Manufacturing Analytics
Discussion List
how to return to 'Ready' from 'In Process' for OSP operationSummary: how to return to 'Ready' from 'In Process' for OSP operation? Return to Receiving and Return to Supplier is grayed out we are not able to return the OSP item to…
Does not want to do shipment of OSP work orderSummary: Does not want to do shipment of OSP work order Content (required): We have a lots of OSP Work Order created in a day, which is causing a lot's of OSP PO creatio…
Which table stores material transaction history of a work order?Summary: Which table stores material transaction history of a work order? Content (required): Hi, there! I'm building a report to get material transaction history becaus…Andres De la Ossa-Oracle 807 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
How define under item for production the their standard qty based on their componentsSummary: How to define under item for production their standard qty based on their components For example, our item 006020014_Fisnish_Good_Rev3 is the raw material for t…
Is there any way to allocate work orders components if Qty is already exists in Supply subinventory?Summary: Is there any way to allocate work orders components from supply subinventory itself, if required quantity is already exists in Supply subinventory? Content (req…Merlin Rajesh Avery 61 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Christian Carrazco-Oracle Manufacturing
Contract Manufacturing - BPA IssueSummary: Hi Team, We are testing the Contract Manufacturing functionality and setting up the environment. We encountered this issue, where we were not able to add the Se…
How can stablish the rate of my persons resource using external systemsSummary: I need to know if I can and how to make, include the salaries of my employees who work throughout the manufacturing process using an external system that is not…
Updating DFF at Lookup Level in bulkSummary: Hi All, We have DFFs maintained at each lookup code level for different contexts. We want to update it in mass. We tried export and import option through setup …
Need subject area and column details for Start / Stop operationSummary: When start and Stop operations are used on Work Order - Operation, need to capture these duration in OTBI Analyses. Which column can be used to fetch this info?…Meera K Ganapathy-Oracle 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Meera K Ganapathy-Oracle Manufacturing
Error in work definitionSummary: I'm receiving the following error when attempting to add 106707-01 to the work def. Can you please let me what this error exactly? Please check the screenshot f…
How to assign a specific approval group to a work definition using the e signatureSummary: How to assign a specific approval group to a work definition using the e signature Content (required): How to assign a specific approval group to a work definit…
How can configure Item Structure for ManufacturingSummary: Hi, all I need to start configuring the item in general but need to consider the Item Structure when can find more specific detail on this configuration the doc…
Can we update Audit report tool to capture other business objectSummary: Audit Report tool do not capture change in DFF for Work Definition Content (required): Customer would like to capture content change on DFF created for Work def…
Can we setup two alternate resources but with same priority in Manufacturing Cloud ?Summary: We have an requirement to setup 2 alternate resources but with same priority. In our case, if primary resource is not available then that work needs to be done …Ramesh Choudhary 144 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alexander Vaidhyan-Oracle Manufacturing
Decimal precision in SCMSummary: How is Decimal precision used in various module in SCM Content (required): INV_QUANTITY_DECIMAL_PRECISION is defined as 5. I expect it to be used for displays a…Mani Rana-Triniti 83 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Radhakrishnan Angappan-Oracle Manufacturing
Efficient way to manage item numbering and manufacture of finished goods that run in different sizesSummary: We manufacture and sell finished goods by sizes. what is the best way to setup item# and item structure/work definition Content (required): We manufacture and s…
Now accepting Nominations for Manufacturing Cloud Customers for Customer Advisory BoardSummary Looking to fill several opening on our Manufacturing Cloud Customer AdvisoryContent Candidate companies should be live or going live on Manufacturing Cloud withi…Karen Theel 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aravindan Sankaramurthy -Oracle Manufacturing
What is recommended way to convert from Process To Discrete Manufacturing?Summary: Use case: Currently using Process Manufacturing Work Definitions. Evaluating to switch to Discrete Manufacturing . Wanted to know the recommended way to accompl…
How to View the Oracle Manufacturing Seeded Infolets And Get The Queries Behind Them?Summary: How to view details of Manufacturing seeded Infolets? Content (required): We need to edit/view details of oracle seeded infolets, currently we are unable to vie…
During Plan to Build through Central planning, Planned orders are relaesed for Parent Finished goodSummary Despite Planning engine release the work orders for both parent and its children work orders , currently there is no ties up of Parent to Child work order. this …User_2025-02-10-11-19-00-079 35 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Shivana-Oracle Manufacturing
How to Load MFG Resource Cost in Bulk - Is there any FBDI or REST API Available?Summary: How to Load MFG Resource Cost in Bulk - Is there any FBDI or REST API Availabl Content (required): How to Load MFG Resource Cost in Bulk - Is there any FBDI or …
Item Revisions in ManufacturingHi Team, 1. We are trying to incorporate the Item Revisions during Work Definition creation as well as Work Order creation. However application does Not allow to select …
Items not deducted during production processSummary: Items not deducted during the production process Content (required): I have done a manufacturing setup and created the following structure. Mountain Bike (Finis…
Is there a REST webservice to create Work Definitions DFFSummary Looking for a REST webservice to create a work definitions DFFContent Hello, Is there a REST webservice to create Work definitions DFF. if there is can share wit…
Mass Work Order Close issue with OSP(Outside processing) WOs and POsSummary Mass Work Order Close issue with OSP(Outside processing) WOs and POsContent Hi One of our customer by mistake ran Mass close work order schedule process,for some…
Discrete and Process Manufacturing Work AreasSummary Organisation can operate both Discrete and Process Manufacturing Work Areas in their set-up.Content I am particularly interested to know how far Process Manufact…
Supply Chain modules in Oracle EBS and Oracle CloudSummary Supply Chain modules in Oracle EBS and Oracle CloudContent In Oracle EBS (on-premise) we have the below modules as part of supply chain solution. * Oracle Engine…
Work definition approval configuration documentSummary Work definition approval configuration documentContent Configured BPM for work definition approvals and enabled ERES for the organization. But approval and FYI n…
SCM – Oracle Manufacturing Cloud Update 21B Overview, 30 April 2021, 9 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Oracle Manufacturing Cloud Update 21B Overview session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by po…