Global Order Promising
Discussion List
Supply order via GOP is not reserving onhand quantities as expectedUse Case: Onhand qty - 1000 kg Open Requisition with date as 25 April- 500 Kg Sales Order with request date as 26 April booked on 24 April - 2000 Kg Lead time- 2 days GO…
How to Assign Item Master Organization to the Sourcing RuleSummary: We would like to create a generic Sourcing Rule and assign Item Master Organization to an Sourcing Rule Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Availability Status shows delay of 599 days for a B2B flow. Any chance how this is calculatedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Do we require GOP Setup if we import sales order through FBDI ?Summary: Do we require GOP Setup if we import sales order through FBDI ? Do we require ATP , Sourcing Setup if we import sales order through FBDI and populate all dates …
How to default destination Subinventory on the transfer order generated by supply planningSummary: Hello All, There is a business requirement to automate the shipping and receiving of transfer orders, once sufficient is available from source. All the TO lines…
Update in SSD does not cascade to Work Order Start date in Back to Back Make OrdersSummary: Update in SSD does not cascade to Work Order Start date in Back to Back Make Orders Please advise how to handle this scenario
How to automate the addition of freight line and calculation of Freight on sales order line in cloudSummary: Ability to automate the addition of freight line and calculation of Freight on sales order line. Content: on Sales order lines: Freight Tab: A New field eg: "De…
Is it possible to create a Direct PO with out PR for back to back sales order in Oracle FusionSummary: Is it possible to create a Direct PO with out PR for back to back sales order in Oracle Fusion - When we Create a b2b Sales Order as per Standard Flow PR is cre…
Why I am unable to assign Item Master Organization to the ATP Rule ?I have created an ATP Rule and want to assign the ATP Rule to the item master organization. But the Item master org is not coming in the LOV while org assignment to ATP …
Post transformation rule set request ship date plus 7 daysSummary: hi Gurus, I was able to set post transformation rule to populate request ship date to schedule ship date following doc ID 2190769.1, how ever If I need to 7 day…
Work Order completion is overriding past SSD on B2B orderHi We are seeing Work Order completion is overriding past SSD on B2B order Fulfilment line. Clayton Business doesn't want to override SSD from WO completion. Is there a …
How to setup Schedule Ship Date as Schedule Arrival Date-10 DaysSummary: We have a requirement to setup Schedule Ship Date as Schedule Arrival Date-10 Days. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are settin…Abhishek Sinha 150 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Gururaman Subramanian-Oracle Order Management
DropShip without GOP giving errorSummary: Hi Team, Getting this error when we submit the Dropship order by giving the supplier and site..Item is Back to Back enabled NO and No onhand exists. Content (pl…
Create Automatic Purchase Requisition against a Transfer OrderSummary: We would like to automatically create Purchase Orders whenever, there is insufficient onhand quantity to fulfill the Transfer Order Content (required): How to a…
Is there anyway to auto assign newly created items to ATP Rule Assignment?Summary: As per the end user the items were getting auto-assigned ATP Rule assignment set. But before few days it has suddenly stopped. So, I want to know were there any…
How to add Item availability option in quick action under GOP?Summary: We have a requirement to add Item Availability option in the springboard under GOP for quick access. We have tried using sandbox but we could not find the task …
Back to Back buy with inventory transactionHi Team, We are trying to use the inventory transaction (Direct ship) functionality along with the back to back buy flow. Below are the steps followed and seeing an issu…
How to View available supply sources for an item using Rest APISummary: We had a requirement to view all the available supply sources for the item include Purchase Order through Rest API. We just want to know about the available Res…
SOAP OrderImportService throws DOO_IMP_CHANGE_DRAFT_ONLY_ERR on change order with SubmitFlag FalseSummary: On calling SOAP OrderImportService operation to create change order to insert new line in DRAFT status, we get below error. Endpoint: https://:/fscmService/Orde…
How to Control Populating of Schedule Ship Date on Order Line Based on CutoffRequirement is to populate schedule ship date based on the cutoff time calculated by the customer ship to destination. Schedule ship date would be same date if order is …
How to get the Project clearing account cleared for sales order lines with projectSummary: How to get the Project clearing account cleared for sales order lines with project Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When we have a…Ahmed Saeed-Oracle 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ahmed Saeed-Oracle Project Management
Order Promising Fulfilment IssueSummary: Nowadays most of our sales orders are struck with the error: Order promising can't schedule the fulfillment line because sourcing for the item isn't set up corr…
Back to Back Sales Order is not getting CreatedSummary: We have enabled the Back-to-Back flag from the item level and 'Buy' and 'Transfer' sourcing rules have been configured according to the requirement. We have als…Vihanga Weerasinghe 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vihanga Weerasinghe Order Management
Import sales orders going into errorHi We are trying to load create SALES ORDER using FBDI, But it is repeatedly going into error. The error is- ***** SOURCE TRANSACTION ID, SOURCE TRANSACTION SYSTEM, SOUR…P.S.Nikhitha Muduliar 70 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to Import EDI 850 POI in Oracle Cloud Order ManagementSummary: How to Import EDI 850 POI in Oracle Cloud Order Management Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are to looking to Import EDI 850 PO…Abhishek Sinha 48 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Update fulfillemnt line EFF of the split lineSummary: Is it possible to update the line EFF of the new line created due to partial shipment? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, The or…
When creating a sales order, how to default the "billing address" based on a selected "ship to addreSummary When doing a customer site setup, we associate "ship to site" to a "bill to site". In SO creation, logically once we selected the shipping address, billing addre…
GOP is not providing recommendation for PTO Model itemSummary: I have created PTO Model structure in fusion, PTO model has ATO model and some optional accessories. When i create order for ATO model alone, GOP is providing r…
How to configure carrier assignment and shipping method by a parameterSummary: Hello, I would like to know how to achieve the following casuistic on my environment: 1. We've installed Oracle Commerce Cloud in our business. 2. Here there is…Vanessa Garma 62 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management