Global Order Promising
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How to deactivate ASN from drop ship process?Summary: How to deactivate ASN from drop ship process? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to deactivate ASN from drop ship process. P…
On Dropship order revision its cancelling existing Purchase order and creating new POSummary: Hi Team, We have the below requirement on the Drop ship flow. Requirement : User should be able to add new lines to the existing drop ship sales order, the new …
Display Source warehouse information during Item entry in the sales orderSummary: Hi Folks We would like to see the source warehouse along with On-hand information during item entry in the sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Can we edit Sales order approval notification screen?Summary: Hi, We have requirement to edit Sales Order Email notification screen like we did for AP invoices or Subscription approvals. is there any path of the standard B…VishnuVardhan_Technical_Consultant 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shyam_Patel Order Management
GOP to default source inventory organization in SO not working when using RegionSummary: I have created a zone which include Nordic countries. I have created a global sourcing rule to ship goods from Global Warehouse in Sweden I have created a globa…
we have requirement to default schedule Arrival Date based on Ship from warehouse, ship to and FOBSummary we have requirement to default schedule Arrival Date based on Ship from warehouse, ship to address ,FOB and Transit Time. Can you please let us know how to achie…
Extract details of supply reservation created using Automatically Schedule APIWe are trying to extract the details of the reservations made via the Automatically Schedule API. The details include Fulfillment Line Identifier Expected Item, Demand C…
HVGOP 'Automatically schedule' API table details : /fscmRestApi/msp/latest/globalOrderPromises/autoSAPI: /fscmRestApi/msp/latest/globalOrderPromises/autoSchedule Which tables the details get create or stored while using API--> /fscmRestApi/msp/latest/globalOrderPromise…
Getting below error message during shipment step in OMSummary: Getting below error message during shipment step in OM. Error: WSH_SHPCN_OI_REQ_LSP_ID Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applic…
Table Name for Order Pretransformation RulesSummary: Content (required): What is the Table that the the data related to "Pretransformation Rules for Sales Orders" or "Pretransformation Defaulting Rules" is stored?…Ahmed Saeed-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Collection Process Required in HVGOP or not?Summary: Hi Oracle Experts, As Oracle standard GOP is now shifting to HVGOP, there will be elimination of schedule Process" Refresh and Start Order Promising Server" but…
Need Ability to define lead time for Item and Customer Site combinationSummary: I have a scenario where same item may have different lead time for a customer or customer site. Plan is to use "Lead Time Based" ATP Rule but how can we have Cu…
Can we do Scheduling and Reservation at Subinventory levelSummary: Hi Team, Could you please help confirm if we can use the Seeded Schedule & Reserve Steps in the Orchestration for the below Business Use Case: Customer A, Custo…
Query to get BILL to customer for Order line not FulfillmentWe recently encountered one weird issue, Where We don't have BillTo Address in order lines but it is there in Fulfilment lines. This is happening after we create revisio…Sandeep Shaw 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Ensure the inventory stock for the Sales OrderSummary: We have a requirement for ensuring the stock for the Sales Order, the customer creates a sales order through an external system, the external system has the log…
How to restrict automatic reservation of work order supply created from B2B sales order ?Hi, We have implemented Back to Back Make type Sales Order, where once the Sales Order is booked, Work Order is created automatically. After Work Order creation, automat…
Date range to consider shipping history in HVGOP - back end data sources requiredSummary: In Oracle Fusion HVGOP, we have a requirement to retrieve the start date and end date range for considering shipping history within the context of managing supp…Thushara Unnikrishnan 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Thushara Unnikrishnan Order Management
Line Status supply Request CompleteSummary Some of the order lines gets stuck with the status "Supply Request Complete"Content Dear, Some of the order lines gets stuck with the status "Supply Request Comp…
Will Back to Back Orders generate both a Transfer Order and Work OrderSummary: Have a situation where we want to set up Make to Order products that need to be shipped out of or DC not the MFG Plant. I have set this up with sourcing rules f…
GOP sharing available stock on its way?Summary: GOP makes a strange stock assignment to sales order. Content (required): Consider this scenario for item X: Availability in IO1= 30 UN. It's the same than onhan…
In Pretransformation Rules while adding the condition of IN LIST how many can be addedSummary: While creating a pre tranformation rule in Condition for IN LIST how many values can be added. Example : Order type is not null Customer is not null Item is IN …Swetha Mitta 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Product with limited Supply. Instead of allocating to one warehouse, allocate to multiple warehousesSummary: My customer has a new product which has limited supply. A big Amazon order comes in. The PO from Amazon, and if there is supply available from one PO. They deli…Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Order Management
How to reserve the sales order based on customer profileone of my client is looking for the below requirement. example: I have customer A with High preference and customer B with medium preference order place with Customer B …
Supply Order Number not getting generated for Back-to Back Transfer FlowSummary: We are testing Back-to-Back Sales Order (Transfer Flow). For the same, we have set up ATP Rules, Global Sourcing rule and local sourcing rule, assigned the Back…
How to import sourcing rules and assignment sets by FBDI?Summary: I want to import Sourcing Rules and Assignment Sets. I tried import but errored. Please tell me how to correct. Content (required): Version (include the version…
GOP Pegging not showing results later than one monthSummary: We created Sales order with 2 Make items for month of October GOP pegging shows pegging details correctly taking into account both material and resource constra…
How to skip reservation step in orchestration only if Onhand is not availableSummary: How to skip reservation step in orchestration only if Onhand is not available Content (required): How to skip reservation step in orchestration only if Onhand i…
GOP assigns an incorrect sourceSummary: Please review detailed attachment. The summary is that GOP is assigning a SO line to be shiped from a IO where there is not available stock. Thanks! Content (re…
GOP and Order Promise Dates: UTC vs local timeHi We are struggling to align our delivery-on-promise reporting for customers in the US. Our system database time is in UTC and we have a distribution site in Boston, MA…
'Refresh and Start Order Promising Server' stuck in warning status.Hello Everyone, I tried to run the scheduled process 'Refresh and Start Order Promising Server' many times but every time it got stuck in warning status. However I had d…