Manufacturing Analytics
Discussion List
Shift Detail type Punch gives error due to mid night break ?Summary: Shift Detail type Punch gives error due to mid night break ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Need to create shift from 10 pm to 6…
Work Order Label PrintSummary: We are Priniting WO labels via a 3rd party tool, which will be triggered by clicking on Print Documents, Print Labels, how to ensure when we click print labels …
MFG: How I can issue new serial number when performing returns?We have requirement to assign new serial numbers to the components when perform de-kitting of boxed item. We are trying to perform de-kitting of boxed item via orderless…
access to reports and analytics tileSummary: User does not see "Reports and Analytics" tile in Tools which role, data access needs to be given, user has Production Supervisor and Production Operator roles.…
Error while uploading Standard Operation Resources using ADFDIHi All, We are migrating data from On-Premise to Cloud, the UOM_CODE for resources is Cubic Meter and KWH in some cases. While creating Standard Operation resources usin…
How to complete By-Products manuallySummary: In work definition, completion type for byproduct is set to Manual and in Review Dispatch list, we are Reporting the Material Manually for the byproduct. Apart …
Override Item Structure Components in Work Definition Privilegeunable to add ahdoc items even after adding "Override Item Structure Components in Work Definition Privilege" to custom role and assigning to user
How to Mass-Delete WDs Using Process Work Definition ImportSummary: Hi team, I am attempting to mass-delete some Work Definitions (WDs) from my PROD instance, however each time I upload the WisProcessWdImport file the system doe…
What status items can be and can't be add for change order creationSummary: Business is creating change orders for life cycle phase change or status change for an item. However users are adding some time items which were already the ite…Veeranarayana Swamy-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ringo Shakya-Oracle Product Development
Removing NON-Standarad work order type from UIHi Team , We have a requirement of removing or end date "Non-Standard "work order type in oracle fusion. The management wants to stop the usage of the mentioned work ord…
For custom role unable to see work definitions with task Manage Work definitionWe have created a custom role for the cost accounting module and provided privilege as "View Work Definition, View Work Definition Names, Manage Costing Work Definitions…
Item structure in Process manufacturingSummary Item structure in Process manufacturingContent Hi Champs, Why is it that in process manufacturing we do not have item structure and that we need to add the items…
MFG Is there an existing REST API for mass unfirming work ordersSummary How can end users mass unfirm work orders either in MFG/Supply Plan/Production Schedule? Are there any existing REST API to mass firming/unfirming work orders? C…
Manufacturing - Work Order Performance Real TimeSummary: In the Manufacturing - Work Order Performance Real Time there are the following metrics Queue Time (Hours), Run Time (Hours), Idle Time (Hours) Customer has wor…Aidan McCarthy-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alexander Vaidhyan-Oracle Manufacturing
Is it possible to transfer work order from one organization to another organization?Summary: Is it possible to transfer work order from one organization to another organization? If the work order is created in Org A with a Resource A, for some reason Re…
Manufacturing - Work Order Performance Real Time - Inclusion CriteriaSummary: What are the criteria for work orders to appear in this subject area? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I created a simple report f…
How to search work order by resourceSummary: Need to search all work orders where a resource (equipment type) is used. Dont see the field "Resource" to add as additional field for work order search. Conten…
Restrict data in Help Desk RequestsWe have a requirement wherein we want to restrict the asset data in help desk requests for the specific orgs the user has data access for. We are trying to edit the cust…
Unable to find the EBS tables in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications 23D (, In EBS R12, we use OPM tables gme_batch_header, gme_material_details, fm_form_mst_b, fm_matl_dtl, gmd_recipes_b, gmd_recipes_tl. In Fusion, we are not able to fin…
Is there a table that stores Work Definition history details?Summary: Is there a table that stores Work Definition history details? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am looking to create a custom rep…
I have a requirment to upload PDf file on released work order at header level using Rest API.Summary: I have a requirment to upload PDf file on released work order at header level using Rest API. I can find get attachment rest APIs but not able to find any API f…
How to use a flexfield just for a specific Context-Sensitive Segment?Summary: In the system i would visualize a flexfield just for some organizations. How to create a context in order to distinguish organizations that need flexfield and o…
Can Some one please share the sample query on BOM to get the item structure and componentsSummary: Can Some one please share the sample query on Bill of materials to get the item structure and its components Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Rest api lists the components associated with a product defined in Bill of materialSummary: Rest api lists the components associated with a product defined in Bill of material Rest api to provide on hand quantity of the components associated with a pro…
Is there a way to delete Work Definition if there is already an existing WO in Cancelled status?A work definition has been created without item structure. A work order was created using that work definition, now that work order has been cancelled. Is there a way to…
Separate costs of materials between issued first and issued in additon to replace defect materialsSummary: By using manufacturing module, how can we distinguish costs of materials between issued at first with standard quantity and issued addtionally to replace dectiv…
Rest API for InspectionSummary: Hi I want to create Inspection for Type Resource using Rest API. Is there any Rest API? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (…
Inquiry regarding audit subnodes under SCM products in Audit Policy ConfigurationSummary: Hi, I am seeking clarification on specific audit sub nodes within the audit policy configuration that require a deeper understanding. We kindly request your gui…Zafar Ara Nawreen 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
Need Serialized part only for ShippingHello Team, We would like to have part which can be backflush in WO as child part as well as it should be shippable to customer. We need this part as serialized ONLY whi…
Work order Material Requirement Report - Process manufacturingHi Everyone, We have process manufacturing implemented. We need to have Work Order Material Requirement report based on Open Sales orders and Transfer orders. Do you hav…Oracletechnofunctional 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing