is looking inconsistent. Although we have u…Anant_10 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
query to pick internal responder name on Initiative form in fusionSummary: Hello , Unable to fidn link or table in which i can pick internal responder name coming on manage initiativr form in supplier section . Below is attached the sc…Abdur Rehman 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Abdur Rehman Supplier Qualification Management
How can existing supplier insurance certificates be loaded into Oracle as part of a data migration.Summary: As part of our Supplier Qualification Management implementation, the customer desires to migrate existing insurance certificates for individual suppliers to the…Sandesh-Oracle 34 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandesh-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management