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Is there any way to remove all published page customizations on external supplier registration pageSummary: Is there any way to remove all the published page customizations on external supplier registration page and make a fresh start. We can't use sandbox as the supp…Nikunj Agarwal 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Supplier Management
How to write off PO Receipt accrual balances for Purchase with Receipt but without AP Invoice?Summary: Can someone guide if Purchase Order Receipt accrual write off for Purchase with Receipt but without AP Invoice is possible in Fusion similar to EBS? Look forwar…
Sharing Purchase Agreement across multiple Business unitSummary We would like to create an agreement for a Procurement BU and would like to share across multiple Business unit .Content We would like to create an agreement for…
Approval not triggered for change in "Registration Number" for SuppliersSummary: Hello, I have configured an approval workflow in "Internal Supplier Profile Change Approvals" where it is supposed to trigger an approval whenever a change is d…
How to derive item_number based on category_codeIs it possible to automatically derive a specific Item_Number based on category_code in a purchase order? Since the category_code is tied to the item master, I would lik…
How to restrict the supplier specific to organization while creating purchase orderSummary: While creating purchase order buyer can select any organization for any supplier, but business wants to implement a case like they want to restrict the organiza…
How to identify Reassigments button throughout the system?Summary: Hello, How to identify Reassigments button throughout the system? Example, on pages like Requisition, RFQ, Award, Purchasing,Blanket Purchase Agreement, etc. Th…
Accounting Entries for Procure to Pay that has Tax ApplicablePlease advise on the Accounting Entries from Procure to Pay where the company is Tax Registered (VAT). This is our current accounting entries which it couldn't offset fo…
What are the implications of not having UN Number associated to Hazard Class?Summary: In Manage UN Numbers task, we see that Hazard Class is not mandatory. What are implications of having and not having Hazard Class associated to UN Numbers? Cont…
Oracle system performance after enabling the profile value related to validation at DFFSummary: we have enabled a Administrative Profile value = ORA_FND_FLEX_GROOVY_RESTRICTED to "NO" so that we can write global segment validation for a DFF. attached scree…
How is the Bill to BU populated in PO Header in Shared Service ModelSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! We are using a shared service structure involving A- Requisition BU, B- Procurement BU and C- Finance BU (or) Payables BU (or) Bill to BU …
What is the purpose of Procurement BU at Register Supplier level?Summary: Hello, I wanted clarification on the purpose of the field 'Procurement BU' when registering a supplier. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Content (p…
How to send PO document to Preparer and Requester after PO automatically createdHi All, Currently we have a plan to set approvals at requisition level. After requisition is approved PO has to automatically created. Here my requirement is that there …
how can I create a aging OTBI report of negotiation by status.Summary: how can I create a aging OTBI report of negotiation by status. the columns i expected is status, count, days count (rage created date ie,0-5 days, 5-10 days). C…
how we can update the schedule description or distribution description to be different from the linewe have a PO with one line and we will split this line into multiple schedule lines and distribution lines. and we are required to update/ change the schedule or distrib…
How to make value "Internal to Purchase Order" as default in Category field drop down in PO attachmeSummary: How to make value "Internal to Purchase Order" as default in Category field drop down in PO attachment at the time of attaching a file. Please suggest on this. …
Cannot used other line type for Complex POSummary: When creating a Complex PO, user not able to select other line type such as goods or rate base services. Only Fixed Price Services can be used for Complex PO. C…
How to add the custom template for internal requisitionSummary: How to add the custom template for internal requisition After creating internal requisition when we check the PDF (Action--> View PDF) Content (please ensure yo…
Few Purchase orders having routing direct delivery are not automatically deliveredHi some of the purchase orders having the routing Direct Delivery are not delivered automatically and is present in Awaiting Put Away Receipts. It has a BPA. We have don…
Is it possible to grey out a DFF?Summary: Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to grey out a DFF. I have tried via a Sandbox but this is not possible. Setup is being done for a new BU whereby a…
How To Purchase labor based services (qty driven) - best practice?Summary: What is the best practice in Fusion to accomplish the routine purchase of high-volume labor based services? Is there a resource or documentation that could help…
Can we update only buyer's name for selected purchase orders using FBDI?Summary: We are looking to update only the buyer's name for selected PO numbers instead of bulk-using ESS. Using FBDI Can it be done? Content (please ensure you mask any…
Alternative to Migration of POs by FBDISummary: Hello, Migration by FBDI is not possible when a PO line is cancelled or closed for receiving. How can we proceed then to migrate those POs? Is there any other o…
How to Import Procurement Contract Attachments for specific contacts in oracle fusionSummary: Hi Team, How to Import Procurement Contract Attachments for specific contract in oracle fusion Eg; I have created this contact: ZU-PurContract5 using import man…
Is there a way to default Requested delivery date based on the BPA lead time for that itemSummary: We have a requirement to default the requested delivery data based on the BPA lead time of the item , however the current behavior is such that the date is defa…
To check if validation on invoicing during PO change order/cancellation approval can be added.Summary: In Purchase Order change request, is it possible to have validation during PO change order/cancellation to validate if the PO has existing invoice and approval …
Hide/Remove 'Close for Receiving' and 'Close for Invoicing'I am currently creating a custom role that will be used only to Close and Finally Close a PO. I am trying to hide the option 'Close for Receiving' and 'Close for Invoici…
Acknowledging the Purchase Order Quantity PartiallySummary: We would like to know if there is a way for the Supplier to Acknowledge the Purchase Order Quantity Partially using Supplier Portal. For example, There is Purch…
Create Value Set using a table that contains all the datesHi Oracle Team, Is it possible to use a table that contains all the dates, if so, which is the table name is? Please review the document attached explaining the need. I …
System notification (email or bell notification) to supplier when PO closed by Buyer.Summary: In Purchasing, is there an option of system notification (email or bell notification) to the supplier when PO closed by Buyer. Content (please ensure you mask a…