Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
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ICO Dropship Procurement AR Invoice "Intercompany Receivables Invoice" Stuck in SFO ExecutionSummary ICO Dropship Procurement AR Invoice "Intercompany Receivables Invoice" Stuck in SFO ExecutionContent Hi All, This is regarding "Intercompany Procurement Flow" In…
Intercompany Receivables Invoice Not Started in some TransactionsContent Scenario: Internal Drop Shipment Sales Order Created and Shipped. Intercompany Receivables Invoice is not being updated to in progress, which means that the tran…
Significance of Conversion for Accounting in Order > Edit Currency DetailsSummary What all places does the details selected in Conversion for Accounting impact ?Content Navigation : Create Order > Actions > Edit Currency Details > Conversion o…
Is it possible to define an additional pricing charge along with the sale price that will interfaceSummary We are planning to distinguish a percent of the price to interface to receivables with to different lines so we can segregate the revenue in two accounts.Content…
How to Configure Zebra Printer for Printing of Address Labels for Shipping in Order Management CloudSummary How to Configure Zebra Printer for Printing of Address Labels for Shipping in Order Management CloudContent Hi, Could you please let me know how to Configure Zeb…
How to default the "Requested Date" to Syadate+1 at Sales OrderSummary How to default the "Requested Date" to Syadate+1 at Sales OrderContent Hi, While creating the sales order, if the "Requested Date" is not updated for a future da…
UOM of the item is getting defaulted with Primary UOM while creating the Pick Wave Instead of UOM inSummary UOM of the item is getting defaulted with Primary UOM while creating the Pick Wave Instead of UOM in which Item has been received against the POContent Hi, Busin…
Is there a way to segregate picking and shipment process in the orchrestration process?Summary Is there a way to segregate picking and shipment process in the orchrestration process?Content Is there a way to segregate picking and shipment process in the or…
Intercompany across LE and BUSummary Document and/or pointers for intercompany transfers across LE and BUContent Experts, Looking for a document or pointer on Intercompany across LE and BU. All the …
Can we stop creating purchase requisitions automatically for Drop Ship Orders?Summary Customer wants to stop the automatic creation of purchase requisition,rather they will use a payload to do this after doing certain price adjustment,is it possib…
For Back to Back ,do I need a mandatory Global sourcing ruleSummary For Back to Back ,do I need a mandatory Global sourcing ruleContent Can I not just have a local sourcing rule with supplier and supplier site for back to back it…
Release fulfillment line through APISummary Can you release/put hold on fulfillment line or orchestration process through APIContent Is it possible to put the hold on the fulfillment line or release hold u…Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro 66 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Order Management
Without using order type,FBDI sales order import is giving errorSummary Without using Order type,giving the customer given list price ,sales order import is giving errorContent I am not using order type,giving the price which may not…
why Order line is not splitting to two lines when sales ord qty > available qtySummary Sales order qty is more than available qty,ideally it should get split ,but it is notContent We are in Rel 13 and update 19A,we have an Item A ,say qty is 20 but…
Can a regular stockable Item be drop shipped if the source is changed to supplier in Fusion Order MgSummary Can a regular stockable item be drop shipped without changing the Item Attribute ?Content Hi In Cloud I would like to know if a regular item which generally gets…
How to introduce Pause in Orchestration based on customer site level DFF valueSummary How to introduce Pause in Orchestration based on customer site level DFF valueContent Customer has a requirement of holding a license number and license expirati…
Unable to create or calculate Prorate billing for a Subscription ItemSummary When created Sales Order with Subscription Item system fails to calculate Prorate billing,Content Dear Team, Greetings!! When created Sales Order with Subscripti…
Business Unit is empty in "Import AutoInvoice" Schedule Process.Summary Business Unit is empty in "Import AutoInvoice" Schedule Process.Content Hi All, Please help on below issue. Version 18 D
Sales Order Discount LineSummary Is it possible to add a sales order "Discount" line or apply a discount at the order level?Content We have a need to structure a sales order with individual prod…
DOO configurationSummary Can we copy DOO configuration from one instance to another?Content Can we copy/extract DOO configuration from one instance?