Global Order Promising
Discussion List
Scheduling for non-shippable lineSummary: We have a requirement whereby customer would like to have a non-shippable line to go for scheduling. Is this recommended functionality. We see that there is a l…
trigger assignment set based on sales order typeSummary: We have two assignment sets and each one has different sourcing supply for organizations in the sourcing rules. How can we have the option to trigger the assign…
SO FLine EFF to PR Line - B2B flowI am trying to map SO FLine EFF to PR Line seeded field Note To Buyer. Tried SCO service mapping through expression & algorithm as well, but both didn't work. No error w…
Import Export is corrupting the dataWe have below requirement and since the count of data was high so we tried to import the data from CSV and we are able to do so. But that corrupted or data and system is…
Scheduling hold applied on an Orderline with a KIT Item and unable to remove holdA sales order got imported and a scheduling hold is applied by the user on a KIT Item Order Line. When hold is released from the order line hold got released from the Pa…
Collection Job Set- Extract entities are failingSummary: All the extract entities of collection job set are failing and rerunning again. There are no error logs for these jobs. What could be the reason?
How to create Back to Back PO However it should be Drop ShipSummary: We have a business requirement, where the Supply should be back to back purchase order however it should be Drop Ship PO. Need to have warehouse on the sales or…
How to default Ship From Organization based on Customer Site and ItemSummary: How to default Ship From Organization based on Customer Site and Item without GOP or Post-Transformation Rules Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Does Buy Items honors Lead timesWe are using Supply Availability Search as ATP Rule. The scenario has been executed for a Make and Buy Item, where no Actual On Hand and Incoming supply is available. We…
Backlog Management Implementation without Supply Planning in Oracle CloudSummary: We have requirement to implement Order backlog Management without Supply Planning. Supply Planning is done by 3rd Party Planning tool. Can you please let us kno…nileshk 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Is CheckAvailability API does not support more than one order line?Summary: Whenever In CheckAvailability API, when we are passing more than one order line for eg - 2 standard item in one payload it always returns response for last item…
ATP Rule with In-transit SuppliesSummary: When ATP rule is defined to include supply from "In-transit Supplies" we found that GOP availability is considering transfer orders that have not been shipped f…
Is Material Status associated to Lot considered by GOPSummary: Material Status associated to Lot not considered by GOP. Lots are assigned to 'Reserved' material status that is non Nettable and will not be included in ATP bu…Pitchai_Gopalakrishnan 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pitchai_Gopalakrishnan Order Management
How to achieve having different item on order line and fulfillment lineSummary: Client has a requirement to have item A on sales order line and fulfil demand with item B. Both the items are inventory items. The pricing, reporting and invoic…Hari Prasad Reddy Naga 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Hari Prasad Reddy Naga Order Management
SSD should be derived based on credit release date and timeSummary: Schedule Ship Date should be based on credit release date and time Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are using credit check at t…
Orchestration Process Re-Triggers after EFF UpdateSummary: Hi, we are using the seeded Pause task in our orchestrations, we set the pause rule to release the task when EFF value = 'Yes' we are facing unexpected behavior…Dor Ariel-Oracle 242 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to exclude certain orders from GOPSummary: How to exclude few orders from GOP Scenario: Item: A123 Lead Time: 10 Days; Total OHQ: 1000 Total Demand : 1200 Out of total demand of 1200 , we have 1000 deman…
How to get the extract of supply allocation rules?Summary: We have uploaded Supply Allocation rules using FBDI. We want to verify and validate the loaded data. Is there any report or table that we can use to extract all…
Do we have Service mapping from Order Management to RMCS to bring in Unit SSP?Hi All, Do we have service mapping for OM to RMCS integration? We need to bring in cost+gross margin as unit SSP from OM to RMCS. Please suggest. Thanks, Aruna.
Can we perform back to back for service item?Summary: We have a requirement to have back to back flow with service item on sales order and those services will be performed by supplier. Wanted to know if back to bac…
How to use DOO Credit Check Orchestration Step to apply Holds on Sales orderSummary: How to use DOO Credit Check Orchestration Step to apply Holds on Sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requiremen…
Does oracle honor on hand of subassembly or final purchased parts while suggesting SSD for FGSummary: Does oracle honor on hand of subassembly or final purchased parts while suggesting SSD if in the ATP rule on hand supply is checked Content (required): Version …
Over Completed Quantities from MFG not being considered for B2B ordersSummary: This is a B2B make scenario where we created an SO for 4 Qty, and subsequently, a work order was created for the same. We actually over completed the WO to 14 Q…
Can we have approval when there is a manual price overrideSummary We have enabled Allow Override Price in Price list items - approval should be triggered whenever there is a override in Your Price- can we define approval rule f…
Sourcing Rule assignment at Item and Organization level is not working for Dropship orders.Summary: We have the below requirement in our project to source single item from 2 different suppliers for 2 different Inv.orgs Item : 1234 Org : INV1 (BU1) and INV2 (BU…
HVGOP enabled , CTP dates not populating as per expectationsSummary: IBM India Pvt. Ltd. Content (required): Enable HVGOP. For the Capable to Promise Scenario, with the lead times, Schedule Ship Dates and Availability does not sh…
Not able to perform unreferenced return Order on a star itemContent Not able to perform only unreferenced return Order on a star item (items are CTO models) but able to perform reference return without any issue for the same star…
Sales Order Advances to Awaiting Shipping without Item On hand.Expectation is Reservation fail errorI have an ATP rule with Supply chain availability promising mode and Infinite availability time fence set to Total lead time. Scheduling is happening correctly ,however …
How to test HVGOP functionality before migrating to PRODUCTION environmentHello Community Experts, We are currently testing HVGOP in testing env and want to ascertain that HVGOP is indeed enabled and all the new Sales orders are being promised…
Unable to release a custom Pause step in the orchestration process based on Line EFF valueSummary: Requirement is to Release the Pause only when a specific pre-defined value is entered in the EFF. Currently the rule is not validating the EFF Value. Attaching …Aravind Reddy-Oracle 39 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Aravind Reddy-Oracle Order Management