Discussion List
Amend PO Communication E-mailContent Hi All, I have requirement to change the email body used for Purchase Order Communication. Because the standard message does not contain other than following; "R…
Uploading Long description field of Blanket AgreementSummary How to use webservice for Long description in BPAContent Their is one field "Long Description" in table PO_ATTR_VALUES_TLP_INTERFACE in Blanket Agreement We want…
Is it possible to add multiple suppliers an option in purchase agreements?Summary Is it possible to add multiple suppliers an option in purchase agreements?Content Hi all, We have a requirement like Is it possible to add multiple suppliers an …
How to write approval rules for “Outside Processing Purchase Order” through BPM?Summary How to write approval rules for “Outside Processing Purchase Order” through BPM?Content Hi all, When we are releasing the work order our requisitions are auto ap…
User Cannot see the PO details in PO approval NotificationContent Approval Notification is just showing APprove, Reject buttons, it is not showing any details in the body. Please check the attached Screenshot Version Oracle Fus…
Electronic Signature via DocuSignSummary Integration of DocuSign with Oracle procurement cloudContent Hi, Can any one share the set up documents having integration of DocuSign with Fusion Procurement cl…
Use of Validators fields on Descriptive Flexfileds ScreenSummary How can we use Validators Field on Descriptive Flexfield ScreenContent I am just wondering if anyone could help me in explaining the use of Validators Screen on …
POs - Receipt accrual status at each step of PO lifecycleSummary I need documentation of accounting entries of the receipt accrual at each step of the PO lifecycleContent Hello experts, I am hoping you can provide me with info…
How to define a Procurement Agent DFF?Summary How to define a Procurement Agent DFF?Content Can we define a Procurement Agent DFF? How? ThanksUser_2025-02-01-05-14-00-666 56 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Suman Guha-Oracle Purchasing
How to Post DFF value from Purchase requisition header to Purchase Order headerSummary How to Post DFF value from Purchase requisition header to Purchase Order headerContent Hi All, Does anyone has an idea how to populate DFF value which are entere…User_2025-02-03-22-11-49-695 90 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Guha-Oracle Purchasing
Low Fund Notification to the Requestor based on date or amount thresholdSummary Is there any confirguration available in procurment where we can send Low fund(Purchase order) notification to the requestor?Content Hi All, Is there any configu…User_2025-01-28-01-42-26-090 48 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-01-42-26-090 Purchasing
Define value set with bind variableSummary Define value set with bind variableContent I have a requirement to define a value set in PO Distribution level and such value always the same as the PO charge ac…User_2025-02-04-05-26-22-197 218 views 11 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-05-26-22-197 Purchasing
I need the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Procurement Cloud fro PO Receipt documentationSummary I need the SOAP Web Services for Oracle Procurement Cloud fro PO Receipt documentationContent Hi, We are planning to build interfaces and I need the SOAP Web Ser…User_2025-02-01-05-14-00-666 53 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Brett Yasutake-135812 Purchasing
BudgetsSummary Set Up Budgets in RequisitionsContent Is there a way to set up Budgets to show in Purchase Requisitions in R13 Version R13 19AMax Basandrai-67701 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-02-37-02-772 Purchasing
How to configure the Edit Purchase Order page to display the Schedules Tab by defaultSummary How to configure the Edit Purchase Order page to display the Schedules Tab by default?Content If you want to configure the Edit Purchase Order page to display th…
How to disable Popup help option (Example Format) on UI pages?Summary How to disable Popup help option (Example Format) on UI pages? See attached image for understanding. These help popups do not disappear on clicking or on refresh…
How to setup different PO PDF formats based on Sold to Legal EntitySummary How to setup different PO PDF formats based on Sold to Legal EntityContent We have a requirement to setup different PO PDF formats based on the Sold to Legal Ent…
Manage Purchasing Document Lifecycle - ValidateSummary Diagnostic is failing for Test name Manage Purchasing Document Lifecycle - ValidateContent Hi Getting below error while running diagonostics test on Test name Ma…
ADFService11G - JBO-25096: Accessor ItemEFFBIFlattenedVO Was Not Correctly Resolved;Summary Procurement Custom Reports: ADFService11G - JBO-25096: Accessor ItemEFFBIFlattenedVO Was Not Correctly Resolved;Content Hi All, After Upgrading to Release 13 18C…
Purchase Order created via web service is not defaulting blanket agreement number on the POSummary Purchase Order created via web service is not defaulting blanket agreement number on the POContent When creating Purchase Order (PO) via WebService, the Blanket …Atul Kumar-93431 62 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sathish Jackson Putti Vincent Purchasing
Purchasing: Create Order Page CustomizationSummary Create Order Page CustomizationContent We have a requirement to customize below 2 fields on Create Order pop up Page(attached screen shot): 1. Supplier Contact -…
Where can we set po accural account defaultSummary Where can we set po accural account defaultContent Where can we set po accural account defaultVersion R13
System error. Please re-try your action. If you continue to get this error, please contact the AdminSummary System error. Please re-try your action. If you continue to get this error, please contact the Administrator.Content Hi, i am not able to login to oracle fusion …User_2025-01-31-00-04-57-100 336 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manavalan Ethirajan Purchasing
How to order for description based items from a Blanket Purchase AgreementSummary How to order for description based items from a Blanket Purchase Agreement?Content There were some recent queries on this topic. We believe there might be a need…
Need report for outstanding PO encumbrance/obligation balanceContent Our purchasing team wants to get a report that includes a list of outstanding purchase orders that specifically includes remaining encumbrance balances. Is there…
Risk and issues during PRC implementationSummary Looking for lesson learned, risks and issues during PRC cloud implementationContent Looking for the lesson learned, risks and issues during PRC cloud implementat…
Difference between Task Level and Assignee LevelSummary While configuring Expiration Settings we have three options. A good document to explain the functionality would helpContent Hi All, While configuring Expiration …
Inventory CostingSummary What offering is required to be enabled for Inventory costingContent I need to know if Procurement offering supports Inventory costing? If not should I enable fu…