Manage Procurement Catalog
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How to write approval rules for “Outside Processing Purchase Order” through BPM?Summary How to write approval rules for “Outside Processing Purchase Order” through BPM?Content Hi all, When we are releasing the work order our requisitions are auto ap…
ERP – Recommendations for Modeling Procurement Operations in Oracle Cloud Purchasing, 20 June 2019,Content Submit your questions for the SCM – Recommendations for Modeling Procurement Operations in Oracle Cloud Purchasing session to have them answered during the live …
Auto-population of need-by/promise date on PR/PO based on Lead time setup for an item correspondingSummary Auto-population of need-by/promise date on PR/PO based on Lead time setup for an item corresponding to ship-to locationContent Hi, Please let me know if there is…
POs - Receipt accrual status at each step of PO lifecycleSummary I need documentation of accounting entries of the receipt accrual at each step of the PO lifecycleContent Hello experts, I am hoping you can provide me with info…
Are multiple purchasing category hierarchies possibleSummary In an enterprise with two ledgers and one BU per ledger is it possible to create a different set of purchasing categories, along with separate hierarchies, for e…
Low Fund Notification to the Requestor based on date or amount thresholdSummary Is there any confirguration available in procurment where we can send Low fund(Purchase order) notification to the requestor?Content Hi All, Is there any configu…User_2025-01-28-01-42-26-090 48 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-01-42-26-090 Purchasing
NIGP category code map set and AmazonSummary Amazon product codes conversion to NIGPContent I'm setting up punch-out capability for Amazon for our City. Issue is we use NIGP category codes and Amazon used U…
How to setup different PO PDF formats based on Sold to Legal EntitySummary How to setup different PO PDF formats based on Sold to Legal EntityContent We have a requirement to setup different PO PDF formats based on the Sold to Legal Ent…
Manage Purchasing Document Lifecycle - ValidateSummary Diagnostic is failing for Test name Manage Purchasing Document Lifecycle - ValidateContent Hi Getting below error while running diagonostics test on Test name Ma…
ADFService11G - JBO-25096: Accessor ItemEFFBIFlattenedVO Was Not Correctly Resolved;Summary Procurement Custom Reports: ADFService11G - JBO-25096: Accessor ItemEFFBIFlattenedVO Was Not Correctly Resolved;Content Hi All, After Upgrading to Release 13 18C…
Purchase Order created via web service is not defaulting blanket agreement number on the POSummary Purchase Order created via web service is not defaulting blanket agreement number on the POContent When creating Purchase Order (PO) via WebService, the Blanket …Atul Kumar-93431 62 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sathish Jackson Putti Vincent Purchasing
Where can we set po accural account defaultSummary Where can we set po accural account defaultContent Where can we set po accural account defaultVersion R13