Qualification Question
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How to enforce attachment on Questionnaire and send it for supplier registrationSummary: We have created supplier question and at the time of supplier external registration they need to fill those details and also enforced attachment in some of the …Priyaranjan Jamuar-Oracle 16 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Priyaranjan Jamuar-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
How to assign approver hierarchy for question creationSummary: Customer wants to apply approver hierarchy when Questions are created or modified in SQM Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …Chintan_Thakkar99 5 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jayita-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
24A Change Question Text Without Requiring New Revision (Opt-In)Summary: Hi Oracle, Is it possible to audit the "Edit Current Revision" option without creating a revision? For example, I just updated the text to correct a spelling er…Nikka Galvero 37 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
PDF of Questionnaire responses in notification emailSummary Is it possible to include completed questionnaire as attachment in email notificationContent Hi, We have recently implemented SQM. When someone completes a quest…User_2025-02-04-19-45-49-438 48 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Justin Toth Supplier Qualification Management
Ability to Disable the Email "You Are Invited to Respond to Questionnaire Supplier Onboarding"We need to disable the Email Invitation sent to the Suppliers to Respond To Questionnaire email. Hence, need info on any of the BPM worklist task or a profile option is …Ibad Shemle 36 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Anandhavalli Rammanathan Supplier Qualification Management
The errors on incomplete work no link to get to the problem.Summary: In that Next generation Supplier Registration Request. While doing the questionnaire getting error on incomplete work for the questionnaire provides the number …
Can the Supplier qualification questionnarie numbers are customized?Summary: How to customize Supplier Qualification questionnaries numbering sequence. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code …
You do not have permission to add a new attachmentSummary: You do not have permission to add a new attachment. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We are using fusion SCM application. …Mohammad Akbari-Oracle 106 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohammad Akbari-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
How to create and launch an initiative with internal responders?Summary This post illustrates how to launch an initiative with internal responders.Content To qualify suppliers organizations create a send questionnaire to suppliers, b…Sammy Khan 298 views 7 comments 4 points Most recent by Andreia Alberto Supplier Qualification Management
Can Supplier respond to the questionnaire in a PDF format?Summary: While responding to the questions in a Qualification, can Supplier respond to the questions in a PDF format? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…Kushan Kumar 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jayita-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
how can i change text in Supplier Respond to questionare templateSummary: how can I change text in Supplier Respond to questionnaire template? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version…
Is it possible to respond to SQM questions using API and progress the initiative?Summary: There is a business need to reach out to an external provider for key information as part of the SQM process e.g. for credit scores, validation of key details. …Eain Cathcart-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jayita-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Creating a Question mapped to Supplier Profile DFF attributeContent A supplier profile DFF attribute captures additional information of supplier. The Supplier Qualification question can be mapped to the supplier profile DFF attri…Mehnaz Rahman 552 views 4 comments 4 points Most recent by User_MOROF Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Onboarding QuestionnaireSummary: Hello, I am trying to figure out why when a supplier is registered sometimes some suppliers will get a questionnaire called "Supplier Onboarding" We do not have…Justin Toth 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ibad Shemle Supplier Qualification Management
The responses entered by supplier in an External Supplier registration is not visible in OracleSummary: The response to Questions entered by the supplier in an External Supplier registration is not visible in Oracle. Content (required): When we search for the Supp…Asutosh Mishra 91 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Ram CB-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Can you attach your supplier registration questionnaire to the supplier portal manage questionnaireSummary: Is it possible to use the same questionnaire that you have for online registration to also be used for a supplier to answer these questions in supplier portal. …Justin Toth 56 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mariam Umar Supplier Qualification Management
End date Qualification leads to end date the Assessment for SupplierSummary: End date Qualification leads to end date the Assessment for Supplier. We do not want to end date the Assessment but just want to end date one of the qualificati…
Map a question to a Supplier DFF where it is accounting segment, it presents only the codeSummary: We map the question to a Supplier DFF where the supplier DFF is a accounting Segment. When I map the Question to the supplier DFF the system presents only the a…Pablo Schenquerman 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by JANKUR Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Registration -ExternalSummary: We wanted to register/onboard suppliers by following external supplier registration where in supplier qualification questionnaires are initiated. supplier user …Praveen T 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier response not updating payment method attributeSummary: Supplier response not updating payment methods attribute Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Created supplier question mapping to sup…Srinivas Reddy 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Registration Questionnaire and Suppliers Answer be Visible on the Supplier ProfileSummary: We are looking to see how we can get question number 25 from supplier registration be visible at supplier profile level along with answer provided by suppliers.…Nikka Galvero 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nikka Galvero Supplier Qualification Management
SQM Unable to edit Qualification Outcome in Evaluation QualificationSummary: Under Evaluation Qualification when trying to edit the Outcome a pop up box is visible however it is not possible to select an answer in the field Override Outc…
Import Supplier Qualification Questions using simplified excel workbook layoutSummary This post shares information on uploading questions using an excel workbook.Content When implementing SQM, if you need to upload a large number of questions, it …Sujith Vadaks-Oracle 1.4K views 10 comments 5 points Most recent by Senthil Mohanraj Supplier Qualification Management
Attachments not showing to supplier in Supplier RegistrationIn Question attachments are added but when question showing to Supplier in external supplier registration link, attachments not showing. Attached the screenshot for your…Ravi Sankar S S 97 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Tathagata Ghosh-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
3rd Party Risk Management QuestionnaireSummary: Hello, Is It possible to have a questionnaire created without doing it through an initiative or a registration. Can you create a questionnaire that can be acces…Justin Toth 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
questionnaire font issue in supplier registration screenSummary: Hi We are facing issue wherein the font size of the questionnaire section in the external supplier registration page is looking inconsistent. Although we have u…Anant_10 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Is it possible to hide or remove the prefix before the answer.?Summary: Customer wants to hide prefix for the objective answer. Is there any way to remove that? Example :- Does the business have 50% or greater indigenous ownership? …Sandesh-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Updating products and services using a qualification questionContent Can a supplier update the products and services offered using a qualification question mapped to supplier profile? [This thread is transferred from customer supp…Ramesh Jooturu-Oracle 33 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Justin Toth Supplier Qualification Management
Internal responder to be shown in the Supplier Master Qualifications tab.Summary: In supplier management, we want to check if the internal responder can be shown in the Supplier Master Qualifications tab. Content (please ensure you mask any c…Cliford 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Poornachandar Chikoti-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
FBDI Template for uploading of QuestionsSummary FBDI Template for uploading of QuestionsContent Do we have FBDI template to upload Questions?Sandeep Nihalani 126 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Justin Toth Supplier Qualification Management