Discussion List
How to make approval workflow for move order?Summary: After internal requisition approved, customer want to wants to put it back in the approval process when transact mover order. Content (required): Version (inclu…
Enable Workflow approval using Application ComposerSummary: Enable Workflow approval using Application Composer Content (required): We have created a New Item Request Screen using Application Composer. Requestor will ent…
Can we transfer material from one project to another with approvals using any Inventory Transaction?Summary: Can we transfer material from one project to another with approvals using any Inventory Transaction? Content (required): Hello All, We have a requirement where …
BPA approval rules based on Inventory orgSummary: Content (required): Hi, We need to setup BPA approval based on Inventory org. For eg. BPA-1, Inventory org 1 , should go to Person A. BPA-2 , Inventory org 2, s…
How can we recover movement request from transaction console which is in pending Approval?Summary: Hi All, This is regarding movement request which was in the pending approval stage This movement request was submitted for approvals and when its in the pending…
Movement Request Approval ProcessSummary Movement Request Approval ProcessContent Hello, is it possible in 20B to configure approval process on the Movement Request? Thanks
How To Create Accept and Reject Receipt Transactions using API in 23a?Summary: How To Create 4-way Receipt Transactions using API in 23a? Business scenario: While creating PO Receipt automation flow using REST APIs. How to receive multiple…Uma Seethala-Oracle 123 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Inventory Management
List of available KFF in InventorySummary List of available KFF in InventoryContent Hi all, List of available KFF in Inventory. Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 19B
Auto approve change order on min-max replenishment POIn version 22D, we currently have the profile value INV_MINMAX_REORDER_APPROVED set to "Preapproved" at the Site level, and that seems to be working fine. Generated requ…
Approval process in ReservationSummary: Content (required): Is it possible to have approvals for Reservation? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code sni…Deepti Bharadwaj 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
How to leverage TransferOrderNotificationTask in BPMSummary: Content (required): Does anyone know the use of the approval flows in BPM: TransferOrderNotificationTask TransferOrderApprovalTask They don't seem to be editabl…
How to setup confirmed Receipts for expense items?Summary: How to setup confirmed Receipts for expense items? Content (required): Hello I would like to setup the funcionality called confirmed Receipts ? Please Advise Wh…
Configuring approval rules for different inventory transaction typesSummary Configuring approval rules for different inventory transaction typesContent Hello, I am unable to select the "Transaction type"and "Product Code" during configur…Mohamed Abdelwahab 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Aida Mohamed Najuib Inventory Management
How to set Approval for Cycle count in oracle cloudSummary: Is it possible to have a Cycle Count adjustment Approval Hierarchy. If it is yes please provide me the solution how to configure in the application Content (req…arunkumar pemmanaboiyana-Oracle 71 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
Approvals for Sub-Inventory Transactions, Is it PossibleSummary As per the requirement we need approvals for sub-inventory transfers between particular for material movement between few selected subinventories.Content I tried…
How to setup approval rules in BPM when receiving POSummary Want to know how to setup Approval Rules for E-Records in BPM "MtlManagementEresInlineTask"Content We have been noticed "Oracle Social Network End of Life Announ…Tomoyuki Hyakutake-Oracle 67 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by ChaitanyaV02 Inventory Management
Approval for receving item , with My Receipts (SSP)Summary How to create approval for Receving item thru SSPContent How can we create Approval for receving an expense item , while receving thru SSP - My Receipts Version …
How to restrict the user to use only primary or secondary UOM instead to select any UOM on miscellanSummary How to restrict the user to use only primary or secondary UOM instead to select any UOM on miscellaneous transaction screenContent Does anyone notice that by def…Kaleem Khan 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Piyush Potdar-Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Having Approval Workflow at PO ReceivingContent RIght now there is not workflow with Purchase Order Receiving. But in some cases for example in case of service items original requestor and his manager needs to…
Can we Create Approval flow for ReceivingSummary How can we create approval flow for ReceivingContent Hi Team, I have one requirement , where customer wanted to setup the approval flow for GRN. As and when we r…
In-transit Organization transfer TRx WorkflowSummary In-transit Organization transfer TRx WorkflowContent Hi, Is it possible to configure approval on in-transit organization request transfer?How can i notify the re…Mohamed Abdelwahab 24 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
IMT with approval workflowSummary Importing IMTs with approvals from Oracle Commerce CloudContent We would like to have such stockable items available in our OCC webshop that require superior app…
Controls In Oracle To Stop PO Receipt Correction Once an Invoice Is PaidSummary Looking for Available Controls to Stop Requesters from Correcting Receipt Once an Invoice has been Processed & PaidContent Hi Team, We are looking for Controls/O…User_2025-02-05-20-31-30-302 123 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Madhu Chalamalasetty Inventory Management
Suggestions in Return to Vendor processSummary Suggestions in Return to Vendor processContent Hi All, While responding to a High-Tech Contract Manufacturer Client RFP, looking for suggestions to provide solut…
Inquiry about "Miscellaneous Trx " approval processSummary Inquiry about Miscellaneous Transaction approval processContent Hello, if i configure approval process on the "Miscellaneous Trx" ,does the approval will be able…Mohamed Abdelwahab 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Is it possible to configure approval for (Miscellaneous TRX &Movement Request).Summary Is it possible to configure approval for (Miscellaneous TRX &Movement Request).Content Hello, Is it possible to configure approval for (Miscellaneous TRX &Moveme…
Approval on Miscellaneous receipt and IssueSummary Approval on Miscellaneous receipt and IssueContent Hi All, Our client has a requirement of managing approval on Misc receipt/issue transaction in Oracle inventor…Huyen Nguyen-166519 62 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Huyen Nguyen-166519 Inventory Management
Is it possible to turn off the "Receive In Full" option or hide this functionality from requesters?Summary We would like to figure out if it is possible to turn off the "Receive In Full" option in OracleCloud.Content We would like to figure out if it is possible to tu…User_2025-02-01-07-37-55-161 65 views 7 comments 5 points Most recent by User_2025-02-01-07-37-55-161 Inventory Management
Custom worklist and approvals based on DFF segmentSummary Custom worklist and approvals based on DFF segmentsContent hi, did any one create a custom worklist and workflow approvals based on DFF Can someone point to any …
Shipments Document SequenceSummary Shipments Document SequenceContent Hello, How can I set up or define a sequence for my shipment documents based on the business unit? Thank you. Version Oracle F…Mohammad Alhindawi 62 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management