Supply and Distribution Planning Cloud
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Business user getting the error:The supplier is Invalid POR: 2010262While creating a PR , and choosing supplier, Business user getting the following error: The supplier is Invalid POR: 2010262 The supplier site is invalid POR: 2010263 Pl…
Purchasing ApprovalHi, We have a requirement where 2 person have to approve in the same Approval group. Eg Approval Group A User1 User2 User3 User4 We have 2 stage approval with the same a…
Min max program ending with error statusSummary: At inventory Org level the min max is setup as 0/0 there is demand quantity of -6 from maintenance work order expectation is that it should create requisition f…
How to move quantities stuck at staging locator during ShippingSummary: We need to understand why is qty getting stuck in WHSTAGING during shipping, and if it does what is the correct way to fix it that will not create accounting er…
Why suggested due date is not calculated using Lead time in Supply chain planning (Fusion)Planning (Fusion) - (Supplies & Demands screen) is not considering given lead time for the item when calculating "Suggested due date" for the requisition it created on r…Raju Pachigolla 105 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vikash Tiwary Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Attachment facility while raising CO(cancel order) for PO(purchase order) cancellationSummary: Regarding this, requirement is to have an attachment option while cancelling the purchase order. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using,…
Procurement DashboardSummary Out of Box Procurement Dashboard in Oracle Procurement CloudContent Hi Experts, I am looking for the Procurement Dashboard (out of the box (Update 20A)), have se…
OUTSIDE SERVICE SHIPMENT IS NOT POPULATING ORACLE'S SHIPPING DASHBOARD Against the WORK ORDERSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to import Blanket Purchase Agreements from EBS in FBDI formatSummary: Need queries to extract Blanket Purchase Agreements from Oracle EBS in FBDI format to import into Fusion ERP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
PR from min-max should be redirected with receptive item owner.Summary: We have one scenario, where the PR has been generated by Min-max planning (Sub-Inventory Level). After restock the 'Yes' and process supply orchestration interf…Sazeeth Singh R 32 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Sazeeth Singh R Self Service Procurement
Supply Plan outputSummary: Hi We are facing an issue where a manual manufacturing work order is not considered as supply against a demand in Supply Plan. We have run the collections and t…
Customer requires a quantity based blanket purchase agreement at header (commodity centric business)Summary: Looking for a solution to track BPAs where the deliverable is gross weight is spread (not-equally/not known) across multiple items. Need to be able to track the…
how to cancel purchase requisition from planning - Supplies and Demands page?Please let me know how can we cancel Purchase Requisition from Supplies and Demands page in planning module since we cannot reschedule it. Currently it is with past due …Raju Pachigolla 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
requirement to bulk update Remittance Advice Delivery Method and email for all suppliersSummary: Requirement to bulk update Remittance Advice Delivery Method as 'Email' and corresponding Remittance Advice Delivery Email ID for all suppliers. I have seen an …
Min Max Planing - Supplier details are not taken from Sourcing ruleSummary Min Max Planing - Supplier details are not taken from Sourcing ruleContent Create ASL for an Item. donot provide any BPA/CPA details in ASL. Create Sourcing rule…
How to Model Buyer Managed Transportation for Shipment Delays in PlanningSummary: I have a scenario where the Buyer is facilitating the Transportation of Goods from the supplier. As the PO is enabled for Buyer managed Transportation, it does …
Cloud R13: Supplier Performance Is Not Showing Any DataSummary Cloud R13: Supplier Performance Is Not Showing Any DataContent Hello, We are not able to see 'Supplier Performance' dashboard. After checking with Oracle support…
Column & Table mapping for EBS vs Oracle Cloud TablesBelow are the EBS Tables and it's respective column names, we are looking for the mapping table and columns for the same.
Why does the requested ship date and/or promised date not get populated through min/max planning?Summary: Requested ship date gets populated and calculated automatically on a purchase order through supply planning. Why does the same functionality not exist to calcul…
Digital Assistant in Supply ChainDo we have any out of the box ODA skills developed for Procurement and Supply chain modules.
Table name and column for Source AgreementSummary Table name and column for Source Agreement details of POContent what could be the Table name and column for Source Agreement details of PO(under procurment->mana…
How the price of goods will be defaulted without BPA in Fusion Cloud through planned order in MRPSummary: Business doesn't want to maintain BPA and they want to default the purchase price on PO line without BPA. This is for buy planned orders which is released from …
Incorrect Shipment in punchoutSummary: We have central procurement, with supplier punchout. When user punchout, the ship to location is pointing to location of req business uni. However user is looki…
Support for Subcontact ManufacturingSummary Looking to understand if and where Subcontract MFG is on the roadmapContent I am looking to understand if and where Subcontract Manufacturing resides in the Clou…
Location defaulting on Planned Order and OSP POSummary: When a Planned Order gets created for a buy item, is there a way to default location based on buyer or item? Planner can manually update the implement location …
How to default a Subinventory or add through API for Planned Order released PR/POSummary: Content (required): Hello Team, The Requirement is to default Sub-Inventory at Requisition or at Purchase Order line before Purchase Order goes into WMS for Rec…
Need the concept/logic behind why Retroactive pricing is viable only with Non-Cumulative Price BreakSummary We have a request from our client to have Retroactive pricing under Cumulative Price break in Blanket Purchase Agreement.Content Hi all, Based on my research, Fo…Harshith Eshwar Shaila-145631 201 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexander Joseph Purchasing
Any setups need to perform in local language in case if we enable Localization packs?Summary: Any setups need to perform in local language in case if we enable Localization packs? Content (required): We have implemented Oracle for US entities and plannin…
How to Update/Edit DRAFT purchase orderContent Hi All, We have a requirement where we need to create DRAFT purchase orders and then update it later point of time using web services. We are succesfully able to…
Use Dropshipment functionality for expense items ?Summary Is it possible to use Oracle drop-shipment flow for a expense item.?Content Hi, My client provides device installation services to its customers. But instead of …